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RE: American History X (film): Edward Norton shows his chops again

in #films7 years ago

We are all different. Unfortunately, or fortunately. But even if we were all the same, we would still find what to find fault with, this is the nature of man. There will always be those who are not happy, and they will express their dissatisfaction in extremely different forms. Everyone will seek the truth, but the truth is that in no multinational state, however democratic and liberal it was, there will never be real brotherhood or real equality. Any such state is a swelling, ripening abscess, which will burst sooner or later, and centuries-old grievances, unsolved problems, endless claims - the consequences of eternal egoism and eternal fear of "others" will pour out from there.
It's hard not to admire the ingenious game of Edward Norton, who from the skinny amorous botan turned into an awesome Nazi. Norton on the move proved that he really is the best of the young Hollywood actors.
Look at his face in the beginning: this is the face of a man who is absolutely sure of his rightness. He is horrible with his blind faith, his frightening smile, his metallic glance of icy eyes. The pleasure of the monster glows in his eyes. And in these moments he is really terrible. The film takes Norton to the field of the deepest psychological study of the hero and analysis of each of his actions, creates a picture of the numerous changes taking place in the soul of the hero. The actor was faced with a different scale of action, alien to his level of thinking. And he passed everything with admirable believability. Of course, Norton is not a Nazi. But how amazingly he lied in his role, how sincerely he believed in his lies.
This film is scarier than all the horror films put together. His heart aches from him, it twists and makes him sick. He is heavy, depressed and cruel. Because it opens the fear, deep in many of us, because we all live in multinational states and every day we see on the TV the next interethnic conflicts.
"American History X" is one of those films that must be seen. He is able to excite, convince, shock, even change his outlook. By strength and impact on the psyche is a powerful, nervous and paralyzing film.


excellent follow up buddy. You are quite the writer. I'm gonna start following you.