American History X (film): Edward Norton shows his chops again

in #films7 years ago (edited)

While this movie is far from perfect and the script has more than a few problems with it, the movie is salvaged by an absolutely wonderful performance by Edward Norton, who once again shows us that he deserves all the accolades that he receives for being one of the best actors of his generation.


I chose to write about this film today because yesterday I wrote and article about how the media is portraying neo-Nazi movements as being widespread in the USA and I don't believe them - i don't think anyone really takes the media seriously anymore. I am not trying to follow up on that anymore but American History X wonderfully portrays how someone could end up in that sort of organization and a lot of it has to do with circumstances which are actually quite powerful such as the loss of a family member or the powerful bond that exists in an older-sibling type situation.

Edward Norton plays Derek Vinyard, a former Neo-Nazi leader who had to serve some time in jail. While in jail there are some situations that arise that changes his mind about his hateful ways, but before entering he had very much succeeded in converting his younger brother Danny down the Nazi path as well. I don't want to spoil the film but this focuses greatly on the amount of admiration that Danny has for his older brother Derek and how he seeks to be exactly like him.


Another powerful force at play in both of these guys lives is the lack of a father figure growing up lead them to fill that void with something else. That something else came in the form of the cameraderie and leadership that was provided by Cameron Alexander, a charismatic man who preys on boys without direction in life and recruits them into his "gang."

The story is told in a non-linear fashion and many times the camera changes from color to black-and-white. This is a fun way of telling the story and I have always enjoyed this type of art direction in films. It keeps you guessing and you have to put the pieces together yourself as the movie carries on.

Edward Norton was not the first choice for the film and the director was actually extremely opposed to his being cast in the film because he wasn't big enough. However, Norton was incredibly dedicated to the film and put on 20 lbs of lean muscle for the role and is an absolute beast in the movie.


He was also nominated for an Academy Award for this role. Take that director!

On to the problems that i have with the movie and to be honest I don't know how this could be improved.

  • towards the beginning of the film, Derek is interviewed by a reporter after his father was killed (this is in the first 2 minutes of the film and likely in the trailer - not a spoiler) and this segment was very poorly scripted. Even a legendary actor like Norton couldn't make it good.
  • Norton is portrayed as simply unstoppable and extremely admirable, including when he slam dunks in a basketball game. Norton is like 5 and half feet tall, he can't dunk
  • Danny is played by Edward Furlong - Furlong does ok in this film but he simply isn't a good enough actor for this role. I think his lack of acting ability is why we don't really hear much about him anymore. However, i honestly don't know who else they could have cast because it needed to be someone around high-school age. As silly as it sounds, i would have liked to have seen Macauley Culkin in this role.

overall this movie was made what it is by Norton's outstanding performance in what I feel could have ended up being simply average in his absence.

7 / 10


We are all different. Unfortunately, or fortunately. But even if we were all the same, we would still find what to find fault with, this is the nature of man. There will always be those who are not happy, and they will express their dissatisfaction in extremely different forms. Everyone will seek the truth, but the truth is that in no multinational state, however democratic and liberal it was, there will never be real brotherhood or real equality. Any such state is a swelling, ripening abscess, which will burst sooner or later, and centuries-old grievances, unsolved problems, endless claims - the consequences of eternal egoism and eternal fear of "others" will pour out from there.
It's hard not to admire the ingenious game of Edward Norton, who from the skinny amorous botan turned into an awesome Nazi. Norton on the move proved that he really is the best of the young Hollywood actors.
Look at his face in the beginning: this is the face of a man who is absolutely sure of his rightness. He is horrible with his blind faith, his frightening smile, his metallic glance of icy eyes. The pleasure of the monster glows in his eyes. And in these moments he is really terrible. The film takes Norton to the field of the deepest psychological study of the hero and analysis of each of his actions, creates a picture of the numerous changes taking place in the soul of the hero. The actor was faced with a different scale of action, alien to his level of thinking. And he passed everything with admirable believability. Of course, Norton is not a Nazi. But how amazingly he lied in his role, how sincerely he believed in his lies.
This film is scarier than all the horror films put together. His heart aches from him, it twists and makes him sick. He is heavy, depressed and cruel. Because it opens the fear, deep in many of us, because we all live in multinational states and every day we see on the TV the next interethnic conflicts.
"American History X" is one of those films that must be seen. He is able to excite, convince, shock, even change his outlook. By strength and impact on the psyche is a powerful, nervous and paralyzing film.

excellent follow up buddy. You are quite the writer. I'm gonna start following you.

This is a fantastic movie because no matter what side you're on in life, this movie shows them all, good and bad, right or wrong. I also agree with the point in the movie that proves that people can change for the better and straighten things out in their head to do the right things in life. Yes, things in our world have changed, some for the good, some for the bad, but just because you might not agree with some of it, doesn't mean you can play God and try to make things "your way" and this shows exactly what happens when you try. This movie talks about all walks of life and the struggles we all have in what beliefs are right and wrong. Yes this movie is brutal and violent, but also truthful to the past and unfortunately still sometimes the present. This movie is about race, but not only 1 race is singled out and fed to the dogs, they all are. So, go into this movie with an open mind and your mind will come out full.

I watched Terminator 2 the other day and agree Furlong can't act

it's his fucking voice. always hated him.

This is an excellent movie with a brilliant message.

The tragedy of it is that racists watch it and find themselves agreeing with the things Derek says before prison. How stupid do they have to be to watch a movie calling on people to drop racism, and only take more racism away from it? Such art is wasted on the ignorant...

I bet there are a few people that would feel that way but if that does happen it is just like a line in the movie "He's gone, we can't help him."


Great Post with Great Information.
My 100% upvote for this post.

Changing colour is the beauty of art. That's really great fun with conversion of colours from black to white and vice versa.
By the way thanks For your review

still remember that scene with in the
asphalt.. great movie !!!

Yet another one of my favorite movies. Norton and Furlong were both amazing in this movie. And I will never forget the sounds of teeth on concrete from this movie

I wonder how this movie was from the perspective of a racist person, the problem is you really cant do anything about it, there is no solution to this endless cycle of violence and racism.There is no side you can take while being in the sidelines is again wrong, if i had the power every racist person on the planet would be dead in an instant, and that includes people who are as close to me genetically as you can possibly get. At least the statistics show that we are walking towards a brighter future day by day, maybe in a trillion years there will be no more racism.

I just love how Hollywood spun it to make us all think that skinny, innocent, weak, insecure, overrated Edward Norton and that fat, pasty, pathetic tub-of-lard Ethan Suplee could actually beat a team of bruthaz to win over the basketball court. I guess Edward Furlong (who's actually Mexican), dying at the end was the balancing of the scales.

Edward norton is a great actor, he always gives an extraordinady performance.

American History X is a 1998 American crime drama film..It has a little bit of everything in the way it touches you. This movie is so brilliant and tragic and i felt sorry for Derek in the movie and especially the part when he regret all the bad things he has done. This is Edward Norton's best performance role In my opinion.