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RE: Transgenderism: The Real Child Abuse Epidemic

Yes it is child abuse but that doesn't really describe what is happening here, a much better description would be "genocide". They are enacting a final solution for anyone who may possess any traits that they identify as "transgender" by first delaying puberty and then chemically sterilizing any children they believe possess any of the traits they identify. Obviously the children they believe possess traits they label as "transgender" will never be able to reproduce, this is no different than any other progressive eugenics program. What other goal could their be than to totally eliminate from the population anyone they identify as having traits they label as "transgender"?

Some states sterilized "imbeciles" for much of the 20th century. Although compulsory sterilization is now considered an abuse of human rights, Buck v. Bell was never overturned, and Virginia did not repeal its sterilization law until 1974.[57] The most significant era of eugenic sterilization was between 1907 and 1963, when over 64,000 individuals were forcibly sterilized under eugenic legislation in the United States.[58] Beginning around 1930, there was a steady increase in the percentage of women sterilized, and in a few states only young women were sterilized. From 1930 to the 1960s, sterilizations were performed on many more institutionalized women than men.[31] By 1961, 61 percent of the 62,162 total eugenic sterilizations in the United States were performed on women.[31] A favorable report on the results of sterilization in California, the state with the most sterilizations by far, was published in book form by the biologist Paul Popenoe and was widely cited by the Nazi government as evidence that wide-reaching sterilization programs were feasible and humane.[59][60]
Men and women were compulsorily sterilized for different reasons. Men were sterilized to treat their aggression and to eliminate their criminal behavior, while women were sterilized to control the results of their sexuality.[31] Since women bore children, eugenicists held women more accountable than men for the reproduction of the less "desirable" members of society.[31] Eugenicists therefore predominantly targeted women in their efforts to regulate the birth rate, to "protect" white racial health, and weed out the "defectives" of society.

I wonder how many "transgender children" they have "treated" with puberty blockers and hormonal sterilizations?

Here is some more evidence of how they are in fact targeting the poorest and most vunerable children for this stearalisation just like all their eugenics programs

A survey by the Williams Institute found 13.6 percent of youth in foster care identified as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, and 5.6 percent as transgender, compared to 7.2 percent and 2.25 percent of the general youth population.

So somehow kids in foster care are like 4 times as likely to be "transgender"?

this whole page is pretty disturbing


All just a part of "the plan."