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RE: Chicken with honey pear and cinnamon

in #food6 years ago

Firm note to self: NEVER watch food videos or read food posts when one is hungry and there's not much in the fridge. LOL. Or maybe that's WHY I watch and read them??

Really NICE step by step. Do you think it would work with a firmer Asian style pear? I live in Northern Thailand where we don't get the soft western ones very often (almost never). But I can imagine the flavour combination and am intrigued to try

A person who cooks with real saffron? be still my beating heart!! :)

Much enjoyed, much salivating. Following you from Chiang Mai.


Thank you for your comment :-)
If the pear is hard, cook it longer. You can check the readiness with a knife or spoon. The pear should become soft almost like a ripe mango ))

OK!! now ripe mangoes I understand. LOL.... On it.