You're not even reading. This article talks about a group in the UN which hopes to have current economic issues which are typical in African American communities to be remedied. This is not the same as being paid reparations for slavery, not even close.
Of course governments are filled with corruption and there is plenty of money to be made. I cannot see who would profit from foster children other than the foster parents who get money.
You're right. I didn't read the article at all, and merely linked it to show that my contention that the UN is advocating reparations from white Americans to the descendents of slaves in America - as long as those slaves weren't white - was easily shown via a simple search.
You said you had no evidence of such claims.
I vehemently disagree that reparations are appropriate, so don't bother reading such drivel.
That doesn't mean it doesn't exist, which was your implication.
All I did was search for 'UN slave reparations America' and paste the first link.
There were many, many more, and I have seen other quotes from the UN that does, in fact, advocate such reparations.
You are welcome to read on down the list.
I have better and productive things to do.
I have read it and they do not show what you claim they do. I find it funny that you admit you didnt read it. Are you aware that the media will hype up a headline and have different content?
You are changing the subject.
You said you could find no evidence of the claim.
I didn't say the claim was contained in the link I shared. I said it was evidence that was trivial to find.
I find your arguments are perfectly following the known methods shills use.
I believe you are a shill, paid to counter popular investigation into the industry that pays you to disseminate propaganda. If you're not actually a paid shill, you're a vile, manipulative person.
I, therefore won't feed the troll any further.
There is no evidence that this happened; you are giving me a link with a title that suggests it. sure there is evidence that it is claimed, whoopty doo, i can claim whatever i like.
The only thing you are feeding is your own bad conscience.