Turning my life around: Fitness commitment week one

in #fitness8 years ago

Hi everyone! 👋👋👋
I have officially committed to being a healthier, better me. I'm currently at my heaviest weight ever :/ while I don't consider myself overweight, I have a naturally thin frame that is not good at carring extra weight. Plus it seems to love so go straight to my belly.

I signed up this week for the YMCA. I figure it's a good place for my child to grow into, as she can do the sports programs when she gets older.

I've started just light with some walking on the treadmill and some assisted weights. My diet hasnt changed so far, but it will the next time we go grocery shopping. I look forward to learning new and healthy recipes. Do you all have any you would like to share?

I'll try and do a fitness update every Sunday. Any motivational comments are appreciated, bc honestly I hate the gym lol. I just want to be my healthiest so I can enjoy many good years with my daughter. And set her on the right track towards being a healthy adult.

Thanks guys!!
Week one weight: 166lbs



Good job, you can do it. Use this community as an accountability partner and you will have success.

Thank you ❤️❤️

Congrats Amber and good luck :) I know you can do it ;) @amberquamme

Thanks so much!! I got this! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 Lol

Good luck! I wish you the absolute best.

Thank so much!!!

That's great Amber. Exercising is a good start! Looking forward to your updates.

Eat vegetables regularly , drink enough water and use your brain intensively (read, write, or, the hardest one and the most healthier , dedicate 2 hours a day for learning something new).

And whenever the hate feeling comes at you regarding the gym, keep telling yourself that you do this for your child.

I am personally more involved if I do something for someone I care, but I think this depends on the personality of each and one of us.

Take care, stay healthy!

This is awesome advice. You rock. :)

Be healthy and happy!

Small victories :) remember to have fun.

Thanks so much all you guys!!!! I really appreciate all the support!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hey @amberquamme I'm a personal trainer living in Australia and I find this post so inspirational. Using a platform like Steemit to track your progress and have support is awesome!

Do you have any experience exercising? Or is this your first time in a gym?

Hello there! Thank you for your kind words. I have been to the gym and had "spurts" of working out, usually no more than 3ish months at a time. Once I start to be happy with my body again I just kind of fall off the deep end. I'm hoping this time will be a lifestyle change and not just a vanity desire, know what I mean? :)