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RE: Are We Asking For It?

in #feminism9 years ago (edited)

Why then, does he suppose men cover up?

Men cover up their genitals in order to not offend more dominant males and have to suffer their wrath. It's done with clothing, and with the "hands over the genitals" unconscious body language that survives from the prehistoric past in the present day, with the original meaning intact. "I cover up, to show I am a harmless decent male."

The male genitals on brazen display are an affront to the existing power structure of a social group. It will not go unpunished. It is only the ruling caste that permits itself to use phallic images, themes - the subjugated mass of men would not dream of rockstar phallic flaunting of this kind, and also with good reason. If they try, they will immediately encounter a swift smackdown.