Sadly, I'm not in shape and am nowhere near ready to get involved with this kind of stuff. But, hey - GOOD NEWS! I had been thinking about starting more of an exercise routine and getting some weights so I went out and bought two 20-lb. dumb bells. So, now I can work out. And, I've been doing some curls and shoulder exercises with them. Of course, 20 lbs. isn't much - but it's a start, right? :D
As far as SteemIt rewards goes... IDK too much, but I do know that anyone who makes much money on this platform seems to be in one of the following 3 categories:
Original Gangster Steemian - bought a crap-ton of Steem when it cost $0.07 cents. They are a complete computer geek, probably get excited about writing code in Java, C++, and hang-out on as much or more than they hang-out on SteemIt. They are probably running a SteemIt node in their home office and are acting as one of the SteemIt Witnesses, or are in the running to be a Witness.
Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder-having, semi-autistic, super-energetic, extreme-narcissistic personality disordered individual who puts out post after post, upvotes themselves over 75% of the time, and spends an average of $200+ on bid-bots & promo-bots on every single one of their posts. The "hype" they seemingly generate around themselves eventually evolves into a real audience from all of the attention they are attracting to themselves. (See Jerry Banfield)
They personally know somebody from category 1 or 2 who has lost interest in SteemIt and moved on to other things, leaving behind a massive delegation of Steem Power to their buddy - who then proceeds to exploit their situation by self-upvoting at somewhere right around 90% (see "haejin").
For the rest of us, at least we are getting $1.24 per post and don't have to suffer through all of the advertisments on other types of social media.
Wow - great response out of nowhere! Thanks for taking the time for this. It's right on point and very well said.
The dummbells are a start. Another easy thing to do is "air squats". They've helped me so much and can be done anytime/anywhere.