Daily challenge completed - 441 reps
Long squat and accessory work session, probably spent 2-3 hours in the gym. One of the goals in the current training cycle is to do accessory work and hit all sorts of muscles from different angles than what I normally do. It really helps prevent injuries in the rest of the year.
4 rounds
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squat
3 rounds
6 lateral box step ups each leg
50 meters farmers walk (=5 reps?)
Back squat waves, 1 set every 3 minutes. 6-4-2, 6-4-2, 6-4-2 reps, increasing weight for each wave.
3 rounds of
10 DB bench press
40 double under
10 deadlift
40 double under
10 DB row each arm
(This almost turned into cardio work in the end)
3 rounds of
30 band pull aparts
15 seconds hanging L-sit
(Finally able to do this with reasonably straight legs now)