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RE: The Healthy Ice Cream Files

in #food7 years ago

Gah! What is with the propylene glycol! We were offered an alcohol creamer the other day and discovered that magical ingredient hiding in there - pass, thanks! So many people just skip reading the ingredients list.

Ha ha! Keep those triceps irritation free! One of my cousins scooped ice cream for a summer job and her right forearm had significantly more muscle tone than her left by the end of the season.

Did math lessons look a little like, if mom makes 2 quarts of ice cream and eats 2 cups when no one is looking, how much ice cream will be left after dinner for the rest of the family? Ha ha!



LOL! It's the flavoring additive of choice it seems, I can't believe how many products PG is in!

Oh man! Ice cream scooping for a summer job is definitely the way to sculpt and tone one's arms, lol! Your poor cuz!

Also, I like the way that you envision math lessons. Right now I am thinking about this equation: If there is 1 quart of ice cream left and mom gets a hold of it, what is the probability that any ice cream will be left for anyone after dinner? HA HA!