Habits VS. Willpower, And The Winner Is...

in #fitness7 years ago

Habits VS. Willpower, And The Winner Is...

According to dictionary.com a HABIT is an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.
Willpower is the ability to control oneself and determine one’s actions, a firmness of will. Those with willpower demonstrate the unwavering strength of will to carry out ones decisions.
Willpower, the ability to stick with an intention that you have set before you in order to attain a goal; willpower is like a muscle, it has to be used and strengthened in order for it to be effective in your life. With habits, it is a matter of repeating the same thing over and over and eventually you won’t even have to think about it anymore…it will just happen. Your overused and tired brain is actually looking for ways to save effort and forming a habit is one of them because you will do it automatically.
According to a 2006 Duke University researcher, 40% of our actions each day are not the result of well formed, thought out decisions; but are the result of a habit. The brain likes to take sequence actions and formulate them into routines so we can do 2 things at once; for example, putting on our coats or tying our child’s shoes and carrying on a conversation. These complicated motor skills along with the ability to develop deep emotions and memories are all stored in the brain. It is our auto-pilot mechanism. Habits allow the brain to think less.
There are pros and cons to this. For instance, if you have a habit that is no longer benefiting you, you will find that it happens automatically without you even trying to do it. This can make it difficult really for you when you would rather reach for a healthy snack verses a candy bar. The habit you have formed is to have money in your pocket so you can walk down the hall and get a snack from the vending machine. You do it every day at the exact same time a habit. However what if you could form a new habit so that overtime you trade one habit that is unhealthy, going to get that snack, for another one that is healthy like going for a walk or eating a piece of fruit. Better yet don’t carry that money so that even if you want that unhealthy snack you won’t have the funds to get it.
But what about willpower? Willpower steps in to this scenario when you have realized you forgot to bring a nourishing snack with you, you only have money for the vending machine. Are you going to practice unwavering strength of will to abstain from approaching and purchasing your treat from the vending machine or will you give in with the excuse that you don’t have anything else, you are so hungry you won’t make it through without the treat so you have no choice but to indulge on that candy bar? So really, willpower is kind of a joke, no one really has it.
Let’s use the morning for example, you wake up and go to the kitchen for your morning coffee, stub your toe on the corner of the wall, limping over to the kitchen you begin to make coffee. After filling the pot with water, you begin to walk over to the coffee maker and you trip over the cat who you have now scared. He scratches you causing you to spill the water all over yourself. Willpower is gone and you have only been up for 5 minutes.
Willpower, it is great and serves us until stress hits. You may think that you have a strong will power muscle but when you find yourself in a stressful time, the brain will turn on you and you will go back to your old habits…it is just easier. Remember, the brain loves to think less and act more. “Habits persists even when we are tired and don’t have the energy to exert self-control” — Wendy Wood, PhD, professor of psychology and business at USC.
How do you change your not so good habits into better ones? Practice! Make a conscience effort to change and every day it will become easier until it just becomes a new, healthy habit, so automatic you don’t even think about it.

Changing Habits

First and foremost you find a trigger, a cue, a signal of sorts that reminds you of the new habit you wish to start. If every time you go to the grocery store you grab a donut first and eat it as you walk around shopping, don’t even walk where the donuts are. When you walk out without the extra fat, sugar and salt you will be really proud of yourself. And the next time you go in, do the same thing. You are starting the second step.
Secondly, develop a routine to implement the new habit. Remember that the brain loves patterns and sequences. Also make the routine simple to implement, let it flow into your day so that it is easy to pick up. Don’t walk down that isle and grab a donut, get something really tasty and healthy instead. Eventually you won’t even want that donut because you have changed your habit. Which is part of the third step.
Thirdly, Reward yourself; the brain uses this to determine if this new habit is worth remembering for the future. For example, the feeling you get when you get on the scale and your weight is lower because of your better habits. Tell yourself you are proud of yourself and are changing habits for a lifetime, you will begin to love yourself and the healthier choices that you are making. Encourage yourself every time you choose the new thing that you want to adopt as a better habit.
And If you miss a day, don’t judge yourself
Simply breathe and pick it up in the next moment, you can do this!
Work daily on developing your new habit. There is no perfect amount of time that it takes to change it. Keep your focus on what you want to replace the not so good habit for a better one and let the brain do the rest. Don’t give up, you are the only one who can take care of you. You are strong and confident. Practice the new routine until it becomes an automatic habit that you don’t have to think about at all.
Practice unwavering strength in your mind and develop habits that benefit you and your health to be healthier with your fitness goals. The only one who can really take car of you is you.

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