GYM ROOM UTENSILS- Dumbbell training

in #fitness7 years ago

Alongside the barbell, the dumbbell is among the most recognisable pieces of weight room equipment available. Often viewed as the somewhat of a little brother to the barbell, the dumbbell offers much of the same, with a little more flexibility and versatility. The dumbbell is a pair of micro-sized barbells that can be grasped in each hand and can move in planes of movement and grip, the barbell is not privy to. The dumbells handles can range in thickness, with larger diameters leading to improved grip strength and the plates themselves coming in various weights and sizes.

This blog piece will provide a rundown of the dumbbells advantages, disadvantages, exercise options and a few of many possible workout routines. I hope to provide some foundational and even additional insight on a topic many of you may have already explored and that some of you have barely scratched the surface of.


  • Dumbbells can be used unilaterally, to improve core and joint stability
  • As dumbbells are two separate entities, alternating between grips during a movement is possible
  • Can be heavily loaded
  • More versatile than even the barbell. Can be lifted unilaterally, bilaterally, alternating grips and easily lifted in various different planes of movement
  • Easier on one’s joints, as opposed to the barbell


  • Cannot be loaded as heavily as an Olympic barbell.
  • A less effective implement to be swung, in comparison to the kettlebell.
  • More expensive than the barbell and its plates.



Goblet squathip flexion, knee flexionQuads, glutes, hamstringsstrength, hypertrophy, power
Sumo squathip flexion, knee flexionQuads, glutes, hamstringsstrength, hypertrophy, power
Front squathip flexion, knee flexionQuads, glutes, hamstringsstrength, hypertrophy, power
Overhead squatship flexion, knee flexionQuads, glutes, hamstringsstrength, hypertrophy, stability
Split squatship flexion, knee flexionQuads, glutes, hamstringsstrength, hypertrophy, power
Bulgarian split squathip flexion, knee flexionQuads, glutes, hamstringsstrength, hypertrophy, power
Lungeship flexion, knee flexionQuads, glutes, hamstringsstrength, hypertrophy
Side Lungeship flexion, knee flexionQuads, glutes, hamstringsstrength, hypertrophy
Reverse Lungeship flexion, knee flexionQuads, glutes, hamstringsstrength, hypertrophy, unilateral stability
Overhead Lungeship flexion, knee flexionQuads, glutes, hamstrings, corestrength, hypertrophy, unilateral stability
Step-upship flexion, knee flexionQuads, glutes, hamstringsstrength, hypertrophy, unilateral stability
Thrustership flexion, knee flexion, shoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extensionQuads, glutes, hamstrings, anterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, tricepshypertophy, strength, power
Push presship flexion, knee flexion, shoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extensionQuads, glutes, hamstrings, anterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, tricepshypertophy, strength, power
Romanian deadlifthip extensionhamstrings, erector spinaestrength, hypertrophy
Single leg straight leg deadlifthip extensionhamstrings, erector spinaestrength, hypertrophy, unilateral stability
Deadlifthip extensionhamstrings, glutes, quads, erector spinaestrength, hypertrophy
Hip Thrustship extensionglutes, hamstringsstrength, hypertrophy, power
Dumbbell swinghip extension, knee extension, shoulder extensionglutes, hamstringshypertophy, power
Weighted calf raisesplantar fleciongastrocnemiusstrength, hypertrophy, muscular endurance


Bent over single arm rowshoulder extension, scapula retraction, elbow flexionlats, lower mid taps, rhomboids, posterior delt, bicepsstrength, hypertrophy
Bent over rowshoulder extension, scapula retraction, elbow flexionlats, lower mid taps, rhomboids, posterior delt, bicepsstrength, hypertrophy
Renegade rowshoulder extension, scapula retraction, elbow flexionlats, lower mid taps, rhomboids, posterior delt, biceps, corestrength, hypertrophy, unilateral stability
Incline bench rowsshoulder extension, scapula retraction, elbow flexionlats, lower mid taps, rhomboids, posterior delt, bicepsstrength, hypertrophy
Pull-oversshoulder extensionlats, pec major, serratus anterior, triceps brachiihypertrophy


Floor pressHorizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extensionPec major, pec minor, anterior delts, tricepsstrength, hypertrophy, power
Single arm floor pressHorizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extension, corePec major, pec minor, anterior delts, tricepsstrength, hypertrophy, power, unilateral stability
Incline bench pressHorizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extensionPec major, pec minor, anterior delts, tricepsstrength, hypertrophy, power
Flat bench pressHorizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extensionPec major, pec minor, anterior delts, tricepsstrength, hypertrophy, power
Decline bench pressHorizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extensionPec major, pec minor, anterior delts, tricepsstrength, hypertrophy, power
Bow and arrow bench pressHorizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extensionPec major, pec minor, anterior delts, triceps, corestrength, hypertrophy, power, unilateral stability
Underhand grip bench pressHorizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extensionPec major, pec minor, anterior delts, tricepsstrength, hypertrophy, power
Neutral grip bench pressHorizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extensionPec major, pec minor, anterior delts, tricepsstrength, hypertrophy, power
Flyshorizontal shoulder flexionpec major, pec minorhypertrophy
Dumbbell push-upshorizontal shoulder flexion, scapula projection, elbow extensionpec major, pec minor, tricepsstrength, hypertrophy, muscular endurance, stability
Pull-oversshoulder extensionlats, pec major, serratus anterior, triceps brachiihypertrophy


Standing shoulder pressshoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extensionanterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, tricepshypertophy, strength
Seated shoulder pressshoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extensionanterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, tricepshypertophy, strength
Neutral grip standing shoulder pressshoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extensionanterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, tricepshypertophy, strength
Neutral grip seated shoulder pressshoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extensionanterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, tricepshypertophy, strength
Alternating standing shoulder pressshoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extensionanterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, tricepshypertophy, strength
Alternating seated shoulder pressshoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extensionanterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, tricepshypertophy, strength
One arm standing shoulder pressshoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extensionanterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, tricepshypertophy, strength
One arm seated shoulder pressshoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extensionanterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, tricepshypertophy, strength
Arnold pressshoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extension, elbow rotationanterior delt, middle delt, upper pec, upper trap, tricepshypertophy, strength
Cuban presshorizontal shoulder extension, shoulder external rotation, shoulder abduction, scapula external rotation, elbow extensionanterior delt, middle delt, rear delt, upper pec, upper trap, tricepshypertophy, strength
Lateral raiseshoulder abductionmiddle delt, anterior delt, trapshypertrophy
1 ½ lateral raiseshoulder abductionmiddle delt, anterior delt, trapshypertrophy
Seated lateral raiseshoulder abductionmiddle delt, anterior delt, trapshypertrophy
Lateral bent over raiseshoulder abductionmiddle delt, anterior delt, trapshypertrophy
One arm lateral raiseshoulder abductionmiddle delt, anterior delt, trapshypertrophy
Front raiseshoulder flexionanterior delt, middle delt, upper pec majorhypertrophy
Rear delt flyscapula retraction, shoulder horizontal extensionposterior delt, middle delt, middle and lower trap, rhomboidhypertrophy, postural
Rear delt rowhorizontal shoulder extension, scapula retraction, elbow flexionrhomboids, posterior delt, lower and middle traps, bicepsstrength, hypertrophy
Incline bench rear delt flyscapula retraction, shoulder horizontal extensionposterior delt, middle delt, middle and lower trap, rhomboidhypertrophy, postural
Upright row Upright rowshoulder abduction, elbow flexionmiddle delt, anterior delt, traps, teres minorhypertrophy, strength
Alternating upright row Upright rowshoulder abduction, elbow flexionmiddle delt, anterior delt, traps, teres minorhypertrophy, strength
One arm shrugs Shrugsscapula elevation, retractionupper trap, middle trap, levator scaphypertrophy, strength
Shrugsscapula elevation, retractionupper trap, middle trap, levator scaphypertrophy, strength


Bicep curlselbowflexionbrachioradialis, brachialishypertophy, strength
Alternating bicep curlselbowflexionbrachioradialis, brachialishypertophy, strength
Reverse curlselbowflexionbrachioradialis, brachialishypertophy, strength
Hammer curlselbowflexionbrachioradialis, brachialishypertophy, strength
Preacher curlselbowflexionbrachioradialis, brachialishypertophy, strength
Isolation curlselbowflexionbrachioradialis, brachialishypertophy, strength
Incline curlselbowflexionbrachioradialis, brachialishypertophy, strength
Zottman curlselbowflexion, wrist rotationbrachioradialis, brachialishypertophy, strength
Alternating incline curlselbowflexionbrachioradialis, brachialishypertophy, strength
1 ½ rep curlselbowflexionbrachioradialis, brachialishypertophy, strength
Overhead tricep extensionselbow extensiontriceps brachiihypertrophy, strength
Supine tricep extensionselbow extensiontriceps brachiihypertrophy, strength
One arm tricep extensionselbow extensiontriceps brachiihypertrophy, strength
Tricep kickbackselbow extensiontriceps brachiihypertrophy, strength
Wrist curlswrisrt flexionwrist flexorshypertrophy, strength
Wrist extensionswrist extensionwrist extensorshypertrophy, strength


Side Bendsobliques, rectus abdoministrunk flexionhypertrophy, strength
Russain twistsobliques, rectus abdoministrunk rotationhypertrophy, strength
Weighted sit-upstrunk flexionrectus abdominis, obliqueshypertrophy, strength, muscular endurance


Listed below are various sessions, each of a different purpose, all using solely dumbbells and in some situations a bench of some sort.

Terms explained:

(DB) Dumbbell.

(SETS) The number of times a sequence of repetitions is performed.

(REPS) The number of times an exercise is repeated in sequence.

(TEMPO) The speed at which a bare is lowered then paused and then lifted.

(A1/A2 etc.) Supersets, exercises performed back to back without rest. Exercises of the same letter are performed as a pair or tri-set, you must complete the rep and set scheme for each exercise of the same lettering before continuing on to the next letter.

(WORK) The time period in which a circuit participant must complete as many complete repetitions as possible.

(REST) The period of rest which follows a period of work.


Rest for 90 to 120 seconds between sets.

A1DB front squat483:0:1
A2Romanian deadlift483:0:1
B2Reverse Lunges483:0:1
CDB hip thrusts483:0:1
DWeighted calf raises483:0:1


Rest for 90 to 120 seconds between sets.

A1Incline bench press483:0:1
A2Incline bench rows483:0:1
B1DB push-ups483:0:1
B2Single arm bent over row483:0:1
C1Standing shoulder press483:0:1
C2Alternating upright row483:0:1


Rest for 60 to 90 seconds between sets.

A1Incline alternating bicep curls484:0:2
A2Supine tricep extensions484:0:2
B1Zottman curls484:0:2
B2Overhead single tricep extensions484:0:2
C1Hammer curls484:0:2
C2Tricep kickbacks484:0:2

Circuit 1

Rest for 1 minute between exercises.

AGoblet squat545 sec15 sec2:0:1
BDeadlifts545 sec15 sec2:0:1
CUnderhand grip bench press545 sec15 sec2:0:1
DRenegade Rows545 sec15 sec2:0:1
EWeighted sit-ups545 sec15 sec2:0:1

Circuit 2

Rest for 1 minute when changing between tri-sets of a different letter.

A1Sumo squats360 sec30 sec2:0:1
A2Floor press360 sec30 sec2:0:1
A3Bent over rows360 sec30 sec2:0:1
B1Thrusters360 sec30 sec2:0:1
B2Romanian deadlifts360 sec30 sec2:0:1
B3Russain twists360 sec30 sec2:0:1
C1DB swings360 sec30 sec2:0:1
C2Renegade Rows360 sec30 sec2:0:1
C3Db push-ups360 sec30 sec2:0:1


Rest for 90 to 120 seconds between sets.

A1Bulgarian split squat483:0:1
A2Single leg straight leg deadlift483:0:1
B1One arm floor press483:0:1
B2Renegade row483:0:1
C1One arm standing shoulder press483:0:1
C2One arm shrugs483:0:1
D1Tricep kickbacks483:0:1
D2Alternating hammer curls483:0:1
ESide bend4153:0:1


Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

ABulgarian split squat353:0:X
BPush press353:0:X
CDB hip thrusts353:0:X
DFlat bench press353:0:X
EBent over row353:0:X


Rest for 90 to 120 seconds between sets.

A1Goblet squat3104:0:2
A2Romanian deadlift3104:0:2
B1Flat bench press3104:0:2
B2Single arm bent over row3104:0:2
C1Seated Arnold press3104:0:2
C2lateral raise3104:0:2
D1Bicep curls3104:0:2
D1Supine tricep extensions3104:0:2
EWeighted sit-ups3104:0:2

You are doing such great work @deagonvegan, dumbells are a great piece of kit too. Whats your thoughts on the selectabells? One set of grips with varying weights available. I think they could be handy for people with limited space and indeed budgets.

Keep up the great work man.

Thank you very much, your support is greatly appreciated as always :) Selectabells are great, they were my first ever piece of gym equipment, my dad bought me set when i was 14 and taught me from there. Indeed much cheaper then buying a set of standard dumbbells.

No problem at all man, I love your posts, they are just so detailed, I can tell you put a lot of work into them. 💪💪💪