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RE: Are We Asking For It?

in #feminism9 years ago

Once again, @cogliostro has spewed a pile of rhetoric which any decent person would be ashamed of.

...Covering up helps a decent woman only get raped some of the time, not constantly and not by everyone....

Why then, does he suppose men cover up? Perhaps for the reasons you suggested like...

I’m too cold or too hot, want to cover up, or shield myself from mosquitos

Why then does he conclude that women do an identical thing for a different reason than he does? @veralynn is definitely right to call this "a pretty strange idealogy." In my opinion, she wasn't harsh enough in her response to @cogliostro when he said

Does it restrict women's freedom to bar them from such cheap thrills? Sure. But so what?

He callously dismisses the idea of bodily autonomy, suggesting women ought to present themselves in a way that conforms to his obscure and poorly articulated moral standards. To call his behavior uncivilized, would be an understatement.

Perhaps she couldn't give that statement enough attention given how especially bad the rest is...

@cogliostro says

Police restricts men's freedom too. Common decency restricts men's freedom even further, as far as their interaction with women.

going on to essentially imply that is a restriction of a man's freedom to prevent him from raping women.

Do men really feel this way

I was going to try to avoid saying it because of how much the phrase 'not all men' generally turns me off given the context in which it is normally used, but here seems like a good time to say: Not all men; Not most men, almost no men feel that way. But now I have the unfortunate displeasure of knowing for sure, some men do feel that way, and for even being exposed to that ideology I feel gross. I pity somebody like @cogliostro who lives so steeped in that much misogyny.


Why then, does he suppose men cover up?

Men cover up their genitals in order to not offend more dominant males and have to suffer their wrath. It's done with clothing, and with the "hands over the genitals" unconscious body language that survives from the prehistoric past in the present day, with the original meaning intact. "I cover up, to show I am a harmless decent male."

The male genitals on brazen display are an affront to the existing power structure of a social group. It will not go unpunished. It is only the ruling caste that permits itself to use phallic images, themes - the subjugated mass of men would not dream of rockstar phallic flaunting of this kind, and also with good reason. If they try, they will immediately encounter a swift smackdown.

why did you flag my post? because you disagree with my opinion?

because I want to exercise my power the platform has given me to suppress your shitty anti-feminist article.

ahh so you feel it is ok to censor people you disagree with?

@feminism good for you, then. The only thing that worries me about you is how you interact with people.

I never claimed to be perfect.

I would be willing to compromise, as I have with you before when you were conducting yourself politely and professionally.

The difference is that I am constructive with my criticisms and arguments. What I have seen from you and @somedude is blatant hatred, harassment and abuse... and that is not tolerated.