
in #figurine6 years ago

The maneki-neko is a common Japanese figurine which is often believed to bring good luck to the owner. I actually doesn't believe about this cat figurine who brings good luck to the owner cause even my neighbor before who had a restaurant and she had this figurine her business doesn't went well. I will only believe if the owner who had this figurine will also work hard to run his or her business well and also always thank to god for all the blessings that he/she receives everyday. Before when I was a kid I am very curious about this figurine why is the cat always waving but when I'm already teens I ask what is that figurine and the person I was asking about this figurine explains me everything. So I do hope this figurine will really bring good luck to the owner who actually work hard for their business.

Michelle Carpio introducing myself


I am not giving you an upvote

I expected to learn something interesting about a foreign tradition/myth, but all I learnt is of your own prejudices and that you are one of those who wants to impose their religious beliefs on others - and THEN you tell us that someone explained the myth behind the custom/belief and DO NOT TELL US.

The more I write, the more I feel like flagging this post for wasting my time, so I'll stop.

So that others do not waste their time, here is a link that explains the legend: