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RE: Food in Beijing Series #1: PIZZA at Tube Station

in #food7 years ago

i need to add something, rush hours is usually 7.30am-9am and 5-7pm, traffic can be bad in beijing so taking the subway is highly recommended. I usually use baidu maps to go to anywhere, (if you can read a bit of chinese it will be a plus)


i have checked the beijinger already and i am gonna check your post right now! Sadly i don't know chinese not a even a bit only english and my native language of course so i don't have high hopes in communication. Others told me too that chinese don't speak english but that's not an issue we will find a way!

2 more questions (sorry for the too many questions :P ). the first one is what about the weather? i know it's winter but i don't know how exactly you winter is , i have read some articles but your opinion would be more vulnerable i think. do you have often rains, just cold? the cold needs coat and heavy jackets or it is not that strong

and the last questions is about people. is there any do and dont's between natives and tourists ( you know that can be ideas for future posts, i have 16 days till i live so if you make new posts i can read and get my answers from there instead of asking you and annoy you :P

It doesn't rain in beijing during winter, just cold and dry(from what i know, no snow)
You can check out the forum in the beijinger and( to hire a guide/interpreter of your language if you want. there are lots foreign students in beijing so if you need one don't feel shy to ask in the forum or i can spread the news among the international students too.
another tip, if you download the premium version of Pleco(app store or google play), you can access the character recognition function by using your phone camera and it can help you to translate. this app is useful if you need to translate menu, signs and ect.
Thanks for the inspiration, next post will be very soon =)

thanks a lot for your information! i have already booked for some day tours so i don't need other guides i think. the days which we gonna be solo i think it would be better just to randomly explore the town and if we are lucky meet new people! i am too optimist right? :P

sure, just explore around! btw, i posted something on Uber not being in Beijing, u can check it out =)

haha i have already checked it and wrote a comment there too which you replied back :P

hahahaha... this is This is what happens when i get really busy... currently visiting international schools and schools around my area, telling them about China

haha it's ok! what you are doing is really amazing promoting your country to international students there!