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RE: The Saudi Niqab And The Freedom Of Being No"body"

in #fashion8 years ago

Well it's true. That's the way steemit's rewards system works. They should believe it.
Unless you're referring to people not liking feminism. Saying it's cancer is really awful towards people affected by cancer. An explanation of what you believe, and why, would be more beneficial in creating a society you want.
I personally have seen the extremes of feminism. I have seen the breakdown of the family unit. When abuse is involved, and the situation is going to continue, then yes you should leave. But I also see relationships breakdown because people just don't try anymore. This is supported by Statism far too often and is actually a way of the state hijacking reliance that should be kept in the family and community. It gives governments a lot of power when whole demographics rely on them for survival.
Commitment is a dying concept in the west. Feminism as a way to try to achieve superiority is not feminism. It's tyranny. Feminism to achieve equality in a patriarchy is noble. Is this in line with what you are thinking and feeling?


instead of a long winded response, this video explains why view

above video shows you why i think why i do

Watching it now.

I think this guy backs up some of the things I have said in my blog. I agree the lie that all defined gender roles are a bad thing, is a bad thing. I went through my 20's in the late 80's and early 90's. There was a massive shift in gender roles and the acceptance of equality. The thing we lost along the way is that men and women are different. We can be different and still equal. Some feminists believed that they had to be more like a man to be equal to a man. Which is nonsense. Many women were pressured into feeling inadequate if they chose to focus solely on their families. The key word is choice. It usually is. And we have lost much respect for the role of Motherhood. I am a mother and a grandmother and I see lack of respect for both parents actually, becoming a huge problem.
This guy brings up some excellent points. I wouldn't be throwing the baby out with the bath water just yet though. As a woman who has experienced inexcusable sexual harassment and even assault, I can tell you the rape culture does exist. Maybe not in Milo's world, or yours, but it does in many women's lives. Social experiments have proven that the patriarchy isn't a myth. It still lingers, and I do see some of Milo's opinions as extreme. He doesn't have the authority to comment on whether or not women experience harassment, or touching in the workplace, because he's not a woman and has never experienced what many women do.
He is slightly misogynistic. And you can hear the emotion in his voice when he says something misogynistic. He has issues, but I would say he strives to be balanced considering this bitterness he feels at times.
I agree 100% with him that people with extreme views, hardheaded views, from the left and the right, and who have done little valid research, are not able to hold a proper debate based on facts. People are swayed by their emotional attachment to past events, maybe trauma, and what they see as a possibility of gaining the upper hand without considering the consequences for all. Agendas are always a big factor in ideologies.
I don't think he will have much sway over hardheaded leftists, but I worry he may be misquoted by hardcore rightists who would be happy to see women back in the kitchen with the kids clinging to her apron. He speaks so quickly too.
I am pleased someone is willing to throw themselves to the wolves and say these things. Some of the things he says are wrong, but he also says some other things that do very much need to be addressed.
On the note of feminism on the whole being a bad thing, until we see women across the globe being given equal rights, and fair representation in the media, politics and business, then the word feminism, and it's original goal will have to stay. Our ex-Prime Minister here in Australia pretty much crucified his career with outdated, chauvinistic comments. Speaking about giving the women of Australia something to think about while they are doing the ironing. Saying women didn't have the "aptitudes" that men have to be in the workplace, when he was clearly being patronising. Also Trump's comments regarding grabbing pussy, is rape culture. It is illegal to touch a woman without her expressed consent. He thinks he can treat them however he wants. So also, these people being elected as leaders, points to equality having a way to go yet.
But thank you for the video. It is very interesting and I will be taking on board some of what he said, as a lot of it (not all) was spot on correct. Especially on the subject of women being chauvinistic and unfairly hateful towards men.