Yeah! maybe you're right!
I'm just trying to think outside the box! I also think the cps are way to powerful to let a petition get in their way!
I wonder if there was a way that we could ruffle their feathers without playing by their rules!
It's like a patent! if it is something they don't want, like an engine that runs on air, or a magic pill that turned all government into humans with hearts then do you think you would be granted that patent?
anyway I'm just thinking out load =)
yeah its GOOD to chat it out!
i think a petition that reaches Parliament could be a big step.. If Ministers or Senators don't really know the extent of the problem, then that might make a difference.. esp when there are a LOT of people involved..
Even if they do know, when they see the quantity and quality of evidence you are compiling, it surely cannot hurt the cause!
Power in numbers!
also Pls come to slack so i can explain some details on FP organisation.. it wont take long i promise!