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RE: Food Fight Friday: Walnut Taco Skillet

in #fff5 years ago

Don’t worry, randoms are voting enough for everybody (smh, and my finger. Guess which one 🖕. By the way, it took @dandays and I, both, a good 3 minutes to locate that not nearly used enough emoji).

Oh my God, I didn’t have rutabaga for a couple months so upon our return to the wintery vegetable country, I stocked up. So good!!! I don’t think rutabaga gets enough credit. People act as if it’s the ugly sister of a potato but they couldn’t be more wrong. I seriously love these little yeast and bad bacteria killing bombs. Now, if I could only grow my own. Of course the dopest Plant on the blockchain has already got a head start. Love it.

I think if you throw down a vote you should just write the number you’re voting for with that trusted fresh turd emoji, nothing else, just the big turdy eyeballs looking back at everyone. Haha, I don’t know, just a thought 🤷🏼‍♀️ You rock, Girl!!! Thank you for keeping tabs on me.


Speaking of the @yourtop3 discord yesterday we were trying to figure out the best way to relate in emojis that this week "whipped my butt". This was the best I could come up with...👊🍑 Enjoy all the possible interpretations on that one. 😂

🤣😂🤣😂🤣 that’s classic!!

Mine are 🤷🏼‍♀️🥶🙄 (um think I’m Sarcastic much 🤷🏼‍♀️)#mytop3