
I'm in the same boat as you. A struggling filmmaker with an undying passion but lack of funds. I quit my job because I just couldn't take it anymore, and am currently focusing on my film and videography work. It's not easy, it takes a lot of time and dedication, but it's something that'll definitely pay off in the future. Well done on following your dreams, not enough people do that nowadays. Thanks for sharing your inspiration, it has given me a little boot :')

Nice to hear that and great to meet you!

I have 'seen' you around lately, let's try to hang out more in the near future. Always great to meet like minded people. If I could help you out in any way, I will. And, besides that, I might learn a trick or two from you too.

P.S. Are you on Discord chat?

And you to :) Ahahaha nice pun ;) I have a feeling quite a few people have, I certainly have a lot to say lately! Too true! I'm surprised with how great steem actually is for that. Thank you, and to you. I'm sure we can learn fro each other, that's what we're here for right? I do use discord i have no idea how to add anyone though, it should be the same name as this

Good piece! Thank you for sharing. Even though I make TV for a living (reality TV) I have always felt very similar. So many insecurities holding me back all the time.

When I was in film school, Rebel Without a Crew was one of our text books and I always... ALWAYS admired the filmmakers that called bullshit on the system and made their films no matter what. That's what it takes sometimes. Even if it comes out as a steaming pile of shit, the point of art... is to make art. If you wanna be an artist, you gotta make art, no matter what people think.

That's the hardest hurdle of all. The paralyzing fear of your friends, family and peers watching your work and cringing.

I've finally started to get back on my filmmaking horse after somewhat of a hiatus. I want to grow my YouTube channel so that eventually I can make whatever I want with an audience that appreciates what I do.

Now it's just time to do more of it.

Best of luck on your films. My only pieces of advice are to take constructive criticism without being defensive, stay focused and don't do it alone. Build a team around you. That's been my greatest weakness as a filmmaker. Team building. It's much easier if you have a circle of people you trust to help you build your work.

Awesome comment!

As I was in University, I didn't have textbooks like this. I didn't learn to break the rules. I hardly learnt any filmmaking. But, I definitely analyzed hundreds or thousands of movies and learned a lot (of other things). The real learning gets done though when you start doing it. Something I don't need to tell you.

the point of art... is to make art. If you wanna be an artist, you gotta make art, no matter what people think.

you get it!

Fear is the biggest problem indeed but - if like me - you feel you need to create or you will wither - there's little choice. Although, the longer you wait, the harder it usually gets.

I wish you the best of luck with your upcoming steps and hope you enjoy every single one of them as much as you can. If I can help you out in any way, you know where to find me.

Talking about the whole team thing, I will definitely write about that in my upcoming film posts. It's tough man. Believe me, I've tried, again and again. And I will keep on trying. Who knows, perhaps I will find these people via Steemit?

For now, I will keep sharing my story and - if I finally settle down in Portugal - there's no doubt that I will get back to filmmaking/ creating art.

Thanks a lot for your kind words and all the best,


Well dude this is an example than inspiration can be found literally anywhere anytime.

I think people sometimes need a little push to boost their energy and start acting towards their goals, I am glad you were able to find that push :P

I wonder if any of those 10 short films were horror films? I mean, what is your favorite genre? Because I know the prizes like the Oscars are usually to drama movies and they almost never include horror or science fiction... and I also ask you about horror films because I have seen some great shorts about horror in youtube.

It was more about motivation than inspiration but I hear you :>)

As you say, about the push (makes me think of a 90s song called Push by the band Matchbox 20)

At least one of the 10 shorts was a horror film, others were more like drama, some comedies, almost all of them pretty experimental

horror, scifi and drama are among my favorite genres but they often overlap (also with thrillers). Although I have to agree with you that horror movies almost never win Academy Awards, they have to make do with prices on (genre) film festivals. If you ever wanna chat about movies, feel free to reach out to me on discord :>)

Followed you over from the "not spam" post. Now I really want to hear the rest of the story. Hope you don't forget

Cool to hear you found me that way and no worries, I won't forget ;>)

Awesome man! Love to see when people just go for it and do what they want to do instead of being afraid of not getting the results or the reception they hope for. Great job!

Cheers buddy! It was about time. And believe me, I did it - and will keep doing it - again and again.

And each time you'll learn new things and get new ideas, build on that momentum :)

Definitely! Ideas aren't the problem these days. In fact, I encounter hardly any problems.
I just see challenges ;>)

I actually love that system of a two-man crew. :) It's how I've made my last few shorts. I did actually watch this film already, I think you had a link in one of your older posts? But I'm really happy to hear the story behind it--looking forward to hearing the rest!

If you find the right balance, a two-man crew can definitely work, although I tend to find sound a little more important these days but that's another story.

Yeah, you're right, I shared my short before, months ago, but I hardly had any following back then and I felt it needed a second chance and a better intro.

I will assure you that the rest will be a good read too ;>)

Yeah you're right, if you need sound, an extra person is almost a must!

The same thing happened to me--I shared one of my shorts when I was new here, but I don't know if anyone even saw it. Maybe I'll share it again in the future too.

Yeah, I know you did and I saw it.
I believe it did pretty good, was curated/ OCD nominated, right?

I don't feel bad about 'recycling' some stuff every now and then. Did you hear of the #steemitzombies initiative (about reviving old posts)? If not, you might want to check it out

You might be thinking of Athibar (the little space fantasy). That one did quite well, but I meant my student film, Jasmine--I think I only got like 16 cents on it. :P I have heard of steemitzombies, but I'll probably just post it myself again in future. :)

Ah, you're right. Although, I might have seen Jasmine too.

Success, whatever that is, on Steemit, is as unpredictable as the crypto world, at least for 'small fish' like us. I guess we need to define our own success and that isn't necessarily money (or gold)

I thought you were going to focus on making movies again NOW from the title!

“Make your own damn movie” I like that. I remember that poster from when I was a kid, it wasn’t really hypnotizing, toxic avenger... still haven’t watched it though.

Haha! That will need to wait a little longer. I need more 'therapy' time.

Let's say that for me it's often the (what many people would consider) bad stuf,f that inspires you the most. It gives you the conviction that, if they can do it and that kind of stuff finds an audience, why wouldn't you be able to?

Not having seen Toxic Avenger isn't really a miss. Wouldn't put it on my 1000 movies to see before you die list ;>)

This is so inspiring!
Fuji <3

what's in a name? although we used a Canon camera