Just curious. Can you elaborate on this paragraph? I find it confusing.
"But, what I am really here to point out is that article 666 states that by signing the card, you give all of your stuff and future labor to the govern-cement. That is correct. If you have a SS card, you own nothing. You are only the current user of that stuff, and the govern-cement can come and take it any time they wish."
Let me go find a link. It is a deep subject. Which includes the number of the beast and evil, evil, evil.
TITLE 42 > CHAPTER 7 > SUBCHAPTER IV > Part D > § 666 is the social security nightmare.
In getting a social security card, you are making the govern-cement the benefactor of all your labor, in turn, you become a number and are offered "retirement insurance". It is all legalese, and a pain to read. Basically it says that you enter a contract with the govern-cement where they are the majority holder. Meaning everything after the start of that contract is owned by the partnership.
Some links. But I can't find my favorite.
http://themarkofthebeast.com/42us666.shtml https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2012/04/24/social-security-the-international-mark-of-the-beast/