Daily Steemit Faucet post payout for 15th June 2018
@abbak7 @abhisteem13 @abrahamg12 @abu.bakkar @aceace @aiyumi @aksios @amart29 @ambarabby @anasuleidy @andreja @andresbernal2402 @aracieli @armandofd @artsymelanie @authorcolinbmw @axbezzub @bernardtjames @bigsambucca @biryuza @bitdip @bojakcates @brosol @brusneilish @bxlphabet @citizenkane @cjsean @croxdragnel @cryptocheta @cryptoenvision @cryptohappenings @darlyrin @decaptain @dhanu4u @dianadvsalcedo @dinglehopper @dizzyapple @eagle42 @elider11 @elkeps @ericet @e-rich @eurovision @exploretraveler @fhstralow @firstamendment @fitinfun @fleurinna @freewritehouse @galifrey @georgeknowsall @gersson @gilres @gpalav @grace234 @greymar @gustavoadolfodca @hangin @happyhairdays @hatoto @hillaryoki @inspiracion @isabelpena @itsjessamae @izaid @jadeidol @jamescrusader @jdbs @jennswall @jesusagon @jesusvieira @jjqf @jmehta @joanstewart @johngentry @johngentryjr @josevas217 @julian2013 @kcherukuri @kidsreturn @korshed @krisha25 @kryptonia @lacl @lauracguzman @leetahsar @leopenuela18 @london65 @ludevielucero @luminophore @magnitocryp @mapleleaf123 @mariale07 @mariamzr @mariannewest @maryresp @mawit07 @maxili63 @mcplexer @meepsy @melaniewang @meme.elena @micromax @mirandafr @moissrams @momekato @motordrive @mps01k @mrzurkon @mydivathings @myscrible @mytechtrail @nahupuku @nathansenn @naturealwysright @nawye @nexit @nexusvortex777 @noechie1827 @nrich239 @nypho @ofili1 @omg-is-biology @oscar21vander @pandasquad @patycantellas @petervroom @piccola.valeria @poyim @pravinnandanwar @princesave @psi.acastillo @psyceratopsb @psychkrhoz @puskas @quatro @quotes-haven @remotehorst @rengus @reonlouw @resteemza @richard78624 @richie211 @riyuwe @rlt47 @rosargelisperez @ruul @salomonca @sam1996 @scoobyscoobydoo @septimus @shoukath @simplemrakpor @sinlg @sir-lionel @skysnap @solangeh @sorpale @starthere @steemfire @suanky @sughey @sunday21 @superexplorer @sureshtembhurne @sustainablelivin @sweetjoy @tantrum @teresah @theresa16 @thewitchdoctor @the-witty-waiter @traylorjonathan @trituratusmiedos @tspink @vacilator @veronicasmb @vijbzabyss @violinist @vsmb @wahidurrahman @wendyth16 @whitelite @wonderwop @youarehope @yunairy @zhivot @zlatozar
Check the Pending Payments here --> http://csyd.es/Faucet/PendingPayments/
Current Daily Faucet Post http://csyd.es/Faucet
Please leave comment that you received your payout to show others this is real.
#SuperiorCoin with #Kryptonia = #Upvotes on #Steemit
I pity you. Better dont try it unless you have gotten another job elsewhere
Join my Kryptonia Referral Team and share in my team referral earnings
Thanks for sharing. sharing is caring @sydesjokes
ok fine i am join
Thanks for your caring sir. Joined already
Thanks buddy
Thank you Colin, love seeing my name on here. 😘
Thanks for
Thanks for sharing @sydesjokes
My name appears again thanks
thanks for the update!
Thanks and keep it up
Thank you!
We can not always be placed in the table ;-)
Thank you so much....:D
Happy start of the week Colin, thank you for sharing
Kind of missing the daikly faucet.
Grateful with his generosity
Grateful with his generosity
yo quiero :P
If I appear, thank you very much
Thank you, happy night.
thanks sñ @sydesjoker.
I missed this
thanks @sydesjoker