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RE: A short but extremely dangerous run

in #fitness5 years ago

You should get one of those water back pack things that has the tube that just goes in your mouth and the insulated pack keeps your water cool and stuff. That way you would have your hands free to grab onto the trees and stuff. I am thinking about getting one for the Summer. I think my wife and I are going to be doing more hiking this year than we have in the past and it might come in handy. I have been getting up at 4 am for the past couple of weeks now and though it hasn't gotten any easier to get up out of bed at that time, once I am up and exercising, it hasn't been as horrible as I thought it would be. I am just hoping I can see some results soon. If am doing all this work for nothing, I am going to be pretty disappointed!


they are called Camelback if i am not mistaken and i had one when i moved here but the water pouch, in this humidity was so covered in i dunno even what, that it was so disgusting that I would never have drunk from it ever again.

I was looking at some dude's blog lately and i don't recall his name but he was exercising and eating almost entirely meat and saw great gains or something.

What are you trying to accomplish? Weight loss? Better cardio? become a morning person?

Oh, good point. I wouldn't have considered what the humidity might do to something like that. Sounds like quite the science experiment. I have actually been trying to cut down on my red meat intake, so I don't think I want to go back down that path. I think ultimately I am trying to lose some weight and maybe get to the point where I could run a 5k one day. My friend who is a little older than me having a heart attack on top of my cancer fight has really given me some perspective.

hike a 5k dude. Running in a straight line is beyond us at this point and it is boring as hell. I know you have access to trails... maybe track it... i bet you go further than most people do.

I hate street running and as you will see from my most recent post I am more than capable of distance running but I would want to go home as much as the next guy if my only choice was to run for the sake of running distance.... it simply is not how i believe people were meant to function.

I am hoping that my wife and I can do some more trail walking this Summer. I was toying around with getting some snow shoes at one point, but so far this Winter has been pretty light in the snow department for us :P. I used to walk on the treadmill when we had one. Yeah it was boring, but I knew I was doing something good for my body. At this point I am not being too picky about where or when I get the exercise. I just know I need it. I have a follow up Doctors appointment in a couple weeks and I am hoping to see some results on the scale. Plus I am keeping an eye on my clothes to see if they start having a little more give. Thanks for the awesome insight and input. I truly do value it.