It has become perfectly clear to a growing number of people that one of the greatest violations of human rights is coming to us world-wide under the guise of Agenda 21 and what is now being called Agenda 2030. I've witnessed a mom being threatened in Calif. if she did not move herself and her daughter from her own several acre, mostly off grid property in a rural area (just a few miles from a small town) and move into a bigger city some 30 miles away. They were going to take her daughter so she had to throw up the white flag and surrender to them.
TAgenda 21 is a well orchestrated plot to move people into urban areas and this little article out of Montana shows how blatant and in our face this really is:
I know... I was trying to keep it fairly short and focus on the role of CPS.
The CPS role is becoming much clearer each day. Great post to tie them in to Agenda 21 because CPS is a powerful tool for this most evil approach.
I was trying to think of a good analogy... whether CPS is a blunt tool for a frontal assault while the others come from the side, or just part of a steamroller going full speed ahead!
Both are good ones. I guess the analogy for me would be that CPS appears to be teams of hired snipers who have infiltrated our communities for the profit of evil at the expense of the innocent. but that is just me :)