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RE: Incarnation - Day 160: 5 Minute Freewrite (part 1) - Prompt: Tiger

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Glad to see you striking out and challenging yourself! I love the detail from the senses and how they wrapped around me as I read! Your ending with the tiger feeling so alive and victorious set my heart racing!


Thanks @brisby. This was so easy to write as it was a dream I had which many might think sounds like a nightmare but it wasn't like that. Although sureal, it was like a double edge sword, the fear/panic of being attacked and then the overwhelming instinctual joy of the kill as the tiger. The dream ended with a victorious feeling, despite me being able to see my own dead face in the prey as as I devoured it.

Lol, after reading that back I'm thinking that maybe I might come off a little nuts 😉 but I guess when I had that dream, a good few years ago, my subconscious was working through some things. Thanks for checking out my ongoing freewite. Glad you enjoyed it