Ready to give my body a break

Man, this last workout program was pretty crazy. It was a lot different than the previous ones that I have done. This one focused on higher reps and really tiring out your muscles.
The workouts were shorter, at only 20 mins, and they focused on one muscle group for the entire workout. Most of the days, I did two of the workouts in a single day, but some of them were pretty intense and I just did the single daily workout. During the program, I lifted 135,694 pounds, which is pretty crazy considering I finished this program in about three weeks.

My strength score increased from 912 to 1001 during the program, which is cool because I was hoping to get over 1000 by the time I had finished. It is crazy to me how fast I am getting so much muscle and strength from using the Tonal.

This was one of my favorite workouts from the whole program. I love a good back day. When I was looking into getting the Tonal, I was worried that the weight wouldn't be enough since each arm only does 100 pounds of weight, but the digital weight resistance inside the machine is so much different than traditional weights.
The 78 pounds on the deadlift is 78 pounds per arm and it equates to probably 250 pounds or so with normal weights. So ya, it can get plenty heavy. Plus with Tonal's eccentric mode, it adds extra weight during the negative portion of each rep, which really burns out your muscles and increases the time under tension.

My chest and shoulders are a lot stronger and sculpted after this program and it is because of workouts like this one. My chest was dead after this one.
Right now, I am doing a deload week and focusing on exercises off Tonal. I am doing a body weight program and doing yoga and mobility in the evenings. It has been a nice break for my body because I have been going hard since December. I have found out the importance of recovery days over the past few months, and it is going to be nice to give my muscles time to recharge and build while still giving them a decent workout.
I can't wait to get back to lifting heavy weight again, but for now, my body needs a good week or two of recovery. This machine really has changed our lives and is turning us into muscle machines. It is crazy.
Nice man! I just started working out myself! Just curious on how much the system cost, if ya don't mind me asking. I always see them being advertised on T.V and figure they cost an arm and a leg.
They are pretty pricey, but definitely worth every penny. They are like $3500, but well worth the price to be able to lift in the comfort of my own home and to never have to wait for equipment. Plus the technology behind this is amazing. It's the best workouts I have ever gotten.
Awesome! I was just curious. And to be honest, that is a lot cheaper than what I thought they would be!
Congratulations on your workout; I hope to find time to exercise more in the future. There is no gain without pain!
Thanks man. Hopefully you get the time to do some working out.
I will be glad if that happens
Be careful not to overexhaust yourself. This could do more harm than good in long term.
Good luck and have fun. Do it, until you enjoy it. Until you become "pleasantly exhausted".
Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
The one thing with Tonal is that it sets the weight for your workouts at the most efficient and safest weight for your body. It is one of the safest ways to lift weights.
I didn't even know Tonal existed. Very interesting.
Good post, keep it up and enjoy your deload week !
Thanks homie. It is an amazing piece of equipment.