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RE: 1

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

You have NO ANSWERS for a flat earth model. Which means you have an UNTESTABLE falsified hypothesis. And your claims about why the spinning ball does not exist are parroted incorrect nonsense that you have not bothered to fact check. They are not 'evidence' of anything except your gullibility and inability to fact check. I already showed you that Rowbotham LOST the bet, but you are still using that as 'evidence' of a flat earth, when it's actually evidence of a globe! But you only parrot the lies of men and cannot fact check.

Even the longest distance photograph in the world, when you do the math CORRECTLY, shows curvature exactly as expected! Those images are ALWAYS taken from a high elevation and the curvature calcs are never more than 2% over the expected curvature. Which is perfectly consistent with a globe.

You simply are confirming bias. Since you KNOW the earth is flat, let me know when you can explain any natural phenomenon, let alone predict it. Here are the numbers for this plane landing at a missing airport. Flat earth is debunked. You simply are a gullible fool who is unable to think for himself or do any math.

And don't say get a telescope. The plane is coming TORWARDS you and landing at an airport missing behind the curvature. Here's the details.

Here's another lovely gif on FULL ZOOM with a p900. no amount of zoom will bring back objects that are, indeed, behind the horizon. You have to cherry pick objects that are NOT behind the horizon and lie about them.


If you were to look at the map on the plane landing there is miles of land and buildings in the way blocking the landing thats beyond the horizon and out of visual range. The other pic shows no curve.

I suggest you study the laws of perspective before you continue to argue with me. I dont have time to keep schooling you over and over

LOL. But you CAN"T SEE THEM because they are behind the curve! You LITERALLY just admitted that those buildings are behind the curvature because we SHOULD see them and we don't. The horizon isn't jagged with buildings and trees sticking up... because the buildings and trees are ALSO below the horizon. Ie: behind the curvature.

Thank you for admitting the earth is a sphere.

Again, you need to do some basic research before entering this debate.
-our eyes can see only so far toward the horizon, its not curve, we know this by bringing ships and islands back into view after dropping off the horizon using zoom or telescopes. We know this.

NO Curve, no ball. I seen it with my own eyes. My eyes dont see around curves, sorry, your out to lunch.

Wake up! You just believe whatever you hear from big daddy. Question them, challenge them. When you do you will end up to flat Earth and. You believe things that you cannot verify, get out there and look at reality. Seriously look at reality, do some simple tests, its flat. Or just continue being deceived by your science gurus and priests. Wake up!

Tesla nailed it, he invented radio and AC electricity



Here is some Flat Earth 101 for you:

If you want to debate me further, you need to do some preliminary research first or Ill have to waste too much time explaining the basics which i have already done too many times with too many people. Everybody who takes the time to do thier homework becomes a flat earther, everybody.
