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RE: User Flags

in #flagging7 years ago (edited)

Though from hearing only your side of this situation, it seems like you could have a valid point. What I dont like is the sense that people are ganging up on him. I had a similar situation being here for just a couple weeks and not knowing the "unwritten" rules of steem power and flagging. My rep went from a 25 to a 5 simply because I was posting videos that a group of people with alot of influence didnt like. Given that Im new and dont have that steem power I pretty much couldnt defend myself from these actions. I wasnt given any warning, after being flagged the flaggers didnt even write me to let me know that I was flagged and gave me a reason why. Given that Steemit didnt notify me that I was being flagged I was going an entire week while flaggers with a alot of steem power were destroying my page and rep and hiding my content. My point is, speak to the guy, but ganging up on people aint cool. What do you expect when he's being ganged up on, not to rage flag? Of course he's going to lose that battle, given that he's new and he's alone. But in many ways it seems like everyone with steem power and friends are becoming the police now. I've even gotten a taste of that as well, so that comes from experience. And no one decided to remove flags, or even write me to school me. People are having fun doing it, knowing that new people are virtually helpless to it. Who can they tell? It's a decentralized platform. Just my thoughts.


Yeah. That seems shitty.

This is different. You can see I communicated with him multiple times before flagging and only after he threatened me. I was polite, curt, and explained the situation before I did anything.

You were, but you dont speak for everyone. That's the problem. For every kind and respectful person such as yourself, there are a group of police out there destroying peoples pages. When people are being ganged up on sometimes its hard to see friend from foe when all you see are flags.Upvoted your comment.

I agree in some of what that's said. This ganging up on some one and rage flaggings is a bunch of BS. If one person has an issue with anouther that's fine, but to start a hood mantality and all gang up on them is low hand hurts the community as a whole! I am dealing with this right now with someone. Pure rude c to the un and t. her and a friend rage flagged mine and someone else's posts. Someone that was less than 24 hr to steemit. Now in my defence I was openly trolling her rudeness And I had told her flat out I was. but She still came back for more. Well after she hit the wall about 30 times and 2 days of banter later. she started to rage flag. Why do grown adults act like children? Grow up. words only have power if you give it to them. He who is faultless may cast the first stone.

Its the new way of the leftist social Nazi , silence anyone who disagrees . But don't worry people are on to it and all this cry bully abuse is about to end quickly . The mob rule gangster of intimidation and violence by any means is coming to an end . People realize the game and they will be met with HUGE fierce resistance look around Americans are coming together like NEVER Before. After 35 yrs of Filthy degenerates in power at all levels they are systematically being dismantled . The people are waking up and realize we over slept and almost went into coma. The pendulum is on its way back and we will purge our lands of evil and abuse not to mention Satanist pedophiles . Thanks for STANDING. Your the best of US.

I'm following you and support you !! I like gutsy people not afraid to stand up ! Rock on

Much respect. Thank you for the support!

Thanks Buddy , I'm with you !!

I never walk in FEAR , I know there are GOOD people everywhere just like YOU !! They are just waiting for the opportunity to make a stand. Its so funny because that's what we are born to do STAND !! Thanks for your support I always knew you were there in the background lol I wasn't worried Batmen are always around

I'm following you and support you !!

Thanks for the words Tipolj.

Thanks for standing against bullies . Respect