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RE: User Flags

in #flagging7 years ago (edited)

we should not be afraid of flagging... i have flagged abunch of plagiarizing posts and i am this close to start flagging those spam-ididntreadyourpost-followme-comments...

plus... we really don't need crappy stolen internet nudes on steemit to begin with


I am an ardent supporter of free speech . Its obvious FLAGGING is a slippery slope it will only to vendetta flagging and every effort to silence the speech of those who disagree. If this is steemit idea its a poor idea and the road people like me closing their accounts. if they start the censorship narrative, I see no future here.

Free Speech is critical to a fair society... 100% agreed

Flagging can be a slippery slope, creates drama and will be abused... agreed.

Is that steemits idea of flagging? certainly not!

We do need tools to counteract abuse and plagiarizm. In the end the flag is "just" a downvote.

And as such not only flagging, but voting in general will and can be abused, any tool can be abused, even a hammer.

If you have a better idea about how to deal with copy-cats and spammers i'd like to hear it!

I agree with you 100% . Its exactly what's happening everywhere. The mob rule is using our own laws and democracy to bully everyone who disagrees with their endless power reach. LOVE speech doesn't need protection , its that witch offends you that must be said and has to be protected . The point of free speech is to show BOTH SIDEs of the coin NOT JUST the side that YOU support . So many university students and they learn nothing.

Free Speech is critical to a fair society... 100% agreed
Flagging can be a slippery slope, creates drama and will be abused... agreed. you are 100% CORRECT

I'm following you and support you !!

Based on your profile and your wallet, I am suspect of your defense or attempts to spin here. "@julianita" and I suspect you may know our guy better than you admit.

Not everyone here is gullible.
Nice porn collection you got on your feed. Looks familiar to a certain rage flaggers collection, eh?

Coincidental you both have latin names as well. Serendipity.

Obvious trolls are obvious. Rich or not, like IGAF about money. I got plenty offline from here. I'm here to enjoy quality people and art and writing and community, not shithead porn copyright thieves, so have a nice day. Go watch your posts and play alone.

no, if it comes to stolen images and unoriginal content... "crappy" is not just my opinion but an implicit attribute!

my enthusiasm for cryptocurrencies and all things blockchain brought me here.

I am not a great fan of copyright-laws, but I do believe in originality.

and blatantly copying stuff just to post it here without any original input... it just doesn't add any value and shouldn't be rewarded...

but what are you arguing about here anyways?! Do you think it's legit to be rewarded for something that didn't take effort and was simply copy-pasted?

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment