
I need to go find a video of that Turtle Goldberg machine....

thanks for this long rant of no new information what so ever. Have you ever thought maybe you have Stockholm syndrome? Because you know the government lies. You know actually all politicians lie. And you know the news we watch is bullshit propaganda made by corporations that are also part of the government a.k.a. the plutocracy we all know this anyone that has ever looked into it. So now you want to tell me in this one science of astronomy or whatever you want to call it in this one science we are getting total truth? I'm not clear do you trust NASA or not? Anyway I believe all the space programs are a lie as well as there flying telescopes and labs. But your right this doesn't prove the world is flat but you know what does? A FUCKING LEVEL YOU DEBUNK THE LEVEL AND TELL ME HOW THE FUCK IT WORKS ON A BALL AND GET BACK TO ME EVERYTHING IS FLAT FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN ON EARTH FROM ANY AIRPLANE AND FROM THE HIGHEST ALTITUDE BALLOONS AND ALL NASA HAS IS CGI. YOU ARE UNDER MIND CONTROL. Sorry for the caps I'm trying to break your spell. When you were a child and your brain was forming a teacher from the state run educational system told you you live on a ball and you still believe even though your eyes tell you different?

LOL. If you must use ridiculous psychological tactics, that is quite likely because you have no actual argument except "it looks flat, therefore it is!!!".

So, why don't we start with you defining the word level and explain how one works. I'll wait. Plus, I already addressed that here anyway.

But WHICH of the things you see tells you it's flat? Because horizon drop tells you it's a globe. So, are you taking ALL of what you see into account? Or just what you can see that you WANT to see and confirm your bias?

Because THIS says it's not flat. In fact, that the horizon always 'rises to eye level' is a Dubay MANTRA... however it's a lie. Horizon drops at an observable and measurable rate.


As do these planes landing say that it's a globe, as well as hundreds of other simple observations people have been making for 2000 years such that few people in the civilized world have believed the earth was flat since the 4th century.

So, if you choose to IGNORE the things you can see that you don't like, sure, then your senses say it's flat... because both a flat earth and a sphere the size of the earth are consistent with the flatness. But, If you want to figure out the shape of the earth correctly, you must take ALL information about the earth into account, not just the information that confirms your bias.

If people are going to continue to just believe whatever they hear from big agencies such as NASA, SpaceX, media, government etc, they are never going to wake up. We don't know for sure what the flat earth is, but we know that the ball earth is lie. So do your own research, use discernment and stop believing these big organizations. Knowledge is power and that's the last thing the elites want us to have. So lets wake up everybody and do your own research.

Weird that you didn't actually address the entire point of the post... that anyone can figure out the shape of the earth using their own observations. Humans figured out that the earth was round using simple observations over 2000 years ago, and all of the observations after that only strengthened us KNOWING for 100% sure that the earth is round. No NASA needed.

If you were to bother to take out a telescope, join an astronomy club, get outside and look around you, you'd actually see how we know it's round. It's you who should be 'doing your research'. In fact, I've actually done it for you, but you seem to have ignored it. In fact, you literally had to scroll down PAST the comments where I give many observational proofs of the ball, that are impossible on a flat earth, in order to post this comment!

ticket from the science police think ask an expert before posting again.jpg

It's a typical cult strategy of flat earthers to completely ignore everything that does not confirm their bias to accuse anyone who doesn't agree with them of being stupid and not having done their research, when it's DEFINITELY you who didn't even do your research by reading the comments on this page, for goodness sakes. And instead of commenting on, literally, the comment DIRECTLY ABOVE this one and having a DISCUSSION on the topic where I demolished the flat earth, you chose cult tactics to start a new thread that, basically, said nothing. Good job on repeating the cult tactics instead of thinking for yourself and providing evidence for a flat earth... but since you don't HAVE any evidence, well, we get cult tactics instead.

flat earth cult mentality.jpg

Sorry, the earth is round. Anyone can figure this out through simple observations.

Sorry, its flat. Stop believing whatever you hear. Use your brain and you own senses

You literally just confirmed what I said flat earthers always do.

I see no evidence of spinning balls in reality. Great claims require great evidence. However there are tons of flat earth proofs.. Fly a plane and look out the window. Watch amateur high altitude balloon footage. Use binoculars at the beach, you can find islands that should be below the curve and should not be visible. Earth curvature is suppose to be 8in per (mile)squares. Its simple guys, you can test it for yourself. STOP BELIEVING THE BS coming from people like this kerriknox.

LOL. You literally have to ignore thousands of observations to not see a spinning ball in reality. I've showed a dozen or so on my blog already and whenever I bring THOSE observations up, flat earthers ignore them and change the subject.

You are obviously not interested in reality. Good luck getting anyone except the marginally intelligent gullible cult minded to believe you. But the world will remain a spinning ball regardless of your belief system.

But hey, perhaps YOU will be the first flat earther to show your comprehensive model that explains and predicts all natural phenomenon we see in reality, including"

Moon phases
Meteor showers
Comet sightings
Venus and Mercury sightings and transits
Daylight hours

Without such a thing, you have an untestable hypothesis. So, please, let see this comprehensive predictive model. There is a very good reason you are unable to produce such a thing. It's because it's impossible to do so. You can't even produce a map.

(cut the evasion, avoidance, and cries of NASA LIES!!!!)

All that can be explained on both flat and ball earth models. I dont know what the truth is about reality, none of us do. But I do know the spinning ball is ludacris and yes NASA lies and so does government, corporations etc. People lie and thats why im not not going to buy into spinning balls with only hear-say as evidence. Big claims require big evidence. Sorry to break it you, telling you as it is. I know it hurts to acknowledge that everything you've been taught about reality is a lie.

funny , as im not the only one who see through your indoctrination ma'am

More cult tactics of declaring victory without having provided any such evidence. Exactly like good cult followers do! So, you're not going to provide us this comprehensive predictive model of the flat earth that explains and predicts observable reality? Why not? If the flat earth is reality and the globe is not, why is the globe able to explain and predict what the flat earth model can't? In fact, you declared not even HAVING a model, which means you have no testable hypothesis! Feel free to get back to me when you have a testable hypothesis. It would make a discussion so much easier than you simply declaring victory over and over.

flat earth cult mentality.jpg

i already adressed this , but you dont want this work fam lmao

no longer spamming my blog with nonsense? i will continue to debunk or your ideas anytime you come with it , the real way , unlike your dogma attitude and misinformation :)

Dont waste your breath, this guy does no research whatsever, he just keeps copy and pasting the same response. This type of ball earther just believes whatever he is told from media, government, elites and masons. One will never get to the truth if one just blindly believes the words of men. Theres no hope for this guy.

Weird, because I said absolutely nothing that was from the government. Everything that I write about is from my own experience that anyone can easily see and test for themselves.

It sounds like you are the one repeating the cult talking points when you say that I'm repeating things from the government, when I have not done so!!! Typical nonsense parroting when you have zero evidence to support your silly pancake but claim victory anyway.

evidence proof space pizza.jpg

You forgot to copy and paste your cult speel AGAIN!

There is TONS of evidence is easily available. Just to start here is some basic evidence that the earth is not a spinning ball:

airy's failure
bedford level experiment
sagnac experiment
lack of detectable curvature
thousands of cases of the faking of space by NASA, ESA and SpaceX
Amateur balloon footage
Horizon always rises to eye level, not possible on the ball
Observations - we experience the earth as flat, therefore the burden of proof falls on the ball, I dont need a model, I just need to disprove the ball.
No real pictures of the Earth from space

Research it. Not just the ball earth propaganda, both sides. Dont just believe it. Listen, test it and verify. Thats how you research it. Believing the words of men is not Proof, its just ideas, you need to verify them yourself. And when you do it leads to Flat Earth and there is no coming back. Thats why Flat earth has grown from a few thousand people to millions worldwide and growing everyday.

The truth of flat earth is accepted by ones that have an experience of a fixed plane.

A desire for reason dictates a single "boss," cognitively, for non-schizophrenics. If an incongruity arises there are a few ways to cope.

  1. Dominance- deny the unexpected occurred
  2. Compromise- fit it improperly into a current primary context
  3. Disruption- no response to data defying expectation
  4. Recognition- inappropriate expectations are discarded

Sense data from the perceptual field shows a fixed plane of earth. Because that defies expectation people will either:

  1. Deny the fixed plane data because it doesn't fit a globe model
  2. The data can fit both models but a compromise is made so that only the globe model is accepted
  3. Gross failure to organize the incongruity of fixed plane data in perception with a viewing condition of the globe model
  4. Recognize the data doesn't fit a globe model, discard the globe model

Refer to Gregory Bateson's work on schizophrenia and Jerome Bruner and Leo Postman's work on incongruity. And refer to "The Earth is flat when personally significant experiences with the sphericity of the Earth are absent" by Claus-Christian Carbon, Cognition 116 (1):130-135 (2010).