Food Fight Friday: Walnut Taco Skillet

in #fff5 years ago

Hi Food Fight Friday Fanatics! Thought I’d pop in this week to see who the heck is around, where the heck all of the head Chefs are, and what the heck is going to come out of mouth (or computer screen). I must say, I do miss my fellow gangstas!

@plantstoplanks, @farm-mom, @paleotwist, @birdsinparadise, @cicisaja, what are you making for dinner? Now, just because I didn’t name you doesn’t mean I don’t miss you. Sometimes, you’re just excluded by default, i.e. if you have a pen15 🤡 . “Excuse me, does anyone have a pen around here? There’s a contender I need to write” 🤦🏼‍♀️.

Sooooooo, we are currently back in England (secret alert: I might only try and convince @dandays to move here a little bit. Like worlds smallest violin small, shhhh🤫), and although the weather is quite an undertaking for two California natives we are very happy with all other British life.

Firstly, the food is of great quality compared to the states and it’s so cheap relative to the sunshine state (California, right?). Secondly, I can find any and all ingredients, again, to make, create, and consummate any kitchen in my path.

Did she just say she makes it in any kitchen?

Well, yes Barbara, she did 🤰. (If you can’t see that emoji, it’s a pregnant lady holding her baby bump)

Thirdly, I have a bomb ash walnut, vegan, paleo taco plate to share with ya’ll.


Who got her rutabaga, rutabaga, rutabaga, back?
She got her rutabaga, rutabaga, rutabaga, back!
She got her rutabaga, rutabaga, rutabaga, back! Pura’s, ruta baga fries!

Is it lame that your local Chili’s doesn’t have these masterpieces on the menu? Yep, I think it is :).

This plate is, as I stated above, a Vegan, walnut, Paleo, Taco plate plate (intentional repetition of “plate”. Emphasis on “plate”), complete with peppered cauliflower rice, raw spinach, sliced avocado and two deliciously decorated vine cherry tomatoes. 😋
Oh yeah, and obviously baked rutabaga fries.

Step One: toss fry shaped cut rutabaga fries in a pan with olive oil, sea salt, chili flakes and pepper


Step Two: turn the oven to 425F and bake for 40 min



1/2 C finely chopped walnuts
2-3 minced garlic cloves
1/3 chopped red onion
1/2 chopped hot pepper
1 yellow bell, chopped
1/4 leek, chopped
1 zucchini, wheels cut in half
1 eggplant, wheels cut in fourths
1 can chopped tomato
2-3 Tbsp taco seasoning
1 Tsp chili flakes
1 Tbsp oregano
Salt and pepper to taste

Yes, this is how I wanted the picture to post

Mince, chop and prep your aromatics (ooh, fancy). Then, do the same with your main players.


Now, heat some oil in a large sauce pan and begin to sweat your onions, garlic, hot peppers, leeks and bell until nice and fragrantly translucent.


Add your chili flakes, taco seasoning, a pinch of sea salt, oregano…


…then your chopped tomato, walnuts and taco seasoning if you haven’t done it yet.


Mix everything well and simmer for 2 minutes before adding your veggies.


Let it all simmer on medium, covered, for 10-12 min or until the veggies are mostly cooked then another 5-8 uncovered until nice and thick.

By this time your favorite fry should be about done. Did ya’ll know that rutabagas are not only paleo but they pack an anti microbial punch to your gut biome too. Seriously, my favorite starchy vegetable supporter of gut health is a rutabaga. Careful though, their antifungal properties are so potent that many tend to get sleepy after consuming them (sleepy equals all of the over zealous yeasties dying 🥳).

Anyway, I served @dandays’ dish with a side of rice pilaf…


… and mine with peppered cauliflower rice.


See, @farm-mom, my veggie/fiber heavy cooking might be a contributing factor to my obsession with TP.

Happy @foodfightfriday Homies! It’s always nice to pop in and play with my friends in the kitchen. Thanks for supporting this initiative and thanks for supporting me. @jlsplatts, @dandays, and @idig, you guys are doing a fantastic job keeping us all going and we all appreciate your service!

P.s. if you’re going to vote for yourself, or solicit unknown, random people who have never participated in this community to vote for you then please take my contender out of the competition and consider it a vote against you! Or a fish slap, it can simultaneously be considered a fish slap. Thanks 💋





Looks amazing! Love cauliflower rice. Hope you're feeling a bit better?

Thanks @faeryboots! Cauliflower rice is my staple but rutabaga is my old faithful :). Big prayers we are almost there. Thank you for the well wishes.

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 80
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent
Food Coma
food coma pizza.gif
Good Luck
Have a

Nice to hear from you girl, keep it real!Ok, @puravidaville is back in the kitchen, that tells me she must be feeling a little better. Not only is she back cooking, she's back adding a little spice to the game, and I ain't talking about the ones we'll cook with.

Hey @thebigsweed, nice to be heard! Haha… I saw that fresh bottle of maple you sent to splatts last week and @dandays and I were salivating. I think my exact words to him were “that lucky fluck”. 🥶.

I like to pop in every once in awhile and see what everyone’s cooking. I’ve been running to the doctor for a multitude of tests (which is good) so hopefully some viable answers are on the horizon. I know Dandays would like a resolution ASAP because it freaking arctic here but I suppose you’d be the choir in this instance. It’s snowing in your neck of the woods about now, isn’t it?!? Maybe I should ask @farm-mom for some advice on buying arctic tundra clothing. We fail at activity. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Us, unknowing Californians.

Are you in the kitchen this week? I’ll pop right on over and see what you’re whipping up. P.S. although I advertised I only missed my girls, I indeed, missed my guys too.

Great to hear from you @puravidaville. Your hubby has been keeping us up to date and it sounds as though you have finally been pointed in the right direction.

Good luck with everything you've got going on and don't be a stranger.

If and when you guys ever get back to the states, Robin and I have a couple of bottles of syrup for you guys.

When we get back to the farm, maple syrup making will be at full throttle and I can't wait to tease @dandays.

I did it again, went to Robin's account and commented from there.
Oh well, you get the picture.

Hahahaha 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Why did I stop in the middle, proceed to then reread it aloud to @dandays with the preface of “Sweed is busted hitting me up from Farm Moms account” to only finally get to the end and find out you already knew that. Hahaha… good play my friend, good play.

You two enjoy the sun and the water for all of us. We’ll def be seeing you two back in NY one of these days. I know you probably don’t believe me because everyone says stuff like that but @dandays and I actually do stuff like that so just promise that you’ll still be cool in person, I mean, that you’ll have enough maple syrup for us 😉. Happy food fight!!

Aaaaannnd, your post isn’t up yet… but I’m sure I’ll see your contender when it is :)

This looks amazingly delicious indeed

Thanks @michelnilles! So, if you already voted your own comment, does that mean that I don’t have to?! 🤦🏼‍♀️

Your post has been determined to be Splat-Worthy!! Therefore You’ve been Splatted by the Splatz Curation Trail
@jlsplatts original
Rewarding Your Original Work
With an Upvote

Hey @puravidaville If you find posts worthy of a nasty Splatin’ feel free and mention @splatz in your reply to their post. Call me out!!

"taylor's eye witness"?

Are you calling me a Chef or a ninja? 👩‍🎤

This looks great my dear! I was just wishing I could get some rutabaga here but it's just not a thing unfortunately! :( Love your creativity and am on your side spreading the vegan message! I used to Steem full time vegan recipes but only just got back so I'm super excited to see this and virtually meet you! :) 💚🤗

Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome back @heart-to-heart!!! Yeah, I’ve been in and out the last few months. When my husband and I lived in Central America we couldn’t find rutabaga for the life of us. I missed them dearly back then. Believe me, I do not take my ability to pop into a market and purchase rutabaga easily for granted. They are such an under appreciated root. Haha. Thanks for stopping by!

Thank you! I'm rooted at home in Bali right now so I have been having a great time catching up with the community! :) I remember the same in Central America though, now, I very much regret what I took advantage of then as there are many things I can't get here that I wish I could!
Definitely an underrated root-- couldn't agree more ;) I'll have to make sure I catch up on eating my share when I'm somewhere that has them!
Have a great weekend <3

Thanks @heart-to-heart, you as well. P.S. you have all the juicy fruits plus acccess to a great herb or extract, galangal. Check it out if you haven’t yet. Galangal packs a microbial punch and adds a ginger like spiciness to dishes.

Your food looks amazing, really, I can eat just about anything with no problems but the foods you prepare would delight me I am sure.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.Hi @puravidaville, sorry I can't upvote you myself, glad the sweed took care of that for me. Glad you are back in the food arena, just don't run out of TP, heehe

Man, I wish I could at like I used to. It seems that every other week a new food item is added to “the things I can’t stomach anymore”. Such a pita!!! Thanks for dropping in though, I know you guys are busy having an adventure. And don’t you worry, the TP Queen is on the job :)

Did you say head chefs? 🤔

I would say something right here, but I’ve been practicing my PC’s and PQ’s for 10 weeks now and forgot who does and who doesn’t have thick skin on this platform. I’m still not saying anything so I don’t know what you think you’re reading.

I was gonna say something about you sure are funny but I don’t want you to think I think you’re a clown or anything so I won’t say it. I don’t know if I should say anything about your sixth tag, either, because I don’t want anyone reading this to get their butt feelings hurt.

Your husband is The Luckiest Guy I Know! That reminds me, I was gonna tell you how hot you look in that drawing of yourself at the end of your article (hotter than your last paragraph), but my wife might be reading this and I don’t want her to verbally kick your virtual azz.

I was gonna say if you cut this down to one or two paragraphs and maybe quote one sentence from one book you might get the big votes—never mind, there’s a three picture limit on those. Good thing I didn’t say it!

😂🤣😂🤣😂 ‘verbally kick your virtual azz’ love it!! Love you too. Muah

Btw, that goodfellas scene is a classic and maybe all you need to know in order to be a tough guy, just sayin 🤷🏼‍♀️ Now please, quiet down before you piss someone off and my curation is negatively impacted (impacted like being constipated, you know, shit because that’s what the community is headed towards when people reward the behavior of self interest). Shhhh 🤫, don’t let anyone hear you talk about it though.

looks so great dear @puravidaville

Thanks @anggreklestari! I’ll come over and check out your contender in a minute. I’m sure you have something delish on the menu.

That looks amazing! Welcome back to the competition; it’s good to have the sheriff back in town!
It’s a shame that there are people doing crazy stuff for this competition. I just see it as a bit of fun. I hope I am not late with this week’s entry, I’m a little rusty.

It is a shame because I’ve always liked this particular community for being so generous and neighborly. It seems a lot of people got carried away about the payouts and lost the point, which is the community. Anyway, thanks for stopping by and dropping a line. I’ll be right over to check out what you’ve got going on @shaidon. Happy food fight!!

Thank you for the reply. I had a much better, nuanced entry written out but eSteem ate it!
I kept most of what I wanted to say with this particular entry though.
I am reinvigorated and am keen to want to get posting more and more content.

I LOVE when I have written a post and the computer eats it before it’s submitted. Maybe, this one turned out better anyway. Glad to hear you’re all motivated and ready to rock. The blockchain needs more people like that.

It’s a form of “natural selection” as it were and forces me to edit and maybe re-think things and possibly improve them. You’re right, this might have been the better version.

It’s is, indeed, the better version

I like that everybody is following @inature's way of making photos. 😍👍

Lets hope that rewards are going to follow. 🚀

Is that who’s photos I follow? Thanks for keeping an eye on me @scorer.

I guess that's my way of telling - welcome back, nice to see you and great post. 😂

😂🤣😂🤣😂 my way of telling you- thanks for the warm welcome and making me laugh.

By the way, @dandays told me to tell you to check your delegation tomorrow . He’s going to increase you for 30 days 😉

I do not know whats he's up to, but I can handle whatever he brings on the table. 😈

Be ready 🤓

Would you believe that none of my farmers have brought me any rutabaga yet this year?? I mean, come on guys. Falling down on the job here. It's not like their working hard growing every other amazing winter vegetable that grows in the southern US or anything. Oh wait...

I actually bought us some rutabaga seeds to try to grow in our own garden, that's how much I've come to like those things. I could use a nap anyway, so perhaps I should try to track some good ones down. ;)

Hot dang it's good to read you back in the kitchen! Always get me licking my chops, but even more so I love the good chuckles as I read along the way. Oh shoot, I'm not going to be laughing when I get a tongue-lashing for forgetting to vote in last week's round. How rude of me to drop my veggie bomb and not vote...💩

Don’t worry, randoms are voting enough for everybody (smh, and my finger. Guess which one 🖕. By the way, it took @dandays and I, both, a good 3 minutes to locate that not nearly used enough emoji).

Oh my God, I didn’t have rutabaga for a couple months so upon our return to the wintery vegetable country, I stocked up. So good!!! I don’t think rutabaga gets enough credit. People act as if it’s the ugly sister of a potato but they couldn’t be more wrong. I seriously love these little yeast and bad bacteria killing bombs. Now, if I could only grow my own. Of course the dopest Plant on the blockchain has already got a head start. Love it.

I think if you throw down a vote you should just write the number you’re voting for with that trusted fresh turd emoji, nothing else, just the big turdy eyeballs looking back at everyone. Haha, I don’t know, just a thought 🤷🏼‍♀️ You rock, Girl!!! Thank you for keeping tabs on me.

Speaking of the @yourtop3 discord yesterday we were trying to figure out the best way to relate in emojis that this week "whipped my butt". This was the best I could come up with...👊🍑 Enjoy all the possible interpretations on that one. 😂

🤣😂🤣😂🤣 that’s classic!!

Mine are 🤷🏼‍♀️🥶🙄 (um think I’m Sarcastic much 🤷🏼‍♀️)#mytop3

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community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us here for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account.@c-squared runs a

Thanks @c-squared!! You’re always welcome on my page 😉

BEER Hey @puravidaville, here is a little bit of from @foodfightfriday for you. Enjoy it!

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I've never seen rutabaga around here but that Vegan Walnut Paleo Taco plate you dished up looks amazing!
PS Really hope you'll soon find out what the health issue is and that it gets better even sooner!

Posted using Partiko Android

I only discovered rutabaga a couple years ago and can’t imagine why it took me so long. It’s def a cold environment root vegetable so we couldn’t find it while in south/Central America either. Maybe we’ll have to try and smuggle one over through the mail… 🤷🏼‍♀️

Thank you for the well wishes. We are going to the appointments and hopefully getting closer to answers. It’s too cold to hang out around here for the winter 🥶. Hope all is well in your hood @lizelle!