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RE: Four week training program for BJJ

in #fitness7 years ago

Man. Such a good post and you get spammed by all that garbage down there!

If I was a single guy bent on gold at the world level, I would be all over this! I want to hear updates on the progress you are making and benefits you are seeing......and how it impacts your competitions.

Looks LEGIT!


Definitely will keep you updated. I struggle to get training in fully with a five month old but if there is a way there is a way. It’s hard and challenging so far.
How you been ?

Keeping it real. Lots of work, lots of parenting, lots of fun and now sailing season starts up.

Never a dull moment really but I train a couple times a week. No time to hit a gym outside of that time and I decided a while ago that training time was going to be limited to the mats for my ass.

I love living the dream through guys like you though. You are already a monster.