I have been racking my brain thinking of what we could do, especially once we have accumulated lots of funds from our crypto-investments.
Maybe a graphic designer could help us create an amazing brochure or flyer, describing the problem and referring people to our steemit blog or another website that we can create.
We could distribute that flyer through the post office into the mailboxes of different cities.
People could order copies, and rent a booths at fairs and craft sales and pass them out to educate people.
Set up advertisements on different websites that focus on families or children. We can use blockchain companies like AdEx and Commodity Ad Network to host our ads.
In other words, advertise, advertise, advertise!
We could launch a petition, whether it be a parliamentary petition (https://petition.parliament.uk) or a change.org one, and pay to advertise so people can see and click the petition..
This could in theory help to generate the 100K SIgantures that would REQUIRE the UK parliament to debate a specific request.. I think combining the advertising WITH a call to action is the way to go...
You could also advertise the cause with a simple image flyer, and also a short movie that can be promoted on Facebook or other places.. I think a good Movie that highlights the issues might well do the trick.. Maybe i could even pull one off as i can do video editing now.. (not quite a pro yet!)
Love the movies, I personally can't stand having flyers shoved in my face and I feel it's a waist of paper. But there must be a 2018 alternative to flyers in this digital age.
Something more effective, like projecting the fp image on the side of the CPS offices. This stunt would cost less but have a much bigger affect.
In fact I would pay someone $1000 if they shouted family protection on a live news feed, or like that guy did with the 'buy bitcoin' sign.
Now that's good advertising!
lol. it is good advertising to do stuff like that yes,
i totally understand the desire to hit hard at these people.. it is righteous anger!..
In this situation emotions run VERY high indeed.. and whilst it may be good advertising in the short term, i think a focused effort that is none confrontational might serve the highest good.. at least at the start... whilst credibility is established etc... i believe there is more power in acting smart, and pressing pressure points rather than making Too much 'noise'.. e.g. embarrass the right people rather than attack them etc..
maybe check my last post out as there a bit more detail on the ideas there.. from what i can see, it all starts with the website as there is a lot that it can do for FP..
great idea!
Yes. That could be a good use of the funds.
I think this is a good idea! I would defunately be up for this ! Maybe we can gather some fp ambassoders for every country thats is present here in this community? So we have more ways to reach the people that need help.. even if not on steemit at first..
my lost post yesterday ended with a few (i think) good ideas... I will re-write those ideas today because I actually think they are potentially going to help and are things that everyone can do...
If we were very successful with the Petition it could open doors for us to put the issues directly to the Government. You have enough case studies to print out and bring with you now!
On the UK Gov Website It is Stated:
"We may contact you about the issue covered by your petition. For example, we sometimes invite people who create petitions to take part in a discussion with MPs or government ministers, or to give evidence to a select committee. We may also write to other people or organisations to ask them about the issue raised by your petition."
Again! I like the petition idea, but aren't we just begging them to hear us!
Or better still! We could send them all the stories on the fp tag as our own petition, because once we start using their paper we are bowing to them.
This is great, Wow my juices are really flowing now!
Keep um coming guys!!!!
i don't consider it begging.. its all on the awareness side of things .. if we got tens of thousands of votes on a petition, then the powers that be WILL take notice .. THey REALLY dont like too many people being really upset!!
if you WERE invited to meet with the cabinet or high up officials then you could print out a LOAD Of posts,, or just show them your FP website that has them all replicated online!
Yeah! maybe you're right!
I'm just trying to think outside the box! I also think the cps are way to powerful to let a petition get in their way!
I wonder if there was a way that we could ruffle their feathers without playing by their rules!
It's like a patent! if it is something they don't want, like an engine that runs on air, or a magic pill that turned all government into humans with hearts then do you think you would be granted that patent?
anyway I'm just thinking out load =)
yeah its GOOD to chat it out!
i think a petition that reaches Parliament could be a big step.. If Ministers or Senators don't really know the extent of the problem, then that might make a difference.. esp when there are a LOT of people involved..
Even if they do know, when they see the quantity and quality of evidence you are compiling, it surely cannot hurt the cause!
Power in numbers!
also Pls come to slack so i can explain some details on FP organisation.. it wont take long i promise!
Advertising is good and would educate the sheeple out there. But keep in mind the the enemy is connected to the government, elites and shadow government and has much deeper pockets. I would advertise but I would form alliances with other groups who would share our cause and work together to fight this. WW 2 was not won by one country but having allies and alliances and this war is no different. I say this is a spiritual war and we must tap into and build friendships with organizations that understand the spiritual aspects of this and sharing the financial aspects as well as the goals. Thanks for the good suggestions @canadian-coconut
That would be be fine if you can find organizations and churches that would work with this cause. But I think that they would be hard to find.
Most churches, at least the large organized ones, do not want to acknowledge the many ways that governments overstep their bounds. I know in the case of my good friend Anna, (whose story I shared in several posts) the Pentecostal church that they were attending concluded that since Social Services said they were abusive that it must be true. They were told that they could not keep attending that church. She had to drive a whole hour to another town to find a church that would allow them to attend services.
Personally, I think that this is a movement that will grow individual by individual. I think that leadership of organizations will only start to come around when they see large numbers of their congregations/members that have already joined forces with initiatives like ours.
Perhaps things are starting to change -- I sure hope so -- and perhaps somewhere there are groups/churches like you are describing who will join forces with us. But only if they start to wake up out of their slumber and to realize how goverment-funded CPS initiatives are designed to destroy families, not to protect them.
You do have a valid point that churches are afraid to confront the government. Part of that has been the fear of losing the 501c3 tax status. Trump has tried to change that in America and America is not representative of other countries. In certain countries Christians die for their belief in Jesus. We do not have that conviction in America. Also I feel educating the churches/organizations/ public would help immensely and that is where the brochures would come in handy as a tool before building alliances in an effort to build alliances. Perhaps I will do a blog on it for @familyprotection. Honestly we need a number of strategies working in concert to diversify and strengthen our warfare. Thanks @canadian-coconut
I think, it often starts with the fact, that a particular case becomes known. After all, until the family is faced with this problem, she thinks, that there is no problem. And when trouble happens, the family is alone with her. Maybe we should think about the psychological support for such families? I think, they often need the help of psychologists. After all, people often want to know, that they are not alone, that they have support. The is perfectly suited for these purposes too,so people know where to go