Challenge Completed
- 40 minute power walk
- 40 minute swim
- 1 hour body pump
My Assessment
I walked to the swimming pool (20 minutes) and then swam for 40 minutes, then walked back home (20 minutes) uphill over the countryside.
Later, I went to my favourite body pump class for an hour. I find squatting and lunging 20kg fairly easy now. I may continue for another 2 weeks then up my weights to 25kg.
I still only use 10kg for chest press, 5kg for triceps, 15kg for clean and press and back exercises.
Afterwards I am always buzzing and don't like to eat. However, my Dad went to Cornwall for a walking trip with friends and brought me back a load of different handmade fudges such as battonburg flavour, traditional vanilla, lemon meringue... so because they are sat on my table, although I am still buzzing even after a shower, I ended up eating two small packets of fudge! As you can probably tell, sweet things don't last in my house, so I tend not to buy them! Anyway, i'm pretty sure I have burnt the calories, it's just a shame about the sugar. A vegan chocolate protein shake would have been a better choice :)
You may also notice that I haven't practiced yoga in a few days! Bad Sammy... eating fudge and not practicing yoga ;)
I will practice a 90 minute session tomorrow morning and get back on track!
There is no shame in enjoying some of the sweeter things AFTER you workout. If you didn't work out and ate the entire table of fudge, then you'd be in bigggg trouble. Counting 400 reps here.