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RE: User Flags

in #flagging7 years ago

In this, I'm in complete agreement. While I am an ardent supporter of free speech (even that which is called hate speech) vendetta flagging is something else. It lessens the community as a whole, and seeks to silent those that disagree.

If I lothe what someone is saying, I'll argue a little too make sure that is what they're saying (misinterpretation causes a lot of enemies that otherwise could find common ground) and if I still don't want to hear their shit I'll mute them. Flagging should be kept as a punative measure reserved for those that would silence unpopular thoughts, corporate shills that take money to actively decieve us, and bots that drown out the conversations with noise. Clarification: there are a lot of good bots around. I'm not talking about those. Those bots are great.

This reply is already long, and branching into rant territory.

Tl;Dr: Vendetta flaggers hurt the community. I don't think anybody minds a life lesson/example being made here.


I'm following you and support you !!

Thanks man! I'll be getting back to actually posting before the end of the week.

Well put @jdc !! Couldn´t agree more.
Great insight :D

"Flagging should be kept as a punative measure reserved for those that would silence unpopular thoughts, corporate shills that take money to actively decieve us, and bots that drown out the conversations with noise"

, and flagrant plagiarism?

I am an ardent supporter of free speech . Its obvious FLAGGING is a slippery slope it will only to vendetta flagging and every effort to silence the speech of those who disagree. If this is steemit idea its a poor idea and the road people like me closing their accounts. if they start the censorship narrative, I see no future here.

Flagrant yes. Plagiarism can be a bit of a grey area though. Would you call DBZ Abridged plagiarism? Toei does, funimation doesn't. Legal definitions don't have any moral or community basis so we can't relay on those to serve us well here.
Before I include plagiarism, we would need some solid community guidelines on what constitutes flagrant plagiarism.

"Plagiarism can be a bit of a grey area though. Would you call DBZ Abridged plagiarism?"

See, this is why I'm so damn conflicted about all of this. So I'm going to pull a 180' and agree with what you're effectively saying here, and that is to maybe just leave ALL the stuff that has the potential to include grey areas out of flagging's purposes altogether.

Keep that blade's edge as sharp as possible...

That's a good way to put it.

A bit of scope focus gets much better rewards for the same amount of effort.

Plagiarism can be a bit of a grey area and I tend to frown on people who feel they have "intellectual property rights" over language or ideas . Its a slippery slope as well . I think some people are quick to attack anyone they disagree with flagging or hate speech and abusing any system intended to protect or provide justice. There will always be clever assholes to abuse any such system. I think we are better served by just leaving free speech alone. You don't have to agree but you have no right to silence anyone.