The Healthy Ice Cream Files

in #food7 years ago

A Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free Resounding Recipe Success!!

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I did it! I finally crafted a dairy-free, sugar-free, "healthy" ice cream that tastes magnificent! The ice cream maker that I recently purchased was most definitely the missing link, for what I concocted in my messilicious kitchen only achieved creamy, non-ice crystal greatness due to the addition of that machine.

But enough waxing magnanimous about my frozen treat deliciousness achievement, on to the recipe and method! I really can't wait to share this particular experiment with you all because it actually worked, it's fairly easy to prepare, and it tastes oh so very good!


To start with I walked back to my pantry and grabbed a couple of cans of coconut milk. I always keep a few cans of coconut milk in my larder, because I really enjoy whipped coconut cream. Like a lot. It probably could be said that I have been observed with a coconut cream mustache more than a few times. What can I say, I raise pigs, so occasionally I emulate them in my food consumption.

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Some other ingredients joined the healthy ice cream pool. Unsweetened baking cocoa was one addition.


The sweetener section of the ice cream recipe was populated by Trim Healthy Mama Gentle Sweet and Super Sweet. Both of the products combine together to give homemade treats a perfect amount of sweetness with no aftertaste. For more information about these alternative sweetners, click here and here.

Transparency disclaimer: I don't do affiliate links of any sort, mainly because I am somewhat of a librarian most of the week and just love to share information with people so they can do their own learning and exploring. So any link offered in any of my posts is shared for informational purposes only cause I like ya'll!



Vanilla and salt were added because seasoning is scintillating!


Blending time! Look at the rich chocolate patina my ice cream batter be showin! Lish to the D! Ugh, I think I need to not listen to a classic hip hop mix from the eighties while I type my posts, I'm trippin.

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So, after a bit of ingredient combining, I had my lovely daughter retrieve my frozen colder than an abandoned phone book on a Greenland sidewalk, freezer bowl that goes into the ice cream maker. She sang a little song in Inuit about the glorious coldness of the vessel. Okay, she yodeled a bit that her hands were cold since she had to pack it sooo far from the freezer in our storage room to our house. Homemade ice cream is not for the weak.



After turning on my favorite new appliance, I carefully scraped my chilled batter into the churning frozen treat creating apparatus. I must report that I got it all into the freezer bowl, and that is saying something. I usually end up spilling and/or wearing half of anything I try to transfer from one vessel to another.


Exactly 22 minutes later I was blessed with this magnificent looking chocolate soft serve. I scraped it into a bowl, and I am going to say that this recipe made a little over a quart. There was less than a quart left when I put it into the freezer to firm up a bit more. What can I say, the stuff tasted good and there were a whole bunch of spoons lying around. I couldn't help myself. It was a quality control thing. I really, really tested the tastiness of this particular recipe for you all...


Phew, I am at the end of this write up, and that's a good thing cause I am going to go eat more of that deliciousness and you should, if you have an ice cream maker, go make a batch of this delectable ice cream. It is quite literally one of the best healthy things that I have ever come up with!!

Chocolate Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free Ice Cream

2 cans coconut milk (my cans were 14 ounces each)
2/3 cup unsweetened baking cocoa
3 Tablespoons Gentle Sweet blend (xylitol, erythritol, and stevia)
1 Tablespoon Super Sweet blend or Truvia (erythritol and stevia)
Pinch of sea salt
1 teaspoon vanilla

Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until well combined. Taste to see if sweetness level is acceptable to your palate. Chill ice cream batter for at least a couple of hours. I made my ice cream mix the night before and left it in the refrigerator until I was ready to churn it!

Churn batter in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions. It took exactly 22 minutes of churning to achieve a perfectly creamy batch of ice cream.

Eat immediately if you are craving soft serve, or freeze for a couple of hours until firm. I always let my homemade ice cream rest on the kitchen counter for about fifteen minutes before I eat it if I haven't added glycerin to it. I'll do a whole post about ice cream storage and consistency at a later date.

Scoop into a bowl and enjoy!


And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's ice cream picture fatigued iPhone.

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After reading this , I think it’s time to invest in an ice cream maker . In my house , everyone has ice cream on a daily basis and since my mom is diabetic , this is perfect

I can't wait to read your imminent ice cream posts:o)! Or at least hear tales of your mother's homemade ice cream happiness!

Dairy free ice cream. Did I actually type those words? Just let me wipe my tears of sorrow before I continue commenting.

Ok, I'm a little better now. Not really. I'll suck it up any way.

Congrats on achieving your healthy ice cream goal. It was cruel of God to give us the gift of delicious ice cream without making sure everyone had the proper digestive strength to handle it. Now you can enjoy frozen treats and that does make me happy. Nobody should be denied the awesomeness of ice cream.

Now that I've come to grips with the dairy free nature of this post, let's move on to my next concern. Classic 80's hip hop mix. Oh boy. Get yourself some rock and roll kat!

Ha ha! Chops, don't fret, someday I'll make you some over the top dairy ice cream to sooth your sads, lol! I'll even put a cow pie on top! How's that for bovine divine? Yay!

Sorry, I am battling what I think might be the onset of the flu. I keep telling myself that it is a bout of food poisoning. Denial is a thing! Although, I must apologize a lot for being goofier than normal....

Oh! And never fear, I was raised on a regimen of classic rock and country! The hip hop happened cause I was in a nostalgic mood and selected an 80's station on my app. I played some Deep Purple, Dire Straits, and an assortment of face melting riffmasters after that:o)!

Deep Purple and Dire Straits. Now you're talking.

Hope you are feeling better.

I've been delinquent on my commenting lately, but am finally catching up, a little. ("Hurry up, so we can be the first to fall behind again...")

And as for the ice cream's something I better get out and buy for myself real soon. I would love to make ice cream that is at LEAST not bad for me, and if it can be GOOD for me, YOWWZAA! I'm in trouble now ( :

I like your quality control thing there...I'm glad you full-on tested it to the max. Though, surprised there was actually any left for the freezer. I should say no more, gives too much of me and my bad habits away to the big old world out there. Lets just say I'd like to have a nickel for all the bowls I've had over the years. Or more accurately, those Wild Wild West nights of the 1/2 gallon. wink
Thanks for developing this, and showing us the confectionary how-to. You be de best.
Well, enough voco-ambling on for now, I gotta go jump on the bike. Keep on trippin in the kitchen to the 80's...H.S.

LOL! Oh dd, I think you captured the motto of my existence: "Hurry up, so we can be the first to fall behind again... I'm always half a step behind a rolling radish.

I must say that keeping up with Steemland creating and commentary is sometimes a struggle, so I hope that you don't ever feel delinquent at all, for I am always happy when a HS comment pops up, no matter what time it appears😊

Wow, I honestly have no ability to construct anything wordly that makes any sense right now. There is an orange cat massacring my big toe and I am feeling strangely flu-like, so of course I am going to go finish teaching school and head to the 'brare. Hmm...wonder if I will make it through the day.

Oh, I wandered off there, just typing as I think right now. Pause. Sorry, had to listen to an oral narration of son of GK's reading assignment, and I'm back!

Well, I am truly happy you liked the quality control segment of that night's post, The thought of you eating a half a gallon of ice cream on Wild Wild West night brings a smile to this Kat's face, I would totally make you a 1/2 gallon of healthy ice cream for movie night enjoyment! Later my friend!

Oh yes! The ice cream files return! This looks and sounds delicious. The ice cream machine is key isn't it? I recall the hubs and I trying to make a dairy free ice cream once without an ice cream machine and we had to keep setting a timer to return to the freezer to give the mixture a stir several times. There is something about working in air for maximum fluffiness. Neddless to say, while we enjoyed said frozen treat, we haven't made it ever again. One day an ice cream maker will need to be purchased.

Ps. Will we be seeing flavour experimentation? Perhaps, mocha or orangcicle?


Oh yes, the experimentation has just begun! I am in the process of ordering a bunch of non propylene glycol containing extracts, so who knows which flavor town we will end up in, lol! And you are so right about the churning being the key to non dairy ice cream, no ice crystals or irritated triceps here, I taught math while I waited for the ice cream to churn, it was perfect!!!

Hope you get that churn soon!

And I am really going to have a hard time deciding between making mocha or orangsicle first....hmm...

Gah! What is with the propylene glycol! We were offered an alcohol creamer the other day and discovered that magical ingredient hiding in there - pass, thanks! So many people just skip reading the ingredients list.

Ha ha! Keep those triceps irritation free! One of my cousins scooped ice cream for a summer job and her right forearm had significantly more muscle tone than her left by the end of the season.

Did math lessons look a little like, if mom makes 2 quarts of ice cream and eats 2 cups when no one is looking, how much ice cream will be left after dinner for the rest of the family? Ha ha!


LOL! It's the flavoring additive of choice it seems, I can't believe how many products PG is in!

Oh man! Ice cream scooping for a summer job is definitely the way to sculpt and tone one's arms, lol! Your poor cuz!

Also, I like the way that you envision math lessons. Right now I am thinking about this equation: If there is 1 quart of ice cream left and mom gets a hold of it, what is the probability that any ice cream will be left for anyone after dinner? HA HA!

new #makeithealthy project! I hope your new Cuisinart is the industrial strength version, that can run 24/7, because when word gets out what you're making there at your house, folks are going to be visiting a lot more. Especially all the neighbor kids in the summer. I hope you get a discount on coconut milk by the pallet! ; )That looks good! This should go in @woman-onthe-wing's

LOL! That poor machine is going to most definitely get a work out!

Bulk coconut milk is probably going to have to be a thing, maybe I can get it in a fifty gallon drum!😆

Thanks hh! On a more serious note, there are just so many folks out there that can't or shouldn't eat traditionally made treats, and it's kind of fun to experiment looking for tasty alternatives. It's also nice to succeed once in a while:)!

how much time it would take!
that really great ice cream i like it!
it suger free i will make it home!
thank you!

It takes less than five minutes to blend the ice cream mix, and about twenty minutes for the machine to to churn it! Quick dessert!

so that great it toom only 30 mint to be ready thank you are awesome!

This is a good healthy recipe
I will be trying this out

Thank you @ategun! I hope you like it as much as I did!

Wow! your recipe is healthier recipe. I seem all may take it without any tension of any illness. I like your recipe and I will try it. Thanks @generikat. How are your pets?

Thank you @akilasultana373! I do so hope you get to try it.

The pets are doing great, I have a cat trying to eat my toes as I type this reply and my dog is sprawled next to the wood stove, lol! Hope you are having a great night!

My husband came equipped with an ancient ice cream maker when we got married, and that was QUITE some time ago. I am not sure why I have kept it all these years, considering I only recall us using it once. By now it probably has broken parts. I don't even remember if it is electric. All of which is to say I like the idea of a new one!!!

Wow! My husband didn't come with an ice cream making accessory! You are so lucky! LOL!

You should totally get yourself a new ice cream maker, summer is coming and since you are going to be taking it easier than previous years, I can most definitely envision you chilling on the porch with some healthy ice cream, taking in a sunset or two.

Wow! It's really healthy, Creamy dreamy and wonderful chocolate icecream. This is a really best formula and really delicious icecream recipe. This is the really good and perfect in sweet, frozen treats for those who are allergic or intolerant to dairy and sugar.
I shudder thinking what life would be like without icecream. But now we no need to worry about this.
I really like your idea and processes for making this wonderful icecream.
I really appreciate your article.
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful recipe.

Ooh! A life without ice cream is a prospect too terrifying to consider!

Thank you so much for all of your kind words😊 It is comments like yours that keep me experimenting and posting the results, even if they aren't so great all the time. Hope you are having a fantastic day!

Omg just what I need @generikat Thank you!! I can’t eat dairy for the life of me anymore. So this puts a smile on my face!! :)

Oooh! I am so glad that you have a healthy ice cream caused smile, lol! That is a great thing!

I still eat some dairy, but honestly feel much better when I don't, so there shall be many more dairy free treat experimentation posts!

Thanks @bitdollar, I always enjoy it when you stop by😊

I’ll be watching for those!

Loved this...

I am so glad that you have a healthy ice cream caused smile.

Lol!! Always love stopping by... :)

This sounds and looks delicious! as someone who is fascinated with, and concerned by nutrition, this ice cream is definitely added to my list of recipies that i must try. Who says eating healthily can’t be yummy!

If you come across any more recipies, please share!

Who says eating healthily can’t be yummy!

I totally agree with this statement 100%!!! Over the last few years I have discovered and learned so many different ways to enjoy food in a healthier way! Hope you enjoy the ice cream, and thank you so much for the kind words!

I think I just broke my diet just by looking at your pictures....

Ah, this ice cream is low carb, you can indulge! LOL, but thank you though:o)!

LOL but on a serious note, I think I might have to get an ice cream maker and try this recipe one day. My mum looooooooves ice cream but obviously, sugar is not so good for her. I might just surprise her with this on her birthday ;) Thanks :)

Oh wow! That is an awesome gift idea! It really is easy to whip up treats that don't exasperate health issues with an ice cream maker! I still can't believe how yummy the ice cream turned out, and I hope your mom enjoys it if you get it for her, that is so sweet of you:o)!

Thanks. I can guarantee you she will enjoy it LOL

Haha. Same thinking,

i may give it a try. nice work keep it going

Thank you! I sure hope you do, this recipe is a keeper!

Hello friends .. What a delight and very healthy .. I am a lover of the coconut .. I already crave .. greetings from venezuela

Coconut is simply one of the best foods ever! Thank you for the kind greetings and hello from Idaho!

Yummy post. I love Ice Cream all the year. Even its winter or summer. Dosen't matter.,
And I fall in love with your recipi. Hope try it. And thanks for sharing these yummy osts.,

Thanks @usman93! We eat ice cream all year too:o)! Hope you get to try the recipe, it's pretty yummy!

I hear you! The cook always has to sample the product!

whole bunch of spoons lying around. I couldn't help myself. It was a quality control thing.

I totally get the quality control - somebody has to protect the family, lol.

This may be the simplest ice cream recipe I have ever seen - no wonder it is so tasty!