
Anytime you need a MOB to silence an opposing view the example is spot on. That's what Nazi fascist do, they gang up on anyone that's goes against their agenda or opinion by calling free speech a hate speech. Since when does love speech need protection ? It doesn't , dissent and opposing views are the ones who need to be protected by FREE SPEECH

Opposing views Vs. Trolling are not the same thing. Don't confuse yourself.

Trolling is YOUR opinion , NOT Mine. That's the difference you seem to not understand. I'm not obligated in anyway to think like you or be like you or act like you . Thank god or we would all be perverted gay lunatics .

Let me quote the original poster as to why the person referred to in the post was flagged:

It was hate speech against gays. It incited violence.

^^^Inciting violence goes beyond simply having opposing views.
I will flag all day long if that is the behavior I see going on.

Flag away until your content I don't give a shit what you do , I'm not trying to control you , YOU are trying to control me and that's were shit hits the fan. I will never give you the right to control me, you cross the line .

I love how you manipulated the word HATE and VIOLENCE , your a real cupcake I hope I don't bruise you too much cupcake, rofl Try not to step on all the blood and guts . your an idiot mob cry baby and a bully

I'm THE GUY WHO POSTED the news story !! I WAS PROMOTING NOTHING!! I HATE NOONE !! YOUR JUST A FAG OFFENDED BY ME POINTING OUT YOUR A FAG AND WHAT YOUR DOING IS DISGUSTING AND TASTELESS . YOU will never silence me !! I have the right to call a mutt and you have every right to be a mutt !! that's how it works !!

I am not on Steemit to have conversations like this. AT ALL.
I WILL, however, flag someone for inciting violence, as was pointed out here.
If you don't agree with that, I have the right to wonder what the hell is wrong with you.
I won't flag you for disagreeing with me, though.
However, if you insist on continuing this conversation, then you're going to have it on your own because I will mute you so you are no longer a part of my Steemit experience.

Are we understood?

inciting violence ? were is the blood spot and the injured or dying ? Oh yea there are NONE, there is no violence don't be such a drama queen and clever manipulator , it wont work on people who think for them selves !! Your an idiot and a drama queen , Your just like the main stream media anything to avoid truth and facts . This is a legitimate NEWS STORY ignored by the fag controlled mainstream media . I post news stories its not personal and I'm not interested in hating anyone STOP being a manipulative little drama queen

I'm not frighten by you or anyone. I prefer my right to speech then your friendship . Simple ! I have the right to free speech and you calling it hate speech and " OSTRACIZING" me with Dirty MOB attacks wont change a dam thing. GOT IT ?