You are spot on with a local volunteer groups. I've seen this approach here in N. Idaho work very well. (unfortunately not all states and communities will rally into action like N. Idaho but if enough focus was given it may take off like a grassfire to neighboring communities.) We have a group of volunteers that are called court watchers too "Citizens Against Corruption". They simply go in and watch hearings on various cases being heard to watch for red flags of rights violations.
A very recent one, CPS was taking a newborn baby from the hospital. There underlying reason was the parents refused to vaccinate, but of course to make it more legit CPS noted in their files it was because the mother had Cerabal Palsey and could not care for the newborn. Community rallied, brought in church members and all explained there would be helping hands provided for this baby. After 9 days (of no bonding with natural mother) the baby was returned. The people should not have to go to this extent when a family is dealing with a rogue agency like CPS but sometimes we have to do what is right.
We (FP) does need some sort of data base to help us track the work we are doing and a place to correlate the information being gathered. Right now I am drowning in legislative manuevers that are being taken against families rights here in the states. Every state is different and every country as well. Would be great to have a team from the US working together, a team from the UK etc. and the means to bring it all together for the international audience. I see a great amount of work being done by some exceptional people around the world, would be great to utilize these resources to the max.
A steemian just recently was offering some sort of technical help in this area, posted under the FP tag, will see if I can find it. Like you say, there are some extremely talented developers here on the platform that may hold the key.
Hi @vickiebarker, Was it this guy by any chance?
No, it wasn't that one. This came in maybe 3 days ago (time seems to not exist here anymore) but it was a great one. I have only a few over 200 tabs open and it was such a good offer I didn't want to lose it so will start looking for it. When I saw it I thought BINGO an answer to this clutter. I honestly don't know how you and Linda keep up with all the FP posts.
Mark, this isn't the one I am looking for but it is one I saved and wanted to get to you. There are some resources coming on board this platform that are going to help FP a great deal. Please review this:
Here it is. 1. A Multipurpose Website Based on a Social Community Engine
Hehe! Oh that's just Alex, he is part of the FP team now =) I didn't miss this one ;)
We needed help!
I think "just Alex" is on to something that is needed. FP is world-wide and many countries operate under different criteria. I am in the US and the process here is a cumbersome one indeed. Each state has a separate constitution. Calif. is gearing up now to put homeschool families on the chopping block. This has been building for some time but in recent light of a "supposed" child endangerment case the wheels are turning fast at the legislature. Would be great to have a way to connect those of us in the US with each other, and I see @article61 could use some help over in the UK. Think "work teams"! :)
Yeah right! It was meant as a lighthearted joke, he is on the team for a reason, and his ideas will be showing up in our community =)
I figured it was a lighthearted joke and look forward to any and all ideas showing up in this community. I hear talk of "communities" being developed by and for Steemit but not sure if those will actually allow us to engage and coordinate like a separate data base would.
Yes! Me and Linda have been aware of this for some time, I see no reason why the FP community will not be allowed to participate.
Thanks Vickie!
Could you please provide me with contact info for your north idaho citizens against corruption group? I have a very nasty problem up there in coeur dalene.