In The USSA, and I believe in most of the westernized world, the middle class is not allowed to own any real assets.
What defines the middle class, as opposed to the lower class (or serfs) is the ownership of productive assets. Productive land and small businesses. Over the past century these have been completely stripped from the middle class. Now, the middle class are just well paid serfs.
Let us make a list of assets that middle class people think they own:

- House
- Car
- Stocks
- Money in the bank
- Social Security
- Small Business
Your house is not your asset. It is the banks asset. And even if you have it paid off, it is still real estate. Real, as in El Camino Real. (As in road of the kings). As in the kings estate. The govern-cement owns it, and you pay rent on it (property tax) or else the govern-cement will come and kick you off the property you thought was yours.
Your house also creates no income for you. It is a liability. It is a money sink just so that you can have a comfortable place to sleep. It is constantly degrading over time / in constant need of repair. Your house is not something you can just sell to raise capital. If you did, you would just transfer the moneys to a new place to sleep.
FYI: Mortgage is a french word that literally means, death note. Or you will pay until you are dead.
Your house, is simply not your asset.
Do you own your car?
Even if you have your pink slip in your hand?
Well... did you register it? Registration means that you gave your car to the govern-cement in exchange for exclusive privilege to use it. Of course the state has fallen through on their end of the deal, but we are already brainwashed to pay every year.
Besides, your car is just a pile of rust in the making. It is either a job necessity, or an expensive burden. But for a rare few, it doesn't put money in your pocket.
It is said that rich people own preferred stock, common people own common stock.
However, today, it is even worse. The common people are relegated to common stock, but they don't even own that anymore. Your broker actually owns the stock.
Have you heard of DTCC failure to deliver? It is actually a very common occurrence. You paid for a stock, and... you bought nothing, because someone sold something that doesn't exist. There isn't any auditing of the markets to make sure that people are selling something they own. In fact, bare naked shorting seems to be the norm.
And, even worse, the broker may not have even purchased the stock. Not until you actually ask for it, will they actually acquire it. And if it is too expensive, they will just give you your money back.
Unless you actually call up the broker and the corporation's lawyer and have the stock transferred into your name, you don't own any stock.
Money in the Bank
So many people talk about their money in the bank.
However, the fact is much grimmer.
You do not have any money in the bank. You gave your money to the bank. Its gone, fwip. They are under no obligation to give it back to you.
Further, legally speaking, you are the last person in line for receiving anything if the bank goes bust. (Sure, there is the FDIC, but that is just the american people paying the american people for any loss in the system.)
The govern-cements have all passed laws that the money in banks can be confiscated at any time it is deemed necessary. By the bank or by the govern-cement. Bail-ins are not a far off possibility, they are on stand-by with a hair trigger.
Money in the bank? Right up until the moment that it disappears.
Social Security
I am sure that everyone here knows that SS is a ponzi scheme. Where the current generation of earners are paying the retirement of the last generation. That there is no money in the SS fund.
But, what I am really here to point out is that article 666 states that by signing the card, you give all of your stuff and future labor to the govern-cement. That is correct. If you have a SS card, you own nothing. You are only the current user of that stuff, and the govern-cement can come and take it any time they wish.
Small Business
Who am I kidding, they no longer exist.
It used to be the american dream, but it has been relegated to the dump, and regulated out of existence.
And so, systematically, the middle class has been removed from its wealth. They are now just highly paid serfs, debt slaves. The middle class is not just dying, it is dead. Sure, there are some well paid lower class people still, that are called middle class.
The people that are now making it are starting mobile enterprises. Things like chicken tractors on leased property, where they can abandon the property with a small notice. Or they are on-line businesses that have very little start up cost, and so can be abandoned at any difficulty.
What an upside down world we live in.
I really agree with what you publish in your post! Very clear everything you say and how you express it. Thanks for sharing it with us. I hope you have a good week!
This is why I don't own a car and instead invested a lot of money in a very high performance, long range ebike. Because of the way the law is currently, you can own even a very powerful electric bicycle with no license, no insurance, no registration, nothing. In the eyes of the law it is a bicycle.
This means you can ride it anywhere a bicycle can go. Downtown cyclists often mingle with cars, so if you live in a city you lose nothing except protection from the elements, crash safety and trunk space. When I go get groceries I just use a backpack.
It's not a perfect solution but it's a reliable motorized vehicle I don't have to pay the government anything to own or operate, the "fuel" costs almost nothing and all the guts are on the outside so I can easily repair and maintain it by myself.
I may look into an ebike. Right now I do all you say but with a push bike. Good exercise and all that.
Better it can make you a new one ... without taking out a new bank loan .and.. Fertilise your garden ... lol
and grate article
My wife and i just joined a multi level business. However, its all organic products and everyday organic staples. Such as toothpaste, soap, etc. We buy this stuff anyways so might as well buy for ourselves and make money. Plus, its organic.
Good for you. Get out there and sell the hell out of it!
Invest in yourself. Invest in your business. Invest in gold, silver and bitcoin.
Can't afford bitcoin.
You can buy pieces of it - no need to buy a whole one.
what is the safest way to do that. i tried looking at one of those sites and there were so many ways. It was very confusing and scary.
go to and do what they suggest :-)
Thank you, will do. hope your evening goes well.
if buying with fiat, Coinbase is probably the simplest and most easy to use exchange - if it's available in your country. then move to a secure wallet for storage, like Jaxx or Exodus - or better yet, a hardware wallet like Treznor or Nano Ledger...
Silver will be one of the best and its dirt cheap right now.
There is lots of good stuff there to get your mind thinking correctly about money and getting a butt in gear. The books, the blogs and the podcasts are all great for starting entrepreneurs.I would check out Robert Kiyosaki's website
Thanks for the info. I have been investing in silver since 2013. I have some property in texas off of lake Corpus Christi. Was able to get a nursing license.
You just gave me new motivation to leave the rat racee, really, thank you!
Its so true right. But everywhere u go its same thing. How to escape this rat race?
Step 1: You have to realize you're in the Matrix.
Step 2: You take the red pill.
You have written about what is happening in the world today that is a direct attack on the non-.001%. When the wealthy of Europe/Asia created the "rentier class" in the 1600s, they did not want to build any more castles with stone, mansions with brick & mortar, etc. Nothing new needed to be created, no new wealthy needed to be graduated from the lower classes. They just wanted to rent out their hundreds of acres of land to the poor and live off the the rent. This attitude continued after the 1600s to the New World, where fractional reserve central banking allowed the wealthy to fraudulently steal newly-built houses and newly-occupied farmland by lending out currency to the colonists and then subtly stealing it from them via bankruptcy, war, etc. Then the rent system could be charged to new "owners", continuing the cycle.
The modern problem is that the wealthy used the banks who used government-created laws to confiscate the land from the original colonist families. The governments became their own entities, not just run by the wealthy, and politicians became a new class inbetween the wealthy and the poor. These politicians want to become rich, like everyone else, and the wealthy found themselves at the wrong end of the barrel after a generation.
So the wealthy today do not own the castles, the mansions, the hundreds of acres of land. They removed themselves from direct ownership, which made them targets of government, and formed paper corporations to own the land and houses. Then the wealthy made themselves rarely-seen owners of the corporations. The Board of Trustees for each corporation. Thus legal games could be played on property tax, usage, etc, while the wealthy remained in control by a perverted form of stewardship. (But all the Board - the stewards - are from certain families, and their salaries and benefits are Top Secret, they use intermediaries for all corporation actions, etc.)
The middle class - those who have not yet been driven poor by high taxation, high rent, restrictive property laws, lowering wages, etc. - are now "stationary targets", since they still have the dream of "owning" land and buildings, cars and valuables. Billionaires do not "own" - they live in 6-star hotel rooms, are driven in limos owned by corporations, fly in private airplanes owned by corporations, vacation in locations around the world owned or rented by corporations. Thus their taxes are minuscule.
This is the state of the middle class, the renting poor, and the non-owner but fabulously wealthy upper class.
If you add to this how The US is a corporation owned by the same rentier class, then you can see how it is all about control.
Too bad the middle class people like to feel they "own" things, or they could corprotize their lives too.
However, the future is going to be very different. Where ownership carries the burden of maintenance, including maintaining nature. And, without the maintenance, it will be considered that you do not own it.
So, a company is its people, the people are the company. Corporations being this fake person status will become verboten. But, hand in hand with this will be much more sane rules about recouping damages.
I want to say i agree with this 100%.
However, China is FAR worse...
It is no wonder chinese are buying foreign land, bitcoin and gold.
China is buying America one piece at a time.
Well...bro. Not on the equiv of $4000/year avg salary they wont. Which btw is well over 90% of the population there.
We talk about slavery in the USA and "racism" while people of all races buy Iphones made in Chinese factories with suicide nets...
Just think: many people spend 30 years paying for their home, and when they are done, it's still not really theirs. You should be able to retire in peace and not have to worry that you will be kicked out of your home because you ran out of money.
I agree. It is one of the most horrifying things to watch.
Just curious. Can you elaborate on this paragraph? I find it confusing.
"But, what I am really here to point out is that article 666 states that by signing the card, you give all of your stuff and future labor to the govern-cement. That is correct. If you have a SS card, you own nothing. You are only the current user of that stuff, and the govern-cement can come and take it any time they wish."
Let me go find a link. It is a deep subject. Which includes the number of the beast and evil, evil, evil.
TITLE 42 > CHAPTER 7 > SUBCHAPTER IV > Part D > § 666 is the social security nightmare.
In getting a social security card, you are making the govern-cement the benefactor of all your labor, in turn, you become a number and are offered "retirement insurance". It is all legalese, and a pain to read. Basically it says that you enter a contract with the govern-cement where they are the majority holder. Meaning everything after the start of that contract is owned by the partnership.
Some links. But I can't find my favorite.
Middle class? It does not exist any more! Welcome to the 2-tier society!
Totally agree with you. This is the sad truth and such situation is not only in your country.
It looks like no one government needs really free and healthy-wealthy citizens:-(
Yes, it is amazing how many people don't know the difference between an Asset and a Liability, or even what money is and is not. I have been teaching my son these things from an early age (now 8). It's similar to a Want and a Need.
Thanks for the post!
Great post and oh so true
Thank you much.
The creation of The Fed in 1913 put the final nail in our coffin.
Yes. But we will rise up from the ashes. And create a far more beneficial world.
yeah true words in this article really agree, here in germany too, but if you might speak out loud against the gov. here, if you are a native german, it may be that you really disappear, especially if you have a license card for "owning" a weapon then they come at 100% and take them away, even if you have the license and own it legal, and then you disappear or they put so many trials on you that you are f***** up, they even don't apply their own laws in court or show you a license that they are real judges so yeah really fair, man against the state speaking out or telling others these truths will cause you a lot of trouble and maybe you get labeled as "Reichsbürger" and simply disappear what a hell the world had become -.-'
!support german Holsten Beer, finest Brand in the world, be save be prepped and have a nice Day.
Have you seen this video clip from the Max Keiser show? They describe exactly how large corporations as well are trying to stop people from fully owning the products that we buy so that consumers of their products can be turned into captured debt slaves in an invisible legal prison.
This is all ultimately part of the UN 2030 Agenda where you won't own anything anymore and you will be herded into green, smart city consumer paradises like Singapore and Dubai where some socialist/collectivist wet dream will take care of you. You can have everything you want as long as you give up all your rights and freedoms and allow yourself to be herded in with the rest of the sheeple.
The real truth is much closer to an merger of Brave New World, 1984, and Soylent Green. The goal is to make sure you can't own a f'n thing and therefore you have no ability to resist the one world global agenda of neo-techno-feudalism that your "owners" want to have in place. At some point the full on shearing of the sheeple will also then occur. Have a look at this great summary here by TruthStream Media as well.
All of this is very true.
In my next articles I will tell of an alternative path.
Because, being a slave, no matter how comfortable, is not for me.
The silent masses need to be helped out of slavery as well, otherwise, they will rise up against those that resist the "socialist utopia". Then the only places left to have real freedom will be off the grid somewhere in the middle of nowhere. This is why the sheeple urgently need to be awakened from their slumber to the invisible prison being constructed and understand the alternatives they have to defeat it
So, your saying I should write faster? Yep, I agree.
Nope, I think we need to spread the word wider faster. That's hopefully easier to do than writing faster
If it (whatever 'it' is) can be taxed, then you don't own it. At best you're only renting.
It's depressing to think about but I think it's been this way for the entirety of human history. There will always be people that are rich and in power that control the masses. I don't know if there's a way to ever escape this due to the way humans are :(
There is a way to escape it. We have turned the corner, as a race, we are growing up.
Peace on earth is inevitable now. And along with that comes much better ways of handling finances and things like property rights.
Imagine a world where when you reach the age of majority, you are given a house. (or a piece of land and are helped to build one.) Where it is considered proper to give a new one entering the wide world a piece of that wide world.
You are more optimistic than I am haha. I see automation making the world a very dark place and society ending up like the one in the movie Elysium.
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What does the upper class have though?
They buy productive assets. Assets that put money in their pockets.
Bonds, Stocks, Businesses, Rental housing...
And they usually own them through a corporation or two protecting them from liability and death tax.
I have been a builder developer for 30 years. Physically fit at 61 i now have semi retired and only dabble in acerages that i can put in farm or forest status. Then we build a modest house and a nice barn greenhouse combo. Keeps taxes in the $500 to 800 range in Idaho and Montana. If the market crashes i still end up with a paid off small farm with low taxes. I am considering the same life in Chile . A small farm in Chile pays zero property tax. With a modest house $100 to 200 a year.
Really enjoyed this well written article. Totally agree.
Farmland, that you work, is definitely an asset.
Thank you for reading.