CPS Role In Agenda 21: A Death Knell For Families

in #familyprotection7 years ago

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[This should read "except President Trump"]

All roads lead to Rome, the saying goes and all of the research I've done into the root causes of CPS abuse and the driving force(s) behind it keep leading back to the same source- the United Nations. I know that this all seems like some conspiracy theory... except that it's not. It's been a part of US public policy since 1992 when President George H W Bush signed the accord at the Rio de Janeiro conference of the same year. I'll outline some of the key points and give a brief explanation of how it affects families, but I want to focus on how CPS plays a role in the overall purpose... global political power centered in one locus and how the destruction of the nuclear family unit is a primary and necessary condition for its fruition.

  1. The end of national sovereignty. Strong families along with strong family values make for strong nations because they create good citizens... an anathema for globalists.

  2. State planning of all resources- ecosystems, water, agriculture. In 2012 Obama signes Executive Order 13603 in which he nationalized ALL (emphasis added) water, food, gasoline and other commodities- in effect giving government control over it all.

  3. No private property. This will become clear in numbers 8 & 10.

  4. Restructuring families. During the Clinton Administration the definition of the word "family" was broadened to include practically any group of people who declare themselves to be so. Although this seems benign on the surface, it is government that determines what a family is rather than any traditional delineation.

  5. Children raised by the state. Now here's where CPS comes into the picture. This basically declares state ownership of children. If you remember the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, it basically gives children the same rights as adults, including religion, association, access to information (which includes pornography), autonomy in medical treatment, etc. (including access to abortion, "gender reassignment" etc.). I wrote an article that I'll leave a link to at the end about the UN and Planned Parenthood teaming up to create an "educational curriculum" for children as young as 5 that teaches children to "reject the traditional values of their parents as 'old fashioned' and encourages promiscuity and fornication." A logical conclusion to this is evinced in a recent case in Ohio where CPS became involved because the parents of a 17 year old refused sex change hormone treatment.

It should be obvious to any reasonable person that children are called "minors" because they're not mature enough to make decisions for themselves. Virtually everyone that has had sexual reassignment surgery has come to regret it... even the poster boy/girl Bruce/Caitlin/(maybe Bruce again) Jenner. These are whims and everyone has them... especially children- that's why they need parents and families for support, not the state and certainly not the UN. The role of CPS in this has nothing whatsoever with the protection of children, but imposing an agenda that will destroy the nuclear family... that's the goal! Once again, strong families and strong family values are all that stands between "Them vs Us". CPS is the tool employed for the destruction.

  1. People are told what jobs they can have. If you control people's income, you control their families.

  2. Restricted movement- the ramifications of which should be abundantly clear.

  3. Control of all farmland. If you control farmland you control the food supply. This also prevents families from coalescing into self-sufficient groups in opposition.

  4. Control of Education. Once again, directly linked to CPS. The schools have for decades been used as indoctrination centers used to turn children against parents. I've written before about the relationship of the educational establishment- teachers and social workers and the "duty" of educators to sniff out "abuse" and report it to CPS... it's all just a part of the same plan.

  5. Sustainable population. When you hear the term "sustainable development" it should strike fear into any normal person. This is the end game and it's written on the Georgia Guidestones.
    Maintain a population of 500,000,000.
    "Guide" reproduction.
    Balance individual rights with societal duties.
    As George Carlin so eloquently put it "It's a big f**king club and you ain't in it" (and neither are your kids by the way). As I pointed out in my post about the "Family First Prevention Services Act" don't be fooled by innocuous sounding titles. Government has but one purpose- to increase the power of government... and believe me, it's a zero-sum game. They win, you and your family lose... and CPS will be there to ensure that it happens.


Please join @familyprotection in their fight to preserve the integrity of YOUR family... Give as generously as possible!

GIF by @papa-pepper



This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @richq11 for supporting @familyprotection

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The part of all this that is the saddest, is that the average Joe is all for CPS and all for bigger government even if they dont realize it.

I think that thanks to groups like @familyprotection more people are beginning to wake up.

I hope every post they make is also posted on faKebook and such :)

There are some good similar groups on Fakebook... Luke's Army, and there's a woman with a radio show I can't remember the name off hand, I'd have to look.

but i just tapped in familyprotection on fb, and marks name came up, then I thought i was joining the same as on here , but then saw i was in another group and it seemed to be very "sheepish" and giving credit to the cps?

That is interesting. I think the next time I hop to FB I'll have a look too.

it even had a TM sticker!

I found it again on my phone and joined, alot of talk about a knife as a welcome present?! haha what ..

Thanks for writing that, and i like it even better that you have a high rep.. newbies like me write stuff like this but it never gets seen by more than 10 people lol. resteemed! What vikki said about moving people to citys, I knew this was planned for 21 but I just realised that my friend is having the cps bigtime since months on her case, she lives in a cabin up a mountain in a settlement, and her ex said that its better if she moved into the city and this was another thing put on her. I just linked the 2 together. Thanks guys, if i have permission i would like to start posting the links on my faKebook account, to let more people see it?

Be my guest... Remember, we all start out as newbies. I remember over a year ago I wrote a post about Nancy Schaefer getting killed after exposing CPS corruption. I must have put 3 hours into it and I made $0.08. 15 people probably saw it. Just keep popping them out and it will get better.

ah yeh im not really too fussed! dam r.i.p i didnt know someone was already killed over it :(
cool was just asking if it was ok, and im happy to share it around!
serious days we experiencing, its such a shock its real still..

You certainly have my permission to post any of my links anywhere you can and I'm pretty sure Rich feels the same way. We are in the fight of our lives and there are so many, and growing numbers, of families that will have their lives forever changed. and NOT in a good way Post, blog and steem on, stand on a rooftop and yell, whatever it takes :) As @familyprotection moves ahead I expect we will have handouts and help sheets that can be distributed throughout local communities. The sky is no longer the limit, only our intentions are our only limitation... go for the gusto!

ah yeh im not really too fussed! dam r.i.p i didnt know someone was already killed over it :(
cool was just asking if it was ok, and im happy to share it around!
serious days we experiencing, its such a shock its real still..

what is a 'soft treaty'?
isn't it the Senates job to confirm treaties?

Technically it's an "accord" not a treaty and yes it is up to the senate to "advise and consent" for a treaty to be ratified. I don't think the president even has the authority to negotiate a treaty.

you would be correct.

I guess I didn't waste my money on Political Science 101 after all!

you obviously know more about politics than elected officials and journalists do.

Appears our "constitutional" government and its foundational processes and procedures have been "over-ridden" in more ways than one. It is like a run-away horse, and if we do not grab hold of those reins we are sure to get thrown into the "manure" pile. That about sums it up for me

yup, they are targeting children hard and this whole gender thing in children is how they are getting their foot in the door, I wrote these a while ago one about how they are using state sponsored 4-H sleep away camps to indoctrinate children and lie to their parents and how they are sterilizing all the children they identify as transgender. It is really underhanded and despicable.

Hey Rich, this is the pick for Steemian of the week post on Jane's Chaos Show tomorrow at 6 pm Central.
Let me know if you want to come on the show, around 8 PM Central?

Absolutely! Are you on Skype? I'm not sure Discord is working, @stevescoin and I tried to talk on there but no joy. If you remember we tried to talk on Skype and I couldn't get it to work and dumped it... I redownloaded it and did the sound and mic test and it was fine. Just let me know... and thanks for the honor!!!

Call me on Skype my friend. It's Skype ID: [email protected]

It has become perfectly clear to a growing number of people that one of the greatest violations of human rights is coming to us world-wide under the guise of Agenda 21 and what is now being called Agenda 2030. I've witnessed a mom being threatened in Calif. if she did not move herself and her daughter from her own several acre, mostly off grid property in a rural area (just a few miles from a small town) and move into a bigger city some 30 miles away. They were going to take her daughter so she had to throw up the white flag and surrender to them.

TAgenda 21 is a well orchestrated plot to move people into urban areas and this little article out of Montana shows how blatant and in our face this really is: http://www.thedailyherb.com/telling-on-themselves-rural-cleansing-in-north-idaho-and-montana/

I know... I was trying to keep it fairly short and focus on the role of CPS.

The CPS role is becoming much clearer each day. Great post to tie them in to Agenda 21 because CPS is a powerful tool for this most evil approach.

I was trying to think of a good analogy... whether CPS is a blunt tool for a frontal assault while the others come from the side, or just part of a steamroller going full speed ahead!

Both are good ones. I guess the analogy for me would be that CPS appears to be teams of hired snipers who have infiltrated our communities for the profit of evil at the expense of the innocent. but that is just me :)

That agenda 21 is no good at all.. we dove into this stuff after we have been gang stalked and I came across things that I never knew but I am actually not surprised anymore. They want the population to go down indeed and CPS must be a big part of this plan to succeed. It terrifying if you ask me.. Resteemed this post as I hope that more people get aware of agenda 21..its needs more awareness what they are planning to do to the world ..

Thank you! You're right, the only chance we have is to wake more people up to what's going on. One good thing, President Trump is the first president not to sign the accord.

Actually that surprized me.. but that's certainly positive!

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upvote resteem done.great post @richq11.

This is what happen when you leave a country to armchair acedemics who doesn't live in a real world with real logic.