Such a great purchase

This Christmas, we went big and purchased ourselves a Tonal Gym. I have always been one to workout and do what I can to stay in shape, but a combination of Covid, injuries, and other life circumstances, I have not been able to stay in the shape that I wanted to. And now that I am going to be 40 years old in about two months, and most likely will be a grandfather within the next couple years, it was about time that I started to get serious about my health.
Now, the Tonal is not cheap and comes with a price tag of almost $4000 and a monthly subscription fee of $50, but I do not regret this purchase at all. I have never had a workout program or machine that has been able to give us results as fast as the Tonal has.

Over the past month, I have seen some pretty huge strength increases. When you first start with Tonal, you do a quick workout that measures your strength and gives you a base strength score. The Tonal takes that initial strength score and programs it into every workout program and exercise that the machine can do, and it automatically adjusts as you change the reps or get stronger. That alone is pretty amazing.

Over the past month, I have been able to increase my strength and score and now it is higher than 90% of everyone using the Tonal. Leaderboards are a cool way to keep you motivated and gives a good sense of competition within the community of people that use the Tonal.

My daughter likes to keep track of her position on the leaderboard. She is quite higher than I am on this leaderboard that tracks the total time you have spent working out for the month. Since my daughter injured her knee and was no longer able to take part in wrestling this year, she was pretty bummed because she was starting to see some great results from working out everyday at wrestling practice, but now she is able to use the Tonal and do programs that are tailored to her and she is seeing better results than she was when she was wrestling.
She is looking forward to February first because she should be able to do full workouts again and slowly begin to incorporate doing some more lower body exercises. We have been keeping a close eye on her knee and making sure she isn't doing anything to overdo it right now while it continues to heal. She is really looking forward to next wrestling season because she feels that she will be in the best shape of her life by the start of next season because of the workouts that she is doing.

Another cool thing about the Tonal is how they have incorporated some gamification elements. It is always cool to get a new badge for the work you are putting in or to get a cool animation on screen when you hit a new personal best with the different weights.

I had recently finished the first workout program and yesterday, I started a new one called Go Big or Go Home, and man, that workout was so hard. The first workout program that we all started was called 20-In-20: Ignite and it was a program set up to introduce you to how the Tonal works and get your muscles ready for the longer workout programs.
The 20-In-20 was just a series of 20 workouts that can be completed in 20 minutes, but Go Big or Go Home is all about moving lots of weight and doing a lot of reps. With the first program, I think I averaged about 4000 to 7000 pounds lifted during each workout, but this first workout with Go Big was over 16,000 pounds lifted and over twice the workout time.

The first workout was chest and back, and I almost puked during the sixth set of bench press. Those sets of 15 are killers.

The Tonal team has really refined their app and it has so many different ways you can keep track of your progress and see the different muscle groups that you are using during each workout. You can even customize your own workouts and search by muscle groups and the Tonal keeps track of when you last used those muscles and shows a fatigue level to help you make sure you aren't over training certain muscle groups and neglecting others.
Overall, we are all loving the workouts with the Tonal and we have all begun to see progress. Each year at the beginning of the year, we all choose a word for the year and mine is health. I have realized that I had been neglecting my health, but now with the Tonal, it is so much easier to get in shape and we don't even need to leave the house to get some amazing results.
I had been wondering if you ended up liking this thing. That is a pretty expensive piece of equipment. It is great to know that it turns out to be a great investment for you and the family. I have seen ads for this thing and always thought that they looked so cool. The stats are something I would enjoy having the ability to keep up with a lot. I never record everything that I do at the gym, so it's hard for me to track true progress outside of doing so from my memory alone.
Can't wait to see what you have to say about this thing 6 months from now. Keep it up dude!
This thing tracks everything you do and it is constantly updating in case you want to do a new workout. I have never had to set any weight. The new program I am doing sets the weight for me and it is almost a burnout set with each one. It is crazy how advanced this thing is.
I know a lot of people struggle to push themselves hard enough to actually grow their strength. It surely is nice to have tech like that to push you, without screaming in your face like a damn drill sergeant.
Some people need a drill sgt in their faces
This is so awesome! I directly checked if this is available in Germany. But it seems to be US only.
It looks really awesome!
Is there a way for leg workout?
Ya, you can do just about any exercise with this. I really like the way deadlifts feel using it. It really targets the backs of the legs and your back.
Nice. Now I want one so bad xD
It is so much better than going to the gym and waiting for people to get off the equipment. Plus there is no changing weights or anything. It is all preprogrammed. I really think this is the future of fitness.
Totally agree. I have no clue how expensive a gym membership in the US are, but if a whole families use it. You got your money in 2 years back if you buy this one in germany.
Gym memberships are around $40+ a month per person here. And we had one for my wife and I and our daughter, so it was getting pretty expensive. This is like having your own personal trainer on demand and access to tons of workout programs and live workouts with trainers.
Go on a Trip with the money you save! :D
I miss gym, before the pandemic, I used to go often at gym >~<
Hopefully you will be able to go again soon.
Thank you 😂 I wish bc I want to get the body of my dreams 👌🏻😎
It's very nice to keep fit. I have been finding it difficult doing exercises lately which is not too good for my health.
Be healthy and happy.
Well hopefully one day you can find the motivation to exercise.
Keep try on and never give up.