
That's correct, but even if your rep is 25, if you've got a lot of Steem Power (which is what determines your vote power, not your rep), then you're not a little guy. Something to keep in mind is that the reputation number is not figured into anything that has to do with the Steem blockchain at all. It's part of the front-end website itself and is kind of just a reference number. Reputation is important, don't get me wrong, because of course this is a social website and if you get flagged, it hurts your reputuation; it lowers it. If you get flagged enough (especially by someone with high Steem Power) to put you into the negative reputation, you become virtually invisible.
Otherwise, if you and someone else have roughly the same Steem Power, the person with the higher rep does win that one.

Disclaimer: This is based on how I've seen this feature operate since it was introduced. If someone finds my statements here to be inaccurate, hopefully they'll pop up and say something.

I flagged a guy with 60
When I had 25
He had no change
I had the feeling I stay for ever at 25
Thanks anyway for your explanation
sorry I exhausted all my voting power
my next chance to vote is in two days

Things I like, I generally try to vote at about 3-10%. If I really like it, I'll bump it up to, maybe 30-40%. If it's absolutely awesome, like top 5 of the day, I'll slam it with 100%.
Keep in mind my 100% is only like a dollar.

I started with 0,02
I did not now where to change it
Than it went to0,01
And when the steem went down compared
To the dollar
It went automatically to zero
So the guys got angry they thought I took the money back
So they took there votes also back
So I lost the rest

That sucks. Sounds like someone who obviously doesn't understand how the system works. Not only does the potential payout go up and down due to market price fluctuations, but as you vote around you thin out that voting power and it goes down for everyone you voted for.

Yes it went automatically to zero everybody thought I took the money back
Even when you give them 0.01 they are ok
But if you take it back that's no good

I should make some pictures from Korean girls the photographer made over 20 usd with one pic
I made nothing the hole week absolutely nothing 0

I checked he is at 37.50

fire away !!