40 curls
20 situps
20 tricep curls
20 leg raises
Probably doing more later but looking to keep this going challenge so just leaving it at 100 per day.
40 curls
20 situps
20 tricep curls
20 leg raises
Probably doing more later but looking to keep this going challenge so just leaving it at 100 per day.
No one said you had to only do 100. WE are just asking it be honest and hoping you value your health and fitness more than the SBD at 10,000 reps.
I more meant to not exhaust the funds. Matt only lists 💯 so I'm doing the same regardless of reps. I'm getting so much sbd and steam power from posting that 10,000 reward is going to be small comparatively. I'm up like 10 ranks since I started posting here.(granted I'm blogging as well but..)