@knozaki2015 As with everything that the Corp-ocracies of the World sells to us, the consumers of the World, Almond Milk (at least in America) has very little Almonds. I am no expert but I read a story about this. Almond Milk is mostly fillers, no almonds. And it has that bad stuff made from sea-weed, Carrageenan. We are Doomed. EARTH II will be a smarter and better place in the future. Save all DNA/RNA, save all that is not modified for the Next Gen. on the Next Planet. We ruined this one irreparably.
I use a almond milk too, but I don't know if there is a problem with that too.. I have to ask kirsten ...
@knozaki2015 As with everything that the Corp-ocracies of the World sells to us, the consumers of the World, Almond Milk (at least in America) has very little Almonds. I am no expert but I read a story about this. Almond Milk is mostly fillers, no almonds. And it has that bad stuff made from sea-weed, Carrageenan. We are Doomed. EARTH II will be a smarter and better place in the future. Save all DNA/RNA, save all that is not modified for the Next Gen. on the Next Planet. We ruined this one irreparably.
sorry mistake. not almond i use coconut milk