I Like After Tea

in #fiction5 years ago


In the first time I join Steemit I wrote a mini short story which contain 100 words. today i write in another version. Here you are.

I Like After Tea

Rani works at a cafe. Every day she serves his customers kindly. Good service makes customers make the cafe more crowded. Moreover, seeing her beautiful face makes customers happy to come to the cafe. Many of them are interested in Rani's beauty and kindness. However, no one received a serious response from Rani. Rani always thinks that she is working. Those who might like it are not thought of as more than a customer.
One sunny afternoon, a male customer arrived. He is handsome. Rani immediately approached her guest. This man saw Rani who was beautiful and friendly became fascinated. Seeing Rani's cool face makes her feel right. Her hospitality makes her feel like being in this cafe.
After inviting to sit Rani gave a menu list while asking
"What do you like sir? Tea or Coffee?"
The man was silent for a moment looked at beautiful Rani's face.
"I like after tea," the customer answered
Hearing that answer, Rani immediately wrote a copy on the menu message list.
"OK. Anything else?"
"No, thanks."
"Wait for a while, please."
The man just nodded and Rani rushed to the kitchen to make customer orders. A cup of coffee. When ready, she immediately brought to the front with a light brown tray. After arriving at the customer table, Rani drops the tray and holds the handle of the glass bottom cup. She offered to her guests who were waiting for orders.
"Here you are you order, sir."
"Oh No. I don't order coffee."
"What?" Rani can't hide her feelings.
"Didn't you order coffee?"
"No!" answered the guest.
"When I offered to drink tea or coffee, you said after tea. After tea is coffee. How can you say you didn't order coffee?" Rani starts to investigate.
"Right, I said I like after tea. But I didn't order coffee," the customer replied with a smile. Rani started to feel confused.
"OK. I will give you a clue."
"Why should I use a clue? For what?" Rani asked
"So you know what I mean," he replied
"You must remember about the alphabet, in English," said the guess. She memorized the alphabet while bending her fingers as a marker. After arriving at p, q r, s, t, it pauses. When she reached the letter U, she smiled shyly. Rani just realized that her guest intended to say I like you.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it

Bahasa Indonesia

I Like After Tea

Rani bekerja di kafe. Setiap hari ia melayani para pelanggan dengan ramah. pelayanan yang baik membuat para pelanggan menjadikan kafenya makin ramai. Terlebih lagi melihat wajahnya yang cantik membuat para pelanggan senang datang ke kafe. Mereka banyak yang tertarik dengan kecantikan dan kebaikan Rani. Namun, tak seorang pun yang mendapat tangapan serius dari Rani. Rani selalu berpikir bahwa dia sedang bekerja. Mereka yang mungkin suka tak dipikir lebih dari seorang palanggan.
Suatu sore yang cerah, ada seornag pelanggan pria datang. Wajahnya ganteng. Rani segera menghampiri tamunya. Pria ini melihat Rani yang cantik dan ramah menjadi terpesona. Melihat wajah Rani yang sejuk membuat dirinya merasa cocok.Keramahannya membuat ia merasa suka berada di kafe ini.
Setelah mempersilakan duduk Rani memberikan daftar menu sambil bertanya
"What do you like Sir? Tea or Coffee?"
Pria itu diam sejenak menatap wajah ayu Rani.
"I like after tea,"jawab pelanggan
Mendengar jawab itu Rani langsung menulis kopi pada daftar pesan menu.
"OK. Anything else?"
"No, thanks."
"Wait for a while?"
Pria itu hanya mengannguk dan Rani segera ke dapur untuk membuat pesanan pelanggan. Secgangkir kopi . Setelah siap ia segera membawa ke depan dengan baki coklat muda. Setelah sampai di meja pelanggan Rani menurunkan baki dan memegang gagang cangkir alas gelas. Ia menyodorkan pada tamunya yang sedang menunggu pesanan.
"Here you are you order, Sir."
"Oh No. I don't order coffee."
"What?" Rani tak bisa menyembunyikan perasaannya.
"Bukankah tadi anda memesan kopi?"
"Tidak!" jawab sang tamu.
"Tadi saat saya menawarkan mau minum teh atau kopi, anda bilang after tea. After tea is kopi. Bagaimana bisa anda mengatakan tidak memesan kopi?" Rani mulai menyelidik.
"Benar, saya mengatakan I like after tea. Tapi saya tidak memesan kopi,'jawab pelanggan sambil tersenyum. rani mulai merasa bingung.
"OK. I will give you a clue."
"Mengapa harus pakai clue? Untuk Apa?" tanya Rani
"Supaya kamu tahu maksud saya," jawabnya
"You must remember about alfabet, in English" kata sang tamu.
Rani membalikkan badan sebentar. Dia menghafalkan abjad sambil menekuk jari jemarinya sebagai penanda. Setelah sampai p, q r, s, t, ia berhenti sejenak. Saat sampai huruf U, ia tersenyum malu. Rani baru menyadari bahwa tamunya bermaksud mengatakan I like you.

Terima kasih telah membaca postingan saya. Saya berharap anda menikmatinya