Transgenderism: The Real Child Abuse Epidemic

in #familyprotection6 years ago

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There is a new child abuse epidemic in America being fomented by educators and the therapeutic community... an epidemic of transgenderism. By targeting children whose sexuality hasn't been solidified- nor should it be- they are forcing children into "choosing" sexuality. However, children are not sexual creatures, they lack the maturity and mental capacity to make decisions of this sort. Not to worry, there are plenty of adults just chomping at the bit to politicize the issue and make the decision for them... to the detriment of childhood, not to mention endangering the lives of the children themselves.

The suicide rate among children who identify as transgender is astronomical (as it is with adults, 19X the rate of the overall population. The "multiplier effect" so to speak with children is that as they approach adulthood, the sexuality forced upon them by adults (for their own gain) doesn't necessarily fit. It's axiomatic that all children are confused about things that they don't normally think about- they're children. And now these sexualized children are committing suicide at an alarming rate... and it's the teachers and therapists that are to blame... after all, these children didn't sexualize themselves. Back in the "good old days" before sex education we didn't have these problems, and sex ed is just a part of the attack on the nuclear family and the undermining of parental authority by activists.

According to pediatrician Michelle Cretella, these alarming suicide statistics among transgender teens is being used by activists to force parents into gender reassignment and hormone therapy, telling them that it will make their children "happy and better adjusted." Nothing could be further from the truth. "The new study assumes the unproven belief that all gender identities are equally healthy and fixed in all children and teens. This is an ideological premise touted by professional medical and psychiatric guilds, not scientific fact."

Ideology has no place in medicine, physical or psychological... it garners benefits to the purveyor and not the patient- in this case children. Moreover, "the study also offers no proof that these radical therapies—puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies for girls, and so on—will prevent adolescents from attempting suicide." The statistics from the study revealed some alarming results...

"The team found that adolescent girls who identified as male had the highest rate of ever having attempted suicide: 50.8 percent. Adolescents who identified as nonbinary were next at 41.8 percent. Among male adolescents who identified as female, 29.9 percent had attempted suicide at least once. Those who were questioning their gender identity were next with a rate of 27.9 percent." 50.8% is an incredibly troubling number. It's also telling that the lowest percentage is among teens who were just "questioning."

Naturally the authors of the study blame societies' nonacceptance of the transgender lifestyle for the disparities. Surely it couldn't be that children have had sexuality forced on them since as early as kindergarten that's to blame. "They say more research needs to be done to 'comprehensively examine the factors (e.g. gender minority stress) that explain why transgender adolescents experience higher odds of suicide behavior.' Thus, they rule out from the start the possibility that the actual transition from female to male might play a role in aggravating stress and provoking one to suicide."

Here is one tragic consequence to this ideological push: "It looks as though this study, and the future research the authors seem to encourage, will be used to continue pressuring families to affirm their children’s gender identity in lieu of their biological sex, lest they drive their children to commit suicide. Parents will be sent a clear message: Help your child transition, or you may lose them to suicide—and it will likely be your fault."

Instead of allowing to mature naturally into whatever sexual category they are (there are only 2) children are being forced to choose from a smorgasbord of sexual preferences- most of which they don't even understand. This entire issue can be summed up in one word... ideology. Make no mistake, this has nothing at all to do with children and healthy sexuality. This is a political rather than medical issue being foisted upon the public by the same ideologues that pushed the "epidemic of child abuse" back in the 1970's and 80's... the one that lead to the CPS bureaucracy that is tearing loving families apart. This is just another employed tactic by the same group. If parents refuse to go along with the "sexuality police" their children will be removed and put into foster care. By confusing the children they are able to drive a wedge between parents and their kids.

These people will stop at nothing to destroy America's families. Children are being sexualized at a younger and younger age. The mainstream media is full of images of children in sexually compromised positions, helping to mainstream child sexuality... they are also all in on the transgender movement- and that's what it is, a political movement, not a naturally engendered sexuality. There are currently some 72 "genders" and if you don't allow your child to participate in the flavor of the week, it's grounds for CPS intervention. Don't be fooled, this is just a ploy to keep the foster care/ child trafficking pipeline full.





In the last year alone, the UK saw a 4,415% increase in young girls seeking sex changes .. In Australia they currently have a four year old that is in the process of transitioning, this is the epitome of insanity! The drugs given to children to delay puberty have been linked to numerous lifelong health problems including liver disease, kidney funtion, cancer, thinning of the bones, fatigue, muscle weakness, high blood pressure, weight gain, thrombosis to name a few.

Running alongside this huge public awareness campaign, the media and indeed Hollywood are busy redefining the definitions of masculinity and femininity .. equally numerous studies increasingly show the effect gender bending chemicals and plastics are having upon the population, there are hundreds of these studies but people simply ignore them as they don't fit the narrative.

Whatever happened to tom boys? .. I knew many that grew up to be beautiful women who embraced their femininity .. one has to wonder what would happen to them in today's society? Be whoever you want and if you're not hurting anyone do whatever you want .. but leave the children out of it! This is a line in the sand that we must not allow to be crossed!!

I couldn't agree more! What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their home is their business, but when you involve children you've crossed a line!

The fact that a post like this can't be censored on the STEEM blockchain is one of the biggest reasons why I don't use Facebook any longer. The harm these unbelievably idiotic ideologies do is immense. We need to keep spreading "alternative viewpoints" (a.k.a. rationality) because education is the weapon that leads to self-empowerment and changes our world for the better one person at a time. As an optimist, I try to view the rise in popularity of these ways of thinking as humanity's growing pains, but it's a strange time to live on planet Earth when people will swear to your face that a complete lie is the truth.

Such strange times we live in. I don't think humans ever make it easy....

I turned off my t.v. in 1990, and never regretted that decision. With the ability to watch people pick up and drop trends from a safe distance, I really got to observe how quickly people adapt to what they see on the t.v.

That said, if you can detach yourself from what you are watching you can really see the trajectory of programming topics over the decades.

I pray for these children that are raised by their devices and not their parents.

God bless and thank you for addressing this topic!

Thank you and God bless! I turned mine off about 5 years ago (and feel infinitely better)

It's also excellent means for division. We can play at equality and tolerance, but there's a clear divide among people and by pushing these idiocies from earlier ages, they're just making sure that the divide will grow ever larger.
Being a child/teen is already confusing enough as it is - plenty of insecurities and doubts to choose from, so it's normal for them to be questioning things. But when you push it on them to decide that they identify with something they don't, you just push them over the edge.

In my country, there's a lot of talk about a coming referendum (whether gays can adopt or not) and the thing is I think a lot more people would be for if they weren't afraid of extremes such as this. The sad truth is, if this passes, it's only a matter of time until we have sex ed in kindergarten and transgender pride for 2 year olds. And I have a feeling those people opposing the referendum are more against that.

As I was saying divide, it's driving both parties to the extreme and to viciously attack one another. this is not just a win for child traffickers. It's a win for the system - you don't have time to think how badly they're screwing you if you spend all your time thinking how much you hate the "others" whoever they may be.

We already have sex ed in kindergarten! The real sad part of this is that it's the kids that pay for this ideology- often with their lives!

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I've never understood making these kinds of decisions before the brain is even fully developed. That doesn't happen until your early 20s.

That's why they're forcing it on children... it's political and the kids are pawns.

they need to stop them from reproducing so they have to start before puberty to be sure they can't reproduce

When somebody says their kid is "transgender" its like saying their cat is "vegan..." It's pretty easy to determine who is really making the decision.

Paraphrased from Owen Benjamin.

Owen sounds like a smart guy!

He's right yah know!

I'm a millennial and I remember the cool thing to do was wear a WWJD bracelet. How we have fallen. Please come soon Jesus.

This time He won't come as a lamb, but carrying a sword... or as my priest said- a .50 cal!

Yes it is child abuse but that doesn't really describe what is happening here, a much better description would be "genocide". They are enacting a final solution for anyone who may possess any traits that they identify as "transgender" by first delaying puberty and then chemically sterilizing any children they believe possess any of the traits they identify. Obviously the children they believe possess traits they label as "transgender" will never be able to reproduce, this is no different than any other progressive eugenics program. What other goal could their be than to totally eliminate from the population anyone they identify as having traits they label as "transgender"?

Some states sterilized "imbeciles" for much of the 20th century. Although compulsory sterilization is now considered an abuse of human rights, Buck v. Bell was never overturned, and Virginia did not repeal its sterilization law until 1974.[57] The most significant era of eugenic sterilization was between 1907 and 1963, when over 64,000 individuals were forcibly sterilized under eugenic legislation in the United States.[58] Beginning around 1930, there was a steady increase in the percentage of women sterilized, and in a few states only young women were sterilized. From 1930 to the 1960s, sterilizations were performed on many more institutionalized women than men.[31] By 1961, 61 percent of the 62,162 total eugenic sterilizations in the United States were performed on women.[31] A favorable report on the results of sterilization in California, the state with the most sterilizations by far, was published in book form by the biologist Paul Popenoe and was widely cited by the Nazi government as evidence that wide-reaching sterilization programs were feasible and humane.[59][60]
Men and women were compulsorily sterilized for different reasons. Men were sterilized to treat their aggression and to eliminate their criminal behavior, while women were sterilized to control the results of their sexuality.[31] Since women bore children, eugenicists held women more accountable than men for the reproduction of the less "desirable" members of society.[31] Eugenicists therefore predominantly targeted women in their efforts to regulate the birth rate, to "protect" white racial health, and weed out the "defectives" of society.

I wonder how many "transgender children" they have "treated" with puberty blockers and hormonal sterilizations?

Here is some more evidence of how they are in fact targeting the poorest and most vunerable children for this stearalisation just like all their eugenics programs

A survey by the Williams Institute found 13.6 percent of youth in foster care identified as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, and 5.6 percent as transgender, compared to 7.2 percent and 2.25 percent of the general youth population.

So somehow kids in foster care are like 4 times as likely to be "transgender"?

this whole page is pretty disturbing

All just a part of "the plan."

You are so right my friend @richq11. These crazy people have used to children to politicize their agenda and I'm stopped at nothing. They do not care about the family or their effects on the Family. They only care about their agenda. No child should be forced to make a sexual identification. For God's sake they are children. Let them be innocent as long as possible. Thanks for a good article my friend

Thank you my friend!!!

Confused, sterile, and dependent (psychologiclally, emotionally, mentally etc. aka so damaged they can't function) children will make compliant world citizens as adults who won't breed keeping the population down. This is more social engineering that destroys lives making, as you would say, the night gods dance. In Lucifer's world of lies, you are a bad parent if you don't traumatize your child for life. You are a hateful person of you care about the suffering of others and say "no" to this crap and point out the damage it's doing.

They've turned the whole world upside down!

As per usual ...the cost of coming to a logical conclusion (after the insanity of the left is allowed a voice).., is the innocent.
A whole generation of kids screwed for life!

The 'caring left' will then move on to another group of victims to use, and when the voice of common sense quietens their shrieking, they will move on... rinse and repeat.

This accommodation of seeing the insane lefty voices as legitimate has to stop!!

Amen... and not to mention the ones that pay the ultimate price. All for the caring left! Like I imagine that say- "that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."

I upvoted your post.

Mabuhay, keep steeming.

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