Stay away from soy products !!!

in #food8 years ago (edited)

How harmful is soy?  

I have written this article to bring attention to the growing market of soy products . This article makes no claim to completeness but is instead intended to give an overview how unhealthy soy is. Numerous studies have been published in the past showing how unhealthily soy is.

Soy products developed in America are not traditionally fermented and should therefore not be seen as healty food . They mostly originate from waste of the American Soybean oil production industry and offer tremendous opportunities for food technology, but not for our health . These "modern" un-fermented products are produced by intense heat and pressure, adding chemical additives, strong acids and strong alkaline substances using extrusions and other methods. However, such technological wonders have their drawbacks.

These modern waste products may contain harmful substances such as nitrosamines ( formed from nitrate, by acids in combination with high temperatures during production: carcinogenic), Lysinoalanine ( Crosslink between the protein lysine and alkaline substances: kidney failure ), heterocyclic amino acids (high temperature -Extrusion and pyrolise (break andsplit by heat): carcinogenic), Excitoxine (glutamate and aspartate are formed by hydrolyzing soy proteins: bad for the brain), chloropropanols, for example, 3-MCPD and 1,3- DCP ( incurred in alkaline hydrolyzing: liver cancer ), furanones (by boiling with high temperatures: mutagen) and residues of toxic materials during production, for example hexane and other solvents such as acetone, benzene, chloroform. These soy products are junkfood !

My advice: Tempeh – Tempeh is a fermented soy product . This is the natural version .


The raw soybeans comes mainly from the US, Argentina and Brazil . These countries mostly use gen modified soybeans. The company Monsanto (from the United States) alone is growing gen modified Soybeans on more than 20 million hectares.

The American " Food and Drug Administration " has classified Soy as a poisonous plant.

Soy might contain: 

Phytic acid is needed to grow plants. Absorbed minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc / intestines are bound in the stomach and not made available to the body after ingestion of soy. Your body might create a deficiency of these minerals. Other legumes contain phytic acid,but in smaller amounts than in soy. 

Goitrogens is exclusively present in plant foods. Your thyroid metabolism is slowed. 

Phytoestrogens in high doses, breast cancer, thyroid and an under active thyroid can be promoted. Japanese researchers found in a study that the daily consumption of 30g of soy beans over a period of only 90 days might leads to an under active thyroid and a hypertrophy (enlargement).

Hemagglutinin Soy contains hemagglutinin. Hemagglutinin is a growth inhibitor and coagulation-promoting substance which causes the red blood cells to agglutinate.

Soy protein isolate contains toxins. 

Aluminium Soy products contain elevated levels of aluminum

If you still want to enjoy soy products, only use fermented soy for example miso, natto, tempeh and tamari. Traditionally fermented soy products have many advantages. Protein inhibitors slow down the production of peptidases and Trypsins. Fermentation disables the protein inhibitors. Fermentation reduced phytates. Fermentation also increases the amount of vitamin B, vitamin K, and antioxidants in soy.

Picture: Fermented Tamari Sauce – the best soy sauce   

Tamari Soja fermentiert

Picture: Tempeh Snack with Tamari (fermented Soy Sauce) and Avocadocremé  

Tempeh Snack mit Avocado

Conclusion: Stop consuming soy products!  

If want to enjoy soyprodcuts try to only consume small amounts . A block ( 250 g ) of tofu per day is too much . Get rid of soymilk, soy yogurt, etc. There are other great dairy alternatives . And do not buy vegan "meat substitutes" . These "foods" are so highly processed and therefore no longer healthy.


I will write about the healthiest food in my next article. Stay in good health !

Please follow me @allesgruen

Original German Article 

Written by @allesgruen & translated by @knozaki2015
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It is nice to see more awareness about soy, it is really sad what kind of things end up in our food.

well the problem is, they hide everything under labels. best is to cook yourself. avoid processed food, pizza etc.

Yes, I know about the dangers of soy products. And more dangerous for men!

I didn't know it was this bad. I eat a lot Natto and some tofu. but not too much. most of it is Bio but who know if this Monsato stuff is not anywhere already...

If you love soy products, go for the certified organic ones, I myself have special interest in Bio-non GMO - organic stuffs too. Just so you know, corn is also dangerous, around 85% corn products contain GMO :( mosanto is really scary @knozaki2015

the problem is, I dont' trust that bio/organic products are really safe.. you never know where the seeds come from ;)...

I need to check, but I think here in Asia I am doomed.. probably they are all importing from the US..

Yes, You have to be really careful in Asia, I consider Europe, especially Germany a safe place for food products due to its strict regulations. I believe in certified products with certified symbols, but my husband said that they are troll anyway :( so sad

Soy contains, if I remember, 6 !!! female hormones!

that must be the reason I am so ☢

I love soymilk, could never give it up. maybe its why I cry during every movie. Any movie.

thanks for the information

please follow the author

ok let's write

he is already preparing his next post

Thanks, I will always try to succeed and attract all audiences

Didn't know that soy was so harmful, it mostly talks of US or EU is also affected by it?!

I think that US is the biggest problem. but EU might be affected too

Poor japan and the far east.
Doomed. They are doomed.

In Japan you don't eat 250g Tofu per day.
Usually you have some tofu in your Miso Soup, than a little bit tofu with your dinner or breakfast. But you have more fermented products in Japan.

But everybody eating only tofu has to change their habits, as always the amount you consume makes the difference

I See
No Soy Milk Then

I use a almond milk too, but I don't know if there is a problem with that too.. I have to ask kirsten ...

@knozaki2015 As with everything that the Corp-ocracies of the World sells to us, the consumers of the World, Almond Milk (at least in America) has very little Almonds. I am no expert but I read a story about this. Almond Milk is mostly fillers, no almonds. And it has that bad stuff made from sea-weed, Carrageenan. We are Doomed. EARTH II will be a smarter and better place in the future. Save all DNA/RNA, save all that is not modified for the Next Gen. on the Next Planet. We ruined this one irreparably.

sorry mistake. not almond i use coconut milk

I have always avoid products with "soy" in the title. But with this new information, reading content labels is even more important. I will be more diligent to avoid soy products in the future.

Thanks for this post,

Steem on,

Well, these days it is almost impossible to eat 100% healthy. You can just not control how the food is processed or where the ingredients are really coming from.

I am not exclusively eating organic, but I am trying 70% organic and 30% normal food, as through my travel it is in many countries impossible to get organic food.

Tempeh is commonly consumed in Malaysia and Indonesia. I have also enjoyed soya bean drinks and now I will stay away from it.

yeah, I had a soy drink phase, but i have stopped that..

Soy - treat yourself to a pair of Moobs whilst you degenerate.

You mean soy sauce is also bad too?

sure. soysauce has a lot of salt, you shouldn't use too much of it

tamari is ok though as it is fermented

Not a fan of tempeh but the fact that you wrote about soy as a fermented product - being ok - gives hope.
I stopped eating tofu and using soya sauce back then .
I miss it every now and then but it's hard to score a 100% non gmo soya product .
@allesgruen ... upvoted! love this post! @knozaki2015 - are you back on doing it?

it depends where you live. in europe you can get organic tofu, which you can buy

I still eat tofu and other stuff, but i don't eat soy so regulary. just miso soup and tofu and natto.

@knozaki - live in the Netherlands and yes there's organic tofu but scared of buying eventhough

well, if you don't eat too much you will be fine . don't live in fear !

another aspect to soy is that over 90 percent of the us soy crop is now roundup ready Genetically modified

yes, in the us food is a real real problem

i own a farm and only use organic foods as do all my employees

wow. did you write a post about your farm?

The only place I consume soy is in those Protein Naked Juice drinks. I guest I'll have to change my ways! :-/

yes I think these are not good for you :(

brilliant! finally, the truth about soy. the only soy product i find is of value is natto, a fermented soy product, which is among the only vegan sources of vitamin K2. i am not vegan but have friends who are. they need strong bones too. in my opinion soy should never, ever be fed to children.