I didn't know it was this bad. I eat a lot Natto and some tofu. but not too much. most of it is Bio but who know if this Monsato stuff is not anywhere already...
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I didn't know it was this bad. I eat a lot Natto and some tofu. but not too much. most of it is Bio but who know if this Monsato stuff is not anywhere already...
If you love soy products, go for the certified organic ones, I myself have special interest in Bio-non GMO - organic stuffs too. Just so you know, corn is also dangerous, around 85% corn products contain GMO :( mosanto is really scary @knozaki2015
the problem is, I dont' trust that bio/organic products are really safe.. you never know where the seeds come from ;)...
I need to check, but I think here in Asia I am doomed.. probably they are all importing from the US..
Yes, You have to be really careful in Asia, I consider Europe, especially Germany a safe place for food products due to its strict regulations. I believe in certified products with certified symbols, but my husband said that they are troll anyway :( so sad
Soy contains, if I remember, 6 !!! female hormones!
that must be the reason I am so ☢
I love soymilk, could never give it up. maybe its why I cry during every movie. Any movie.