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RE: 1

in #flatearth7 years ago

More cult tactics of declaring victory without having provided any such evidence. Exactly like good cult followers do! So, you're not going to provide us this comprehensive predictive model of the flat earth that explains and predicts observable reality? Why not? If the flat earth is reality and the globe is not, why is the globe able to explain and predict what the flat earth model can't? In fact, you declared not even HAVING a model, which means you have no testable hypothesis! Feel free to get back to me when you have a testable hypothesis. It would make a discussion so much easier than you simply declaring victory over and over.

flat earth cult mentality.jpg


i already adressed this , but you dont want this work fam lmao

no longer spamming my blog with nonsense? i will continue to debunk or your ideas anytime you come with it , the real way , unlike your dogma attitude and misinformation :)

Dont waste your breath, this guy does no research whatsever, he just keeps copy and pasting the same response. This type of ball earther just believes whatever he is told from media, government, elites and masons. One will never get to the truth if one just blindly believes the words of men. Theres no hope for this guy.

Weird, because I said absolutely nothing that was from the government. Everything that I write about is from my own experience that anyone can easily see and test for themselves.

It sounds like you are the one repeating the cult talking points when you say that I'm repeating things from the government, when I have not done so!!! Typical nonsense parroting when you have zero evidence to support your silly pancake but claim victory anyway.

evidence proof space pizza.jpg

You forgot to copy and paste your cult speel AGAIN!

There is TONS of evidence is easily available. Just to start here is some basic evidence that the earth is not a spinning ball:

airy's failure
bedford level experiment
sagnac experiment
lack of detectable curvature
thousands of cases of the faking of space by NASA, ESA and SpaceX
Amateur balloon footage
Horizon always rises to eye level, not possible on the ball
Observations - we experience the earth as flat, therefore the burden of proof falls on the ball, I dont need a model, I just need to disprove the ball.
No real pictures of the Earth from space

Research it. Not just the ball earth propaganda, both sides. Dont just believe it. Listen, test it and verify. Thats how you research it. Believing the words of men is not Proof, its just ideas, you need to verify them yourself. And when you do it leads to Flat Earth and there is no coming back. Thats why Flat earth has grown from a few thousand people to millions worldwide and growing everyday.

LOL. You say that I copy and paste when I dont'... then you copy and paste!

I already told you that I've obviously researched it more than you since you believe in something hat can't even explain... well, ANYTHING we see in reality.

I also told you that I used nothing from government, just easy observations. But you continue to parrot the cult beliefs and cut and paste completely debunked nonsense like Bedford Level (Rowbotham LOST !!!) You parrot so much that you didn't even know that Rowbotham LOST at Bedford !!! HE LOST and you use that as evidence of a flat earth because a youtube video said so!!!


Since you have all of the answers, you should be able to show your model that explains and predicts everything that IS already explained and predicted precisely by the globe model.

Maybe it's just 'magic' that the globe model can predict everything with complete accuracy... like the lunar eclipse the other night.

I'll wait for this comprehensive predictive model. Let me know.

Holy smokes man, are you not even reading what i write. I dont have all the the answers nor my own model. But I know the spinning ball doesnt exist because of the evidence I mentioned above, for a start. I can go on and on with countless more proofs. I can see with my own eyes cities and islands that should be below the curve. Does your globe model predict that? I suppose your gonna tell that my vision curves with the ball. Hahahah

Sorry man, if you still dont get it, you probably never will. Enjoy the spinning, turning and flying through space in your head. But unfortunately it is absolutely ludacris in reality.