Fight Fire With Fire! Then We All Get Burnt!........................Again!

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)


The System is designed to keep us down!

And it 'seems' the only way to rise up and make a change is to fight the system, using their rules, in their back yard. I don’t know about you? but in my eye's, this is just another losing battle that none of us are ever going to win. And let's say that you do 'win', it's still their game.


Fighting A Losing Battle.

I have fought many battles in my life and up until now I was convinced I had won them all, but on reflection all I ever did was fight fire with fire!

  • I knew School was a joke, but instead of finding my own way of learning I ended up playing cat and mouse with the authorities my whole life and came out the other side with no education whatsoever..........And we all got burnt!

  • I grew up in foster care and instead of getting my head down and ridding the wave of misfortune, I rebelled in every way possible and made my life even worse than it was beforehand..........And we all got burnt!

I Know I'm not the only one who does this, in fact, I would go as far as to say, that we all do it from time to time when the occasion arises.

Feeding The System!

All we are doing is playing their game, which is designed to make them profit no matter the outcome. If they win, money will be made and if you win, money will have been spent! Either way, Lawyers, Judges, The CPS and every other blood sucking organisation that has been put in place to keep us all down will benefit and we'll be left to foot the bill. As usual.

Defence Is The Best Offence!

I am writing this post because it has become apparent that @familyprotection is growing in strength and numbers, and strength in numbers is going to be our best line of defence against the state kidnappers!

For this reason it makes perfect sense to start building little pockets of protection all over the globe, groups of people who are willing to peacefully defend the rights of every fellow human being that has air in their lungs and CPS at the door.

OK! Smarty Pants! How Do We Make This Happen?

Well to be honest! I don't have all the answers, which is part of the reason why Linda and I started @familyprotection. We want to see an end to the suffering but without a huge online community this would be the mother of all losing battles.

I know that this community has the answer, in fact, I have seen several posts with great answers written in black and white, but without the encouragement and support from the rest of the community then we are not going to solve this HUGE problem any time soon.

Stand Up And Be Heard!

I have decided to set a challenge to the @familyprotection community, I want to hear your best solution to this problem. How do we build a network of people who are willing, ready, and equipped with the knowledge and power to peacefully fend off any attack or knock at the door from the dreaded CPS!

Think outside the box, because Lawyers and family courts are a losing battle and we all know it!

Lets stop trying to win at their game!



Hi @markwhittam. I think a good option for one type of solution might be forming local groups of volunteers. The individuals in these groups could be alerted when a CPS confrontation is going to take place and could show up at the family's house to help.
For example, when a CPS agent is going to a family's home, the volunteer group could be alerted. They could go and document everything with audio and/or video, and take any actions necessary to defend the family. I think that the CPS, and government agencies in general, prefer to target people who they view as powerless, someone unable to fight back. If an entire group of volunteers show up to defend a family, CPS might think twice and back off.
Have you heard of the Cell 411 App?
I'm not saying that @familyprotection use this app in particular, but something similar to this concept could be developed specifically for @familyprotection. Maybe there are some app developers on Steemit who would like to take part in the development of the software.
So that's my idea for one type of solution. If I think of more later, I'll be sure to put it out there.
Keep up the great work.

You are spot on with a local volunteer groups. I've seen this approach here in N. Idaho work very well. (unfortunately not all states and communities will rally into action like N. Idaho but if enough focus was given it may take off like a grassfire to neighboring communities.) We have a group of volunteers that are called court watchers too "Citizens Against Corruption". They simply go in and watch hearings on various cases being heard to watch for red flags of rights violations.

A very recent one, CPS was taking a newborn baby from the hospital. There underlying reason was the parents refused to vaccinate, but of course to make it more legit CPS noted in their files it was because the mother had Cerabal Palsey and could not care for the newborn. Community rallied, brought in church members and all explained there would be helping hands provided for this baby. After 9 days (of no bonding with natural mother) the baby was returned. The people should not have to go to this extent when a family is dealing with a rogue agency like CPS but sometimes we have to do what is right.

We (FP) does need some sort of data base to help us track the work we are doing and a place to correlate the information being gathered. Right now I am drowning in legislative manuevers that are being taken against families rights here in the states. Every state is different and every country as well. Would be great to have a team from the US working together, a team from the UK etc. and the means to bring it all together for the international audience. I see a great amount of work being done by some exceptional people around the world, would be great to utilize these resources to the max.

A steemian just recently was offering some sort of technical help in this area, posted under the FP tag, will see if I can find it. Like you say, there are some extremely talented developers here on the platform that may hold the key.

No, it wasn't that one. This came in maybe 3 days ago (time seems to not exist here anymore) but it was a great one. I have only a few over 200 tabs open and it was such a good offer I didn't want to lose it so will start looking for it. When I saw it I thought BINGO an answer to this clutter. I honestly don't know how you and Linda keep up with all the FP posts.

Mark, this isn't the one I am looking for but it is one I saved and wanted to get to you. There are some resources coming on board this platform that are going to help FP a great deal. Please review this:

Hehe! Oh that's just Alex, he is part of the FP team now =) I didn't miss this one ;)

We needed help!

I think "just Alex" is on to something that is needed. FP is world-wide and many countries operate under different criteria. I am in the US and the process here is a cumbersome one indeed. Each state has a separate constitution. Calif. is gearing up now to put homeschool families on the chopping block. This has been building for some time but in recent light of a "supposed" child endangerment case the wheels are turning fast at the legislature. Would be great to have a way to connect those of us in the US with each other, and I see @article61 could use some help over in the UK. Think "work teams"! :)

Yeah right! It was meant as a lighthearted joke, he is on the team for a reason, and his ideas will be showing up in our community =)

Could you please provide me with contact info for your north idaho citizens against corruption group? I have a very nasty problem up there in coeur dalene.

Yes! @steeminganarchy I have been working on something similar, can I send u a very rough white paper?

Needs a lot of work, but the idea is there

Yes! Absolutely. I'd like to have a look at your working paper. Thanks @markwhittam! You can send it to [email protected]

I haven't forgotten! Just trying to make it work! I'll be in touch

Ok man, no worries. I look forward to it.

knowledge is power.
If we are aware , if we know how it happens, and how it can happen again, if we have a plan of actions, and we know all our rights and laws, protecting families and private life, thehn we are ready to fightt

the most cases when families lose kids happen because parents just didn't know what to do and where to run for help.

@familyprotection is solving this very problem now. We all are gathering useful info or tips, real life stories or pieces of advice, which can help families in danger.

@familyprotection is like an encyclopedia for all families with kids!

we can think how to make it even more useful and more developed.
You and Linda have started a great deal!

@familyprotection is solving this very problem now. We all are gathering useful info or tips, real life stories or pieces of advice, which can help families in danger.

A very good point!

Thank you @taliakerch

I remember a few years ago in the UK that there were teams of people turning up to prevent bailiffs from turfing people out of their homes. This was all done peacefully, with people filming what was going on and blocking the attempts with varying degrees of success.

These agencies hate publicity and being exposed. A combination of peaceful obstruction combined with filming and sharing who they are and what they are doing across social media could be a start. Families that feel under threat could set up alerts, to have everything witnessed etc.

Of course, it would be best to get it so that many situations never got to this stage by offering layperson legal education to support them in their knowledge.

Another area is in supporting them with their mindset, emotions and confidence etc. I'm just about to start working with someone in the UK who has been a victim of this system for many years and support her to get her life back on track in lots of ways. As part of it, I'm hoping she'll be willing to share her story in the Family Protection blog. She's also said I can write about what we're doing, which I will do soon, once we've started.

I'm working with her for free, as this is an important area for people to get their power back and once I've seen how it pans out, I'm planning to offer this support to other people going through trauma due to the various CPS agencies around the world.

Nice one Sam!

These agencies hate publicity and being exposed. A combination of peaceful obstruction combined with filming and sharing who they are and what they are doing across social media could be a start.

This is great, it never crossed my mind that the CPS are just like bailiffs, and we all know that with the right words, papers and back up even the toughest of bailiffs will back down!

I think it's great the way you help some people out of the kindness of your heart! and I am an avid believer in what goes around, comes around =)

Thank for supporting @familyprotection buddy!

I agree and can vouch for the fact the government agencies hate media publictcy when it comes to wrong doings on their part. If I remember correctly, we do have a top notch reporter in the steemit community. Sorry but I don't remember her name.

I agree that exposure is huge. One of the things that's allowed the whole CPS situation to balloon out of control has been the shame and actual silencing of victims. If people understood the depth to which an innocent person can be railroaded, I think quite a few things might change quickly.

I totally agree with you and think it's great idea. The more exposure by filming and recording what they are doing and sharing it all over social media is a perfect start.

Wtg my friend,. It all starts within our own communities and circle of family and friends.

Great initiative Mark . I actually wrote a post yesterday which ended with several easy ideas for us to take up and do.. Unfortunately a copy n paste glitch ended up with me losing it all.

Now that you have specifically asked for ideas I think ill re-write them and see what you all think.. Some of the things we can do are REALLY simple but can make a difference. The Bottom line in my opinion is that we just have to make a fuss in the right places with enough people.. One SIMPLE example is posting (respectfully) on High Profile twitter accounts(e.g who is Secretary of State for Children and Families in the UK) with comments and questions and concerns..

I look forward to seeing what ideas everyone else has too!

Yes, Alex!

I agree, lots of small initiatives like these are much more effective than charging in with an army, guns blazing!

We are a small axe, they are the big tree!

Challenge accepted! I'm off to find my thinking cap. Educating people is my own favourite tactic. They may know it doesn't feel right but not many look further than that. Let me know if you would like to speak at a public event as I am trying to organise one. If not that's cool and I will do my best to represent @familyprotection. We have had this same conundrem with the lawful rebellion group. Whenever one of us were in trouble we would try to rally round but with people not able/ready to commit, the distance and inconvienience of travel left people assuming others would do it instead. Sadly that doesn't happen. Much of it was to do with funding and it would have been helpful to have a minibus to collect willing protesters on-route to whoever is in trouble. I think the only real way is to start buying land to build a community on. We are scattered everywhere and it really puts a stop on things. It just needs a multi-millionaire with a heart of gold, don't suppose you know any?

I knew this would get your juices flowing!

I am an avid believer in communies, and I will build one if I ever become a millionaire,

your names on the list =)

Cheers Dan!

I love that this topic is getting the attention it needs. The more information that comes to light and the more people that talk about it the bigger it will get. One day we will put a stop to the beast CPS.

Isn't it great! People do care, they just need a gentle kick up the butt!

One day we will put a stop to the beast CPS.

Its becoming more likely with every story told, with every piece of evidence, with every support group.

We just have to convince the sheeple that the government works for us, we are the one with the true power!


I don't have all of the answers. I do, however, feel very strongly that educating, and waking people up to the entire scam being run on the world, and helping people to begin to extricate themselves from the fraud system being imposed upon the masses from birth forward is a huge part of it. Registering your children to the state at birth is issue number one. Sound ridiculous? I'd suggest looking into it. There's a reason why they feel they own your children. Everything you register is not yours at all. We need to realize we don't need that system. "Regis" is Latin for "The King". That is where the word register comes from. Every word has meaning we don't know because we were not told about it in their schools.

Another thing is to take care of your health as best you can. The "health" system is a big place where they gain their foothold. The more responsible we are for our own health, the less we need to interact with them.

The next thing I would suggest it that there is the Einstein quote about not being able to solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it in the first place... which leads to each of us, in some way actually beginning the doing of creating something that we do want to see in the world. We need to allow the failing corrupt system (a system that is currently screaming with desperation right now as more people are waking up to what they are up to) to fall while building a better one outside of the corporate fiction masquerading as our governments. We need to render them obsolete. Interact with them as little as possible by educating ourselves as the where they get their footholds and not giving them that.

These are some things I can think of. We need to do it wisely, and realize we may need to defend ourselves and our families in every way. The system is falling apart and the death throes of this fall is manifesting as them becoming more blatant in their aggressive attempts to seize more power. There are too many people seeing the lies they are telling in every aspect of the power structure. If people are distracted trying desperately to save their children they are going to be too busy to see the rest of what is going on. It's a multi pronged plan, and CPS is a major player in their plan because not only do they procure children for pedos, but they hit the people at a primal survival level for maximum trauma. Trauma is used to program.

That's all I've got to add to the list for the moment. :) hope it inspires someone. Lol

".. which leads to each of us, in some way actually beginning the doing of creating something that we do want to see in the world. We need to allow the failing corrupt system (a system that is currently screaming with desperation right now as more people are waking up to what they are up to) to fall while building a better one outside of the corporate fiction masquerading as our governments. We need to render them obsolete. Interact with them as little as possible by educating ourselves as the where they get their footholds and not giving them that."

yes, i agree @erinn

the idea is to give up the idea of fighting or killing or shaming or enemy and create what we DO want. as a personal supporter for home educating parents for over 10 years, i know parents need personal support locally, NOT an organisation.

on a personal note, i had my 6 month old breast-feeding child stolen by the father at the advice of the police. one week later, my father and i attended the magistrate's court, where my son was returned to me.

no apologies, no reasons, no nothing.

Wow, that is a great challenge to have it around the world. I know there are so many families who are affected and need help. It is a difficult thing to find an answer to. I just wrote a post today from information I found in an article written by a lawyer. She said that it is important to find lawyers who have fought CPS in the past - not just any lawyer will do, because most expect you to comply with demands that CPS puts on you. Instead you must look for a lawyer who is willing to fight them. I can see people researching and compiling lists like this so it's available when someone needs a name of a lawyer who can and will help instead of telling you to do what they tell you...and then lets you cry on their shoulder as CPS ushers your children away.

I love this initiative as it lies at the roots of our very livelihood. Like you mentioned several times in your post we are not playing on a level playing field but understanding that is half the battle. When we realize that the odds are not in our favor in this arena we need to get creative and think outside the box.

With that being said, I think the best way to fight back is through public awareness and the spreading of information. When more people become aware of the atrocities, the sheer volume of people can have a large effect. Like @eco-alex pointed out, bringing it to social media and social influencers accounts on twitter is a great way. As more and more people become aware, the power of the group will become its biggest strength.

Yes, I agree 100%
Public awareness and spreading info is what we do best, but we definitely need a solid network of people who know how to deal with these vultures.

Imagine you had a knock at the door now! Your neighbors, who you do not get along with, have just made some false claims as revenge for not trimming your tree.

What do you do?

I want to have a system in place where people can turn to in these situations, a step by step guide or a list of people in your area with the knowledge and power to make the CPS go away and never come back to your door again.

This is possible and people do win this way.

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

Yeah you’re right. Little things and spiteful people causing in your family affair. Look forward to getting more involved with this movement, thatnks to @eco-alex for bringing my attention to this

This. Being a part of the poverty cycle myself and being a new father. I see people putting hundreds of dollars up their nose that I could be using to feed my son and pay my rent. Instead I worry about the fact I’m adding a 2nd life to this world because I barely make enough to get by. I somedays literally just eat bread cuz i penny pinch to buy clothes and invest a couple dollars when I can into crypto hoping to escape this cycle. We need to burn down this society of takers and decentralize the wealth. Thanks for your post. Been having a hard day, this made me remember I’m not the only one struggling and we need to all work together to make this world potentially closer to equal.

You're right in saying that trying to win at their game is not the solution, yet I don't know what can be done once a family is under attack - you have no option but play their game.
An option to fight is flight, but you already know that.
To prevent attacks from happening, we need to expose the system, the corruption within it, the money trail, the ultimate goal being have the system dismantled.

Not totally agreeing on the winning thing. Because if I had known about their strategies back then, I would have approached them another way. The last conversations and contact I had with them, I did, and this worked out so much better. The harm was already done, but the new caseworker was at least listening and not being a total b*tch like the one before. I put so much time and effort in convincing them they should take a closer look at the father, while they never do.. they aren't there to seek the truth but only to make money. I believe that many people can benefit from the knowledge we are spreading, because they will remember the stories and act different, not make the same mistakes we have done..

"...the ultimate goal being to have the system dismantled." Here Hear!

Without them realizing it being dismantled =)

Yes! It's a tough one! We need more knowledge, unity and support networks in each community.

There is a way to do this, it is possible because we are all becoming more connected with one another, if only we had a way to make that connection much stronger and more effective.

I have been racking my brain thinking of what we could do, especially once we have accumulated lots of funds from our crypto-investments.

Maybe a graphic designer could help us create an amazing brochure or flyer, describing the problem and referring people to our steemit blog or another website that we can create.

We could distribute that flyer through the post office into the mailboxes of different cities.
People could order copies, and rent a booths at fairs and craft sales and pass them out to educate people.
Set up advertisements on different websites that focus on families or children. We can use blockchain companies like AdEx and Commodity Ad Network to host our ads.

In other words, advertise, advertise, advertise!

We could launch a petition, whether it be a parliamentary petition ( or a one, and pay to advertise so people can see and click the petition..

This could in theory help to generate the 100K SIgantures that would REQUIRE the UK parliament to debate a specific request.. I think combining the advertising WITH a call to action is the way to go...

You could also advertise the cause with a simple image flyer, and also a short movie that can be promoted on Facebook or other places.. I think a good Movie that highlights the issues might well do the trick.. Maybe i could even pull one off as i can do video editing now.. (not quite a pro yet!)

Love the movies, I personally can't stand having flyers shoved in my face and I feel it's a waist of paper. But there must be a 2018 alternative to flyers in this digital age.

Something more effective, like projecting the fp image on the side of the CPS offices. This stunt would cost less but have a much bigger affect.

In fact I would pay someone $1000 if they shouted family protection on a live news feed, or like that guy did with the 'buy bitcoin' sign.

Now that's good advertising!

lol. it is good advertising to do stuff like that yes,
i totally understand the desire to hit hard at these people.. it is righteous anger!..
In this situation emotions run VERY high indeed.. and whilst it may be good advertising in the short term, i think a focused effort that is none confrontational might serve the highest good.. at least at the start... whilst credibility is established etc... i believe there is more power in acting smart, and pressing pressure points rather than making Too much 'noise'.. e.g. embarrass the right people rather than attack them etc..

maybe check my last post out as there a bit more detail on the ideas there.. from what i can see, it all starts with the website as there is a lot that it can do for FP..

great idea!
Yes. That could be a good use of the funds.

I think this is a good idea! I would defunately be up for this ! Maybe we can gather some fp ambassoders for every country thats is present here in this community? So we have more ways to reach the people that need help.. even if not on steemit at first..

my lost post yesterday ended with a few (i think) good ideas... I will re-write those ideas today because I actually think they are potentially going to help and are things that everyone can do...

If we were very successful with the Petition it could open doors for us to put the issues directly to the Government. You have enough case studies to print out and bring with you now!

On the UK Gov Website It is Stated:
"We may contact you about the issue covered by your petition. For example, we sometimes invite people who create petitions to take part in a discussion with MPs or government ministers, or to give evidence to a select committee. We may also write to other people or organisations to ask them about the issue raised by your petition."

Again! I like the petition idea, but aren't we just begging them to hear us!

Or better still! We could send them all the stories on the fp tag as our own petition, because once we start using their paper we are bowing to them.

This is great, Wow my juices are really flowing now!

Keep um coming guys!!!!

i don't consider it begging.. its all on the awareness side of things .. if we got tens of thousands of votes on a petition, then the powers that be WILL take notice .. THey REALLY dont like too many people being really upset!!

if you WERE invited to meet with the cabinet or high up officials then you could print out a LOAD Of posts,, or just show them your FP website that has them all replicated online!

Yeah! maybe you're right!
I'm just trying to think outside the box! I also think the cps are way to powerful to let a petition get in their way!

I wonder if there was a way that we could ruffle their feathers without playing by their rules!

It's like a patent! if it is something they don't want, like an engine that runs on air, or a magic pill that turned all government into humans with hearts then do you think you would be granted that patent?

anyway I'm just thinking out load =)

yeah its GOOD to chat it out!

i think a petition that reaches Parliament could be a big step.. If Ministers or Senators don't really know the extent of the problem, then that might make a difference.. esp when there are a LOT of people involved..

Even if they do know, when they see the quantity and quality of evidence you are compiling, it surely cannot hurt the cause!

Power in numbers!

also Pls come to slack so i can explain some details on FP organisation.. it wont take long i promise!

Advertising is good and would educate the sheeple out there. But keep in mind the the enemy is connected to the government, elites and shadow government and has much deeper pockets. I would advertise but I would form alliances with other groups who would share our cause and work together to fight this. WW 2 was not won by one country but having allies and alliances and this war is no different. I say this is a spiritual war and we must tap into and build friendships with organizations that understand the spiritual aspects of this and sharing the financial aspects as well as the goals. Thanks for the good suggestions @canadian-coconut

That would be be fine if you can find organizations and churches that would work with this cause. But I think that they would be hard to find.
Most churches, at least the large organized ones, do not want to acknowledge the many ways that governments overstep their bounds. I know in the case of my good friend Anna, (whose story I shared in several posts) the Pentecostal church that they were attending concluded that since Social Services said they were abusive that it must be true. They were told that they could not keep attending that church. She had to drive a whole hour to another town to find a church that would allow them to attend services.

Personally, I think that this is a movement that will grow individual by individual. I think that leadership of organizations will only start to come around when they see large numbers of their congregations/members that have already joined forces with initiatives like ours.

Perhaps things are starting to change -- I sure hope so -- and perhaps somewhere there are groups/churches like you are describing who will join forces with us. But only if they start to wake up out of their slumber and to realize how goverment-funded CPS initiatives are designed to destroy families, not to protect them.

You do have a valid point that churches are afraid to confront the government. Part of that has been the fear of losing the 501c3 tax status. Trump has tried to change that in America and America is not representative of other countries. In certain countries Christians die for their belief in Jesus. We do not have that conviction in America. Also I feel educating the churches/organizations/ public would help immensely and that is where the brochures would come in handy as a tool before building alliances in an effort to build alliances. Perhaps I will do a blog on it for @familyprotection. Honestly we need a number of strategies working in concert to diversify and strengthen our warfare. Thanks @canadian-coconut

I think, it often starts with the fact, that a particular case becomes known. After all, until the family is faced with this problem, she thinks, that there is no problem. And when trouble happens, the family is alone with her. Maybe we should think about the psychological support for such families? I think, they often need the help of psychologists. After all, people often want to know, that they are not alone, that they have support. The is perfectly suited for these purposes too,so people know where to go

I am just so stirred by this post. I'll do a little recap : when i joined Steemit,i did so because it offered me the oppurtunity to write and earn, i talked about this in my apology post "steemit lessons:my fall". After awhile of posting and earning,i began to feel a lack of sense of purpose on this platform. Cutting my long story short, i then came in contact with @familyprotection ,at first i thought it was just a tag to help in earning until i read a post by @healingherb ,i decided to go do my research on the issue and i was appalled by what i discovered. It hurt me as i read of families that where torn apart,situations where parents never saw their children again. As an emotional person, some stories made me cry. I began to pray for the torn families because i knew those parents needed strength to go on,those kids needed true love. At a point, i became stirred to join in the campaign against these inhumane laws and practice against the family institution. Sir, i support @enjoywithtroy when he says ,it is a spiritual battle but i'll also say it is equally psychological. Most of the parents suffering this injustice to an extent don't know their rights. I will suggest that campaigns where seminars to enlighten parents about the beast called CPS. We have to expose their greed and corrupt practices. More parents have to join the fight and lend their voice to the war against this mayhem. I discovered because of shame ,most parents that has suffered this abuse can not tell another person what they going through. We have to let them know,they have nothing to fear, they have nothing to ashamed about. They should come out and tell their story to the world. Their stories will pull more attention. Moreso ,writers on the topic must increase their intensity and broaden their scope of research. We need more voices.....The louder voice ,the stronger we are....This is the power of numbers. Let's leave the legal system to's their battle ground. They own the law.....they have the backing of the law. This is my input.....i'll make a post about this where i'll share in details. Thank you @markwhittam and @canadian-coconut for this. Let's make the world better than we met it. The family is the core of the society, protect it!

I will be writing a post on this soon. However yes judges and lawyers ARE a losing battle. I keep saying this but this is NOT a legal war this is a SPIRITUAL war. We need to change the hears of what social workers and CPS we can. We need to team up with other spiritual organization who do ministry across the world. I do not know who those ministries are Billy Graham assn , CRU There are MANY others. Then go in as undercover missionaries (spies) to work on the hearts and souls of these people. Those who cannot be swayed by spiritual means can be addressed legally. But teaming up with other international organizations is CRUCIAL. This may have let the beans out of the can but I will post on this and you will know it came from this comment. This will give us a Head start though. Spiritual in changing the heart is the best line of defense.

I have a friend in Australia who was big in to guerrilla cinema, basically she went around public areas at night with her projector and projected statistics about racial hate onto walls so that the public could see them. If we could do this to show how many children are lawfully stolen from their parents each month it can make an impact especially using the right images. It doesn't have t go on for long, just to say this month 100 children were stolen from their parents. We need to get out amongst the public in order to wake them up to reality of what is happening.

This is a great one @markwhittam, an initiative that will help fight CPC and their several attacks their attacks, like you said, to win them will be difficult.

I believe battles are not won overnight, they are won through series of small battles and the after result is what we see eventually.

To win these people we should build more opinion and support, the more people we have, the more our voice, thanks to steemit and @familyprotection which offer us a way to achieve this.

As the @familyprotection family continue to increase, we will get to a point where they cannot fight or stop us, our voice will be dominant beyond the blockchain and victory will be ours.

This is my opinion
I'm @samiwhyte

what people dealing with these situations really need are good lawyers and that costs a lot of money, perhaps @familyprotection could invest its STEEM and hold fundraisers and use the dividends to create a legal defense fund for those who find themselves involved with the authorities.

I think we've been there and done that! And it's obviously not working, what we need is to turn everyone into their own laywer, believe it or not but cps do go running with their tail between their legs when confronted with legally savvy parents.

It's wise for everyone to learn as much of the law as they can but even lawyers use lawyers, a man who represents himself has a fool for a client.

yeah, we all have fought battles. family, business, academic and several other battles. battles greater than us, battles that we thought would have consumed us.

but we survived, some of us took risky decisions, took our last life line and it paid off.

some of us live with the regrets but then, we survived. that alone brings a level of happiness that is indescribable..


followback and like my stream pls!

Thanks @markwhittam for sharing your thought with us. . .
I have also been through alot and fought many battles in life
But Every thought is a battle, Every Breath is a War
You might be Sad becasue you have been through alot, But you should also be proud of yourself for being strong enough to make it through it

I attempt to make the best choice at the perfect time. They may simply be easily overlooked details, yet for the most part they have the effect amongst winning and losing.
Thanks you soo much @markwhittam for sharing the beautiful thoughts.

i think you write about important topic......i like it.....i hope everybody like your post...thanks for shear it..

Yeah you are right, you have to fight with the system when there are rules which are not good for the society....

informational post.......i like this good.......@markwhittam

I don’t agree with everything Lynda says but this issue are in agreement about. I am afraid the system is completely broken but works because it’s making money. That’s it.. no change until someone completely snaps. Unfortunately most people commit suicide first.

yyah thr great is not wining from other the great victory is winnig from himself as if our heart does not satisfied from other! actualy our system it require to win but the point is winning is not the key point from other!
we are supporting #family protecton! we should aware people through steemit community!

Every evil is sure to disappear, find a good way to fight the evil then you will surely win, do not let evil always happen to our family, I am sure you can fight against evil they do to your children, I support you to save children of their respective families. be smart to play water before we dive, if we are good at playing reason then they will think first before acting on our family. the spirit keeps friends

interesting publication I can not understand it to the maximum but it is certainly striking and interesting

Thanknyou so much. @markwhittam. I was told by a wise man that great men are problem solver, they are pace setters and the armour bearers. This is a nice idea and together, we will make your dream a turn out reality. Every family needs that voice to be heard as their rights are been treasured and preserved. #FAMILYPROTECTION

Greetings, i agree with you, when they say that @familyprotection is growing in strength and number, that we can with the effort of each one of us and the contribution that we can give to the cause to achieve that the rights of human beings are respected, but one point that seems very important to me, is that we should give us the tools that everyone dominates and join them to achieve a great tool that allows us to eradicate this problem, i know that the path is long, but earlier the light will be seen final tunnel, has my support. Thank you.

Good post..Truth is from the time we wake up its a battle, or stepping out of your home...but im a true believer in what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, life is way to short to fight battles but unfortunately we fight them every day

I've been pondering this same question ever since reading a hint of how CPS was created from @richq11 's post earlier this week.

Often the way to understanding how to UNDO something is to trace how it was put in place. I wonder if perhaps delving into the history of CPS might offer a hint as to how to at least remove some of their massively overreaching power. The legal and legislative history of the formation, funding and empowerment of CPS might offer some hints as to how lop the head off this hydra.

Yes! We often start at the top and work our way down when really we need to start from the bottom!

Right, the same way we're finally tackling the abortion problem: working backwards to undo one step at a time like untangling a ball of yarn.

A fine post @markwhittam - Your challenge will certainly get my brain juices flowing :) My initial thought is safety in numbers, a bit like neighbourhood watch but instead, a family watch. We need our old fashioned communities back, where everybody helps each other, old fashion family values and sticking together.

and it's very good to be aware of gadget users to be able to make good use of it to success @markwhittam

I just began to write "I have no idea" and my fingers wrote "I have hope" ...
So maybe that's what my subconscious is wanting to suggest, that its going to start with HOPE, hope that we can change this f'ed up system and save these children and families from the ongoing corruption. I can be one of those people that see's the level of desolation and just shuts down, so for people like me hope is definitely the first step.
And I will keep thinking on this, and trying to work with you, please if there is anything I can do to help this initiative move forward and HELP THESE FAMILIES let me know, I will do whatever! Sending out emails, making phone calls, marching the gates... I will help however is needed of me.

I saw a van with a family support type of logo on the other day and it made me think maybe familyprotection could have support bases of some sort. Each base or area could maybe have a law/legal support team and maybe assistance and education that will help families in desperate positions. I'm thinking I'll start writing it down and seeing what sort of gaps could be filled in.

No ideas off the top of nay head, but I applaud your effiorts at finding a solution. This means you are succeeding at making a difference in the people’s lives needing the most help. Great job. 🐓🐓

Your posts ate golden .yeah.i thik posts down might have its advantages as well as disadvants too.when....

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@markwhittam this is a challenge to us all, and will wont stop writing untill our voices are heard. This is a great initiative i feel there should be delegated people working in different country in order to achieve this goal. Good to know @familyprotection is working relentlessly to fight out the problem. And we as a community will stand in support to achieve this common goal.

What a powerful post - could really feel the grief of these experiences and the passion behind your words. Glad to have you supporting the community like this. Keep on keepen on brother!

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

Thank you for your support of @family protection

Yes @familyprotection I'll surely pray for your family and your betterment as well because you were the person that brought a lot of changes in me you had confidence that jesus always does good for everyone. @familyprotectionI really appreciate your assistance and thanks a lot for guiding me still I have a kind of introvert in this but I will always tell you how I'm by just genuinely commenting on your blog....... Thanks a lot for doing so much

Each time I read a @familyprotection related post, my heart tears up. I have written a post offering some suggestions as you asked. Hope this helps

Wow, that's quite a task and quite a challenge @markwhittam! But certainly a worthy one.

Perhaps what we have here is really an invitation to have two linked responses: immediate protection, and long term protection, which would be quite different in approach.

I believe CPS and other organizations are most inclined to focus on what we might call the "low hanging fruit" (most vulnerable) so the overall objective is to have an organization that strives (eventually) to make ALL the "fruit" difficult to get to. But in the start, we can't help everyone, the first goal might be simply to start by setting very visible examples of "difficult fruit" so the world can see that there IS hope.

I won't repeat what others have suggested but having an active "task force" that's available to be "recorders" every time there's an incident would certainly be of value. Film it, record it, write it down — purely from a neutral "non-militant" standpoint.

We have some very talented developers here in the Steemit community; maybe an app could even be developed; a one-button "need help NOW!" that broadcasts to a network of volunteers within reachable distance.

As for longer term protection, that's more challenging. AND it's a long-term project. Unfortunately, it may require lawyers and some kind of centralized structure (an "organization") that has collective weight to bring to bear at anything from local council meetings to legislative hearings.

I see a lot of good ideas for marketing, including gorilla marketing, and that is wonderful. PR is also a really good way to get information out to a lot of people, and it's free. Obviously you're not talking about getting on mainstream media, but getting your message to alternative media outlets is gold. Press releases are ok, but I always prefer pitches. It gives a journalist an idea for a story, and then they can run with it and use either of you as experts. I commented on Alex's post that I'd be happy to write up a press kit that would be a section of your website geared toward the media. Anyway, I have a few other ideas, and I'll post on those tomorrow.