
Completed WO 1 - 23.15 mins on xtrainer - 21 mins normal - 1 min 3 resistance - 1 min cool down - traveled 1.2 kilometers - burned 86.3 cal. I hope to increase each day :)

Completed WO2 23.15 mins 21 mins normal - 1 min 3 res - 1 min cool down - traveled 1.24 kilometers - burned 86.6 cals.

You’re doing great!! Did you get a workout in today?

WO 3 done - 24.15mins - 22mins normal - 1 min fast - 1 min 3 res.
Traveled 1.28 kms - 90.9 cals

WO 4 done - 25.04mins - 22 mins normal - 1 min fast - 1 min 3 res - 1 min cool down - traveled 1.35kms - 93.6 cals :)

@andysantics You have been so consistent this week with your workouts. VERY proud of you!

I only see 4 workouts in your comment thread. The Challenge runs Sunday through Saturday to accomplish your 5 workouts. I believe you’re going to get to your goal THIS week!

Your investment of .5SBD for last week will go into the Team Pot for the winner of the Most Inspiring Results post after the 6 Week Challenge is over. Win it back!

I have completed the challenge :) I did a different workout though. I did an arm and shoulder session and boy am I paying for that!

Awesome! Have you gotten any workouts in this week? If so, keep a log here in your comment thread. I’m so excited to see us take a step toward our goals!